Justin Bieber NRJ Awards Red Carpet in Cannes, France 2011
The HAIR!! He still looks cute but the hair is so not working for me. Vanessa Price!
Much more pics of Justin at the NRJ Awards red carpet here.
Justin Bieber NRJ Awards Red Carpet in Cannes, France 2011
The HAIR!! He still looks cute but the hair is so not working for me. Vanessa Price!
Much more pics of Justin at the NRJ Awards red carpet here.
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well i think he looks SUPER HOT with that hair, he looks good with every hairstyle LOVE HIM!!!!
He is HOT but i like his other one better
hr looks cute! i honestly like the hair…
i think that hairstyle looks weird on him. i think he looks alot better with bangs!! but he still looks very cute
UGLY as Hell! go die bieber
u go die hater!! .l.
if you hate him then why are you on this website????? you obviously love him so much that you have to look at this…
Um, Does his jacket say ‘WOW’ or ‘MOM’?!?!
hahahah! it says M C M 🙂 im pretty sure! but you have a good eye!!
his jacket is hideous, wtf is he wearing. i want the old justin back, the one that had actual fashion sense.
I agree girl.
his hair is so cute but his jacket? i don’t get it
Daisy have you lost sight in one eye and can’t see out the other? Justin’s hair was wonderful. I loved it. Made him look older and dashing. Get a grip gir1.
He is kind of cute and kind of ugly
I liked his entire look. The hair and the jacket were spot on! He loved great!
I wanted to say: “He looked great.”
omb!! hes soo hot & cute AF!! LOVE U JUSTIN!!! <3<3
any hairstyle will do..he looks great!!
looking good in 3rd pic
you can thumbs down my comment all you want, im just being honest here im not loving his new look. 🙁 he looked WAY hotter with his natural hair color & his hair spiked up. now that was super hot. but im still a belieber, & he looks great. & ill support him with whatever look he wants go for. afterall he is young, hes just trying out new things. (: but from what ive heard he did this, for his new movie & hes going back to his original color. i hope thats the truth, i dont like his hair dark. #nohate
i love justin bieber, but his hair is just plain DISCUSTING. it looks terrible. his hair was WAY better golden & spiked up, he just looks really bad with this hair & his outfit is horrible too. THUMBS DOWN MY COMMENT ALL U WANT ! IM NOT A HATER IM A BELIEBER, JUST CUZ IM SAYING MY HONEST OPINION DOES NOT MEAN IM A HATER. i dont like this new bieber. i want the golden spiked up hair & amazing dolce & gobanna suits back, not this hideous fashion sense & awful hair, im sorry justin i love you & i am really a fan, but honestly this look isnt working for you. 🙁 <3
his hair is discusting, it looks greasy. how gross. ew. it looks like he hasnt taken a shower for years, & that color does not match him. he looks terrible, sorry biebs this look isnt working for you.. im a belieber & i love you but stick with golden hair & nice suits. this outfit ur wearing is ugly like your hair. please come back old & real justin bieber. 🙁 this isnt you, change is good, but this is just too far, it does not suit you. your hair is ur trademark well now it seems like its not, your hair is now worthless.
one word … WTF !
wtf is his hair ..
wtf is he wearing ..
someone go get the real justin back this is so not him. o_O i want Justin Drew Bieber, back.
wtf is he wearing, this is the most ugliest outfit ive ever seen in my life. he could do so much better. & as for his hair, its w.e. but his hair looked better at 16, the original justin bieber hair, the golden hair that was long with the hair flip.
im a tue belieber and i say he looks great <3
i love justin and i think he looks amazing, its just i dont like his jacket and his hair looks like it needs to be cut. i wish he had that spikey hair he had before.
this look does not suit him. I preffered his old look way more with the jumpers. I hate his earrings and his flat caps and sunnies and beanies 🙁 he’s trying to be all gangsta. #wewanttheoldjustindrewbieber
i don’t like “THE HAIR” -______-
Me nether when i see it it makes me want to cry i miss the fliky hair.