While Selena Gomez was happy to pose on the red carpet at the Los Angeles premiere of Katy Perry’s new film “Part of Me” yesterday, her boyfriend Justin Bieber wasn’t so keen.
After the Wizards Of Waverly Place star had posed in a Emilio Pucci feathered mini dress and gold Jimmy Choo sandals, she reunited with her boyfriend – who complemented her in matching pink – and snuck into the Grauman’s Chinese Theatre.
Before taking their seats at the screening of Katy’s documentary, the young couple made one young fan’s day by posing for a photo with her.
Also at the premiere was rising star Carly Rae Jepsen, who posed on the red carpet with Selena.

More pictures here.
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Aaawww how cute! Love the pink!
Selena looks like a bottle of pepto bismo
Hey I remember one time justin was sagging his pants and they cought as shot of him sagging and he had pink boxer briefs on. That was hot. Nice little toosh he had. Wish he would of posted that shot on his pitcures. He is a cuttie pie. But yung. I’m only 18 and he would be to yung for me.pink doesent look good on her. Pink isent for every one. She is pretty but the pink ain’t what’s up.
Hey I remember one time justin was sagging his pants and they cought as shot of him sagging and he had pink boxer briefs on. That was hot. Nice little tush he had. Wish he would of posted that shot on his pitcures. He is a cuttie pie. But yung. I’m only 18 and he would be to yung for me.pink doesent look good on her. Pink isent for every one. She is pretty but the pink ain’t what’s up. Pink looks hot on justin. He should of been sagging again wit those hot boxer brifes on again show those little Debbie’s cakes off justin.justin is hot but I don’t go nutts over him.
pink is soooooo NOT Selena’s color
i love justin so much!
yh…. i aint being mean but… since the last time i saw selena now she looks really chubby lol anyways love both 🙂 <3
She does look a little chubby maybe it’s just the angle
I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU. she looks like she is fat
exactly! ,, so rare!
no not the angle
selena looks like she is wearing lady gaga’s meat dress
but she looks like she has dyed a dock pink and glued it to a dress…
but she still looks nice and i like her
justin look just FINE as well!! 🙂
She looks pregnant
well we know she aint….. they done it… but she aint prego guys… my opinion… anyways do u think they had sex???? like if u do dislike if u dont… 🙂
Justin looks amazing!!!! (as always) 🙂 Selena looks good too 😛
I really think that you guys still being together and I’ll admit that Selena was the most hottest and most beautiful in the world and that’s why JB Love SG… 🙂
look….. i aint saying taht she aint beautifull but she aint the best…. ok,…. there are some hotter girls out there.. its not like she is the only HOT girl in this world…. <3
he doesnt love her because she is HOT or SEXSY…. he likes girls that are natural.. funny …. sweet… and yh i know these things…. and yh im agirl by the way… 🙂
they are so cute i love them both! you guys are tha cutest couple ever!!
that is sweet,,,,,,, better than me,,,, cuz i aint got a BF lol <3
justin so cute
i don’t really like the shoes that justin is wearing since a while, with the gold and stuff. But i love him anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sel looks depressed in all of the pictures… are they falling apart?
Qetal los zapatos de pollo
selena looks ugly but justin looks fit
jealousy makes u nasty
Seriosly dude of chick stop replying ur comments!
I was there <3
how was it? how was katy?
hmmm… i like what jb is wearing.. not sre about selenas dress…. it doesnt suit justin for some reason… but that is my opinion 😀
In this picture i do not look my best.. i dolook a bit chubby.. anyways guys thanx for commenting u are really sweet.. justin is quite busy with believe tour so ill be commenting for a while if its ok…:) xxx follow me @selenagomez
Seriously guys the hate comments has to STOP..!!!
