Justin Bieber was spotted coming out of a Ducati motorcycle dealership today in Los Angeles and he accidently almost ran over a paparazzi! And what kind of car is he driving? A Toyota something. Never seen that car before.

Justin Bieber was spotted coming out of a Ducati motorcycle dealership today in Los Angeles and he accidently almost ran over a paparazzi! And what kind of car is he driving? A Toyota something. Never seen that car before.
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That car is so cute lol
It is!! I love those tiny little cars; they are adorable! 🙂
That’s an Smart i guess. It’s an european car.
yes it is 😀
So true love u Jb 🙂
cool, I think every car he has is Matt Black…
Its a Smart car but he pimped out a little to make it cooler!! I think this car is very strange i see it here in Europe all the time, but with his touch it looks better!!! =D
Yep it’s a Smart and it’s so so cool with his Touch here in Germany i see it very often:)
He almost ran over a paparazzi!!!Hahaha….Must have scared the Paparazzi out of his wist!!!Don’t mess with the Prince!!!
-BoyBelieber here swaggie!!
well maybe if the pap wasn’t in the road he wouldn’t of nearly got run over !! SO NEXT TIME PAPARAZZI THINK !!! the side walk/pavements are there for a REASON
and he left his bodyguard 🙂
dont blame justin when some dummy is in the middle of the road he can exspect to get hit
its a smart car but instead he put it swag car to look it cooler
car is Smollett but nice:)
It’s a smart car
I really like your style of blogging here I found quite unique and useful content That impressed me a lot. Bieber looks more smart than before….
aww poor justin why can’t the paparazzi just leave him alone he clearly dosen’t want them around him
holle i love you justin bieber <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 ouafa
justen i love you so much you ar ceute
i love you so much you ar butufule
Justin bieber sweetheart hug kiss want to meet deaf say English new like Alejandra Magana Calll (509)430-6261
if u look closley u can get his licences plate #
Justin bieber I sweetheart hug kiss meet All happy English Deaf talk Yes like Alejandra Magana