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Justin Bieber both legs up lying on pool table! #stillkidrauhl

Justin Bieber 2 legs up while playing pool

Justin Bieber 2 legs up while playing pool

Ahahahaha This picture of JB is so funny! You’re not allowed to lift both legs up and lie on the table when playing pool. I’m sure one leg has to be on the ground. #stillkidrauhl

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  • anonymous

    we already kno he doenst follow rules 🙂 why does his hair look so light besides the fact tht the light is shining on his head

  • gabb

    he dont look like justin :/

  • Monica

    that aint justin wheres justin’s jesus tattoo and this guy has some thick calves justin is thin LOL

    • TrueBieber Babe

      I is a earlier photo taken before the tatoo and hair color change. These blogs often pick photos of things that have happen in the past. The post are not all in a sequential timeline.

  • yeah i don’t think that’s justin either. His arms are to big and this guy has a bubble ass, justin ass is flat. lol

  • Tyler

    Plus his arms are like fatty looking , not muscular like Justins . Wrong pic guys.

  • Luigi Severus Fletcher-Bieber (Snape)

    He’s got little fat legs!

    • Parker

      yeah the leg is fat

      • Luigi Severus Fletcher-Bieber (Snape)

        I wanna smack them.

        • Luigi Severus Fletcher-Bieber (Snape)

          HARD VERY HARD!


  • katie

    i thought this was chaz when i first saw it #OMB

  • Yeahah, i dont think It’s bieber either

  • Katelyn

    AHAHAHA Justin is so funny!!! you gotta love him

  • oh my gouch justin looks so hot when his legs r up in the air

  • Miriah Skelton

    I’ve actually done this before! Haha LOL!:D