Justin love’s selena 😉 n i’m preety sure that well selena llove’s him back :L
There have been together over a year now n some people are still hating on her seriously there aint no point..!!!
i used to write hate comments of selena myself but then again i thought to myself aint no point n plus justin loves herrr..!!! -.- I know how you haters feel about them 2 well i feel the same way yeah before i felt like just slapping her on the face cause i thought that she mite be using him and who know’s she mite be..!!! but then again Justin loves herr and us beliebers have to deal wiv that weather we like it or not..!!!
Soo on the people who hate on her just give up..!!!
And whatever happens HAPPENS!!
Sooo true people really need to stop!!! if his happy i’m happy 😀 x
Yeh u guys like I’ve said in other pictures if u don’t respect jelena ur not a real fan. Selena makes Justin happy and even he said it. They have been through a lot just coz of us! And justin does love his real fans and he always will but he won’t marry any of them because he has a lot and if ur dreaming to go out with him I suggest have another option! Remember Justin respects his fans, respect his happiness 🙂
Loool She Lookss Like She’s Pregnanttt
ahaha but anywayss
LOOOOOOOOOOL Init i wish she was pregnant but not wiv justin’s baby
Ewwwwww seriously some cheap dressss
Guys u are being really rude…. can u please stop… i love u all… haters fans everyone.. just stop please
You guys really need to stop
yeah before it was funny
but not anymore..!!!
Love You Selena
Jelena 4evaa..!!! 😀
U go
U go selen Love ya
lol i would think too!!!! and i like SOME of your songs but really i dont like u and justin bieber dateing!
That reply was for ‘hate jelena ‘ and ‘fuck Selena’ GET A LIFE PPL
guys… i love all my fans and all my haters..
Shut the hell up selena you always want to say something with your fat ass.
Guys u are being a bit rude… I love u all.. Haters and fans u all are amazing there is no one better out there. it doesnt make me feel better… guys I LOVE U…. xxx
hi selena gomez i am a big fan
hi.. thats nice… 🙂
Shut the hell up selena you always want to say something with your fat ass.
selena gomez can you call me please
im not sure about that nancy but if i get a chance i hopefully will… xx
Carly Rae Jepsen And Justin Bieber, Would be so cute together. <3
So true <3
Way to rock the pepto-bismal, pregnant, chipmunk, big bird look Selena!!
………Oh wait nevermind.
STOP HATING THEM GET A FUCKING LIFE! If u want to say something nice say it if u don’t then shut up! They don’t care what u say they r happy and Selena is beautiful! LEAVE THEM ALONE,! We have said it before fuck sake stop being so annoying and get a life!
can u please calm down guys… no need for HATE xxx
Is that Really you Selena?
Well thank Selena poser for support though
love justin so much you are a crayzi boy
Hi Selena Gomez!!!
Hi Selena Gomez!!! I luv ur music
Hey Justin.
Shitlena looks REALLY BAD IN PINK!
Shitlena looks fat in that dress (dont hate on me about that but she does)
U shut the fuck up u prib look shitty
selena can i talk to you
Is it just me that thinks Selena Looks really chubby… Or is she pregnant… Hope she isnt… Justin, If you read this then i want to tell you i love you! You made me happy when i was sad and I wish you the best xxx
Justin will never love a person who is a big ass bully
Selena looks fat! And it still makes me a fan even though i hate Selena! So STFU all u ppl that r saying u cant be a real fan! Ive been with Justin since 2009 and i can also express my own opinions! p.s Jelena is fake 2 me! Selena is using him for $$$$!
muy lindas las fotos con celena…………jajajajajajjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
She fucking look like a pink doke and a clown Selena you a FUCKING BICH
And Justin she using you for$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and if you Justin don’t believe your FANS then we WON’T like U
Love you Justin right like we really do
i ,love them both..
love you justin
plise hawpmi ayam hanaa
ayam 11
hanaa 11
love you
I hope to be mrs.bieber someday I even know your middle name drew!
I love you justin be mine!
Justin Selena is just using u for your $$$$$$.