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Mark Wahlberg talks Justin Bieber on The Graham Norton Show

ahahaha Hilarious! And Mark Wahlberg’s 8 year old doesn’t like Justin no more :`( because of Selena Gomez! So funny lol

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  • gabb

    haha is understandable for an 8 year old to dont like him because of selena, they dont know how relationship works :p

  • Rofl im 14 and i still fuckin hate selena age dont matter

    • Kate

      yeah it does brittenty. thats pretty pathetic. LOL. i guess some people grow up later than others. but 14 ? damnn.. wtf happened? looks like your puberty will hit later.

      • Shutup it doesnt have to do with puberty i just dontlike her . if you like her good for you but i dont sooo, and i got my reasons for not liking her or her music . I only like her because of wizards of waverly place without that shhow shes nothing…. Man she uses auto tune, in live she sounds like a dieing cat. fyi… im a belieber not a selenator thats it…

  • TrueBieber Babe

    Sorry guys my mom is over 40 and she is a HUGH @justinbieber fan and she TOTALLY dislikes Selena Gomez bc of Justin. My mom has my dad to hang with but she still feels that Selena is not the one for Justin. I just want Justin to be happy. If Selena makes him happy then so be it.

    • Patricia

      Does your mom have a twitter? Me and her could totally be friends 🙂 Im 32 and a belieber, and I also don’t like Selena. But i’ve NEVER liked her. She annoys the crap out of me.

  • Mishelle Bieber

    man i keep staring at the jb picture next to the video so wasent paying much attention 😀

  • I love JB!!


  • Patricia

    hahahaha thats a smart little girl. She’s smarter than most selenators twice her age lol. It only sucks that she doesn’t like Justin anymore :/ Btw Mark Wahlberg is a hottie 😉 I actually remember him as Marky Mark back in junior high.