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Justin Bieber in West Palm Beach rehearsing for friends’s wedding

Justin Bieber was spotted in West Palm Beach, Florida yesterday sporting a rather peculiar pair of vans. If you’re wondering, Justin and the crew are in West Palm Beach for Allison Kaye’s wedding.

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  • Justin

    lol thats not really considered “mismatched”. those vans we’re probably created like that for the old “3D glasses” effect for the shoes.

  • jess

    its not scooters wedding its Alison Kaeys wedding! you might wanna fix that

    • natalie

      OH really? Makes sense now lol

    • Anonymous

      sam go

  • Mary Loves Justin Bieber


  • check out my site haterg.blogspot.com i even want justin beiber to

  • Issie x

    I likes it! Quite cute 😉 Justin if you’re reading this please reply, coz I am pretty much in love with you!!! Ooooohhh and follow me on twitter, I’m called ‘Issie Ormerod X’ please follow me, I will love you 4eva babe!! <3 <3 xoxo

    • Just saying

      Hey I am just saying but if you really loved Justin Bieber you wouldn’t say “I will love you forever if you follow me on Twitter” like seriously. I love Justin Bieber even though he’s not following me. He doesn’t have to follow me back he doesn’t have to reply all I need is to send him TWEETS saying how much I love him and not even saying if you do . . .. . . . . . I mean like I wouldn’t do that to someone that is kinda like black mail. . . I mean like you can’t say crap like that. I mean like come on I love Justin because he’s Justin not because of who he’s following, who he’s tweeting or whatever I love him for him so yeah. . . Just saying xoxo

  • adri

    i like this outfit

  • Love it

    LOL I am loving the shoes. Maybe US Beliebers should like maybe do that with our shoes. We should buy two same shoes except different colours and wear them to the shops, wear them to the mailbox and like try to make it a real style. . . I think it would be a great style. . . I am loving the style already and I can imagine it now. It’s going to be great how many people do. I will do it. I think we can make it happen if we can make a website or something about it just so the word can get around.

  • meli sione

    haters gon hate

  • sifo laouar


  • laurent

    Hi Justin my name is Laurent and i am you fans number one i love you