This is a weird one but follow closely cuz this is an OMG MOMENT!

“Justin Biber and Selena Gomez let us ride down with them in the secret celeb elevator in Mastros Steakhouse.”
Richard Reid, the guy in grey, is a reporter. He ran into Justin and Selena at Mastros Steakhouse in Los Angeles yesterday night (Sat Feb 25, 2012). Mastros has a special elevators they use for celebrities and Richard and his friend ended up taking the same elevator with Jelena going into Mastros.
But that’s not the juicy part. It all starts once Richard sat down and realized that Jelena was sitting next to his table. He starts with a tweet:
RICHARD: I am sitting one table away from Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez at Mastros restaurant. Crazy!!!
Belieber: @RReidsHollywood are they happy? 🙂
RICHARD: @1Dbieberissy so happy! He looks sooo young!!
BELIEBER: @RReidsHollywood was there any smooching going on?
RICHARD: @snickerscrunch1 yes and boob grabbing!!!
OMG MOMENT right there!!! Keep reading…
BELIEBER: @RReidsHollywood what was justin like??
RICHARD @ells1010 short! and sweet!
BELIEBER: @RReidsHollywood u mean Justin grab selena?
@snickerscrunch1 yes. In a sweet way
BELIEBER: @RReidsHollywood hey please follow how did Selena react after he touched her?
@snickerscrunch1 After Justin put his hand on her breast, Selena Gasped in a laughing way and said HEY!!!
OMG MOMENT @2!!!!!!! KEEP READING…there’s more!!!!…
BELIEBER: @RReidsHollywood hey please follow how did Selena react after he touched her
@snickerscrunch1 He was like whaaaaat? acting like a hurt puppy. She giggled and then hugged him.
BELIEBER: @RReidsHollywood Justin actually grabbed selenas boobs?
@jamieg621 With his left hand he cup her boob, but then acted all “like whaaat?”
BELIEBER: @RReidsHollywood how do you grab someone’s boob in a sweet way ?? Like is that possible I don’t get it ? Explain more please :}
@StayCalmBelieb He didn’t grab it and squeeze it, he more cupped it and fondled it. it was very quick
OMG tmi!!! Reminds me of Winnipeg when he grabbed her boobs and she was laughing.
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Oh great! Now people are going to over react with all of this!! Whats the big deal? He touched her boob,, oh no!! Call the police!! lol.. Im sure he has done a whole lot more than that behind closed doors!! He is almost 18, we already know he likes to grab her butt.. now he has moved on to her boobs.. lol.. Yes, maybe he shouldnt have done that in a public place like that, but Selena didnt seem to mind!! I think she was probably embarassed at first, cause he did it in front of people, but then she reacted by giving him a hug, cause he didnt realize he did something wrong!! I love them as a couple!! And honestly, im not going to jump right in and totally believe what this guy is saying either,, I dont trust anybody anymore, cause there are so many rumors out there when it comes to Justin Bieber, I never know what to believe anymore!
They are in a relationship
They can do whatever they want..
I just heard that this guy is a gossip reporter!! So, he can be just making up a juicy story to get his 15 minutes of fame!! I dont know if i totally believe this story, cause on another site, he is saying Justin did this in the elevator, and in this story, he did it while sitting next to them in the restaurant!! So, i kind of think this gossip reporter is making it up! And why would he go into details and tell beliebers exactly what happened? especially when he knows most of his beliebers are really young.. It just doesnt make sense to me!!
So, this is anther reason I dont like jelena … It bothers me.. Like wow. I mean I AM jelous.. But hey, it’s their relationship . But that’s just too much :/
whateevs dudes will be dudes.. And theyve been dating for a year, you better expect some action!
Oh wow…… how awkward. Tbh this dude seems like a creep. Why was he paying such close attention to Jelena anyway? I doubt that he’s a belieber. Its creepy giving twitter a play by play of someones sexual activities. WTF?!?! If its true, then yeah Justin shouldn’t have done that in public, but I understand it, he is a horny 18 year old guy. I don’t know if I belieb this guy.
“I don’t know if I belieb this guy.”
I see what you did there 😉
but she doesn’t have any boobs?!
Yeah I knoew that’s why she always weArs a pushup bra
y would u even pay attention 2 her boobs?
I will NEVER be available to look at that picture again without thinking about that…. Like seriously, now all I am picturing is Justin touching her boob….
well I wont think that because I don’t believe what I hear, there is no picture to prove it so to me its just bullshit….
seriously you lot he is just a boy with his girlfriend, yeah they are famous but what boy do you know that wouldn’t do those sort of things its a boy thing!, boys take these things as jokes, but you all need to get over it if he touched her boob then he touched her boob its no big deal, they were probably just mucking about and that chat is probably bull shit by someone one who thinks they are so cool spreading shit tbh they need to get a life, its not nice. GROW UP……
there the cutest couple,i love em so much there amazing:) everyone should stop hating on her she makes justin happy so u should be happy 2! kay thnx
I agree!
was justin bieber in a car accident and how do know on here if someone has replied back to yor message???? ilyzzz justin xoxxoxo and did justin bring out a new song “boyfriend”
nah he wasnt in a car accident, and um yeah he did and its a awesome song!! and i dont really know bout the comment thing sorry 🙂 xo
apparently, selena broke up with justin cuz of his new song? i highly doubt that…
fuck you justin bieber!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just keep quite u bitch dont says about jb like that.
sok dik bieber
sok dik bieber
I thought he was a christian? Why is he doin that if he is? :/
it is not showing Justin bieber touching Selena Gomez boobs! i mean this! I LOVE YOU JUSTIN BIEBER!
Ya wheres the pic