Ok this has nothing to do with a creepy dorm roommate. But what it does have to do with is…ahh…errrrr….wait I can’t say. It’s kinda well… well… I can’t say. lol. But yah its EPIC! ahahahaha too funny!

EPIC! Justin Bieber in 100th SNL Digital Short
Previous: Justin Bieber backstage Wango Tango interview May 12, 2012
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thats so funny!
with black girl accent
Haha Justin’s part is so funny!
“I don’t endorse this song!” lol
that is sooooo funny
i so what to see more of that
Your name is pretty
pleasee @jbshrine theres a pic of justin kisssing another girl.. there are rumors that jelena broke up pleasee!!! heelp i need to know if this is true (HUGE JELENA FAN!!) :'(
One of the thing that jb said to be a good boyfriend is be loyal!!!
Do you really think that stupid rumor is true?!?!?
u can see him kissing to the girl of boyfriend-video, mistletoe-video, next to you-video and all those girls before of jelena… but that is all!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep that’s right you go gurl!!!<3xx
I like seeing both justins in the same video…
THAT. WAS. AWESOME! kinda.. haha
guys this is hillarios.:)
Hey, Just to say… Justin if you ever read this I want you to know that you are the best person that i ever knew. First time when I heard “Baby” on the bus I tought that song is so addictive. Looking at the Intervievs on Youtube about you made me like you more. I saw your old videos wich your amaizing mum Pattie posted on Youtube. I tought this boy is going to be a Legent in 2 year time. The way you try your best to help people and to Incoridge them in a possitive way. You try your best to perform all over the world and you try to meet all of your fans. The way you care about your family and your friends. You are blessed by God and you believe in it. Now Im the biggest Belieber in whole Yr 9 in my school. I never knew that i would ever be one but Im PROUD to be one.
You were so nice to sign Carly Rea Jepsen. You saw how mutch it ment for her
you also made her dream come true. Looking at her smile right now is amaizing because someone sweet like you justin, signed her.
Im so happy that you havent changed that you still are Kidrauhul. No matter how old you are you still are funny you still mess about and make us your Beliebers always smile. 🙂
Your love to Selena is so sweet. We can see how mutch she means to you and how mutch you care about her. There is no point to hate her like some of Beliebers hate that she is dating you. Hating Selena wont ever change anything it will make things worse. I hope that you and Selena will carry on like you do
now because you are perfect together.
I always try to get the tickets but my mum cant afford them so I planned that i
would love to be an Artist too. I would love to work with you and I would love if you could sign me in your record. I know its hard but I would just love to do that.Music is my thing also so I really hope that it could be possible 🙂
Please Follow me Justin @Jsmirnova_s because I really really Love you and I hope You Do follow me one day Never say Never right?
But anyways Justin I hope you alwys be like this I wish all the best to your
family,friends, Selena, Canada,Carly,Usher,Scooter,Team,mama Jen, Selena and All Beliebers…. 🙂 xx
Thank you to Daisy who made this website…and everyone who is involved Please follow me @Jsmirnova_s lots of love 🙂
“That’s disgusting!”
AWW Justin!!
But the video is so LMAO :’D
Oh My Bieber!! That was so funny!
Ahahahahaha that was amazing but a bit disturbing!! :/ haha but it is Soooo funny! Totally EPICCC!! LMFAO!<3
but what does he say like his whole part
hahahahahahahahahahahahahah dats so funni wat was that all about. 🙂 ;p
wat angel said and i like selena i think shes cute and i want number. 🙂 <3<3 ;o
hahahahahahahahaha yur funni ……… i thought u said that Selena was UGLY!!!!!!!!!!!!
lmao XD
I wuz tricked into doing this no no no no no
USHer : those white boys…………!…!
why my boy look’n in that dude’s crotch (in pic)
Ha ha ha awe so funny 😀 still laughing 2013