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justin beiber selena gomez kissing 2012

Justin Bieber’s first kiss with Selena Gomez is “best kiss of my life”

Justin recently dished about his first kiss with Selena, telling Fabulous magazine that it all happened in a car!

Justin gushed: “My first kiss with Selena was the best of my life. It was in the car. It was scary and spontaneous and it was just awesome.”

He also talked about being in love, noting, “What does love feel like? It feels good. If you’re really in love then you should get butterflies. Butterflies and happiness, that’s how I feel anyway.”

Justin likes to keep his private life out of the spotlight though, explaining, “I don’t have many things that I get to keep to myself but that’s one thing.”

In the end, Justin and Selena are doing great, with Biebs noting, “I’m very happy. And I know my fans just want to be happy for me.”

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  • tiffany

    that is just so cute

    • Gee Q

      super cute…best couple everrrrrrrr. Love u biebsgomez!!!!!

  • beth

    that is so sweet

  • mariann

    hehe. its cause he hasn’t kissed me yet..

    • Maria

      your just playing right?

    • Gee Q

      lol…like dat’ll ever happen

  • Sabrina

    I feel like this is the most open he’s been with anyone since they started dating! Haha, I absolutely love it! They are truly so cute & obviously happy. I used to hate them together but they’ve grown on me & their relationship is just precious now. So happy for the both of them, especially Justin. <3

    • maria

      same 🙂

  • lais

    you love justin bieber

  • ...

    Now, I don’t really care he’s dating Selena, yay he’s happy:) but I really don’t believe he said this. Like the girl Sabrina said up above, he’s never been this open. And I think if he DID say something like this we would have heard about it on (no offence daisy!!) a larger site like parez Hilton or something. I think this story was fabricated by the writer, honestly. What do you guys think?

    • This is real. Fabulous Magazine June 17, 2012 in the UK.

  • JS belieber

    omb….. that is soooo sweeeeetttt!! i love him like mad and he and selena make the perfect couple 🙂 hope they have kids soon !!! :)….

  • candy(yes that is my real name)

    look at justin getting all loved up
    i am really happy for him and wish him all the love in the world
    i am happy htat him and selena are going so well
    and hope they stay together forever…NOT i want him for myself…
    just joking i am happy for them

    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • i hate everyone that hates justin bieber

      justin and selena are not together. selena broke his heart.i wish i could look her in her face and say ” fuck you “.

      • Anonymous

        their back together now!!!!!!!!

      • sel gomez

        I hate you

  • Shiann

    I just want him to be happy! 🙂

  • Isabel

    Im happy for them

  • tristen heflin

    i wish that wass me but like that will ever happen i cant even get a ticket to see him i can only see him in a poster or on tv i am a believer i love u justin bieber

    love,tristen nicole brown heflin (aka jblover)

    • justin bieber

      me tooooo iam a believer love him. so cute love this post^

  • Jelenator

    Awhe 🙂 That’s so cute!

  • maku

    hey Ur cute by Ur nature but u look so ugly in Ur makeup please as much as u can decrease Ur make up this is my opinion any some times ……………………
    let me give u advice a perfect man never talk much so please Ur not matured enough to do like ……………… some actors just b Ur self 2be old and wise 1st u must have to be young and sense less that’s all about bye

    • i hate everyone that hates justin bieber

      asshole.that is all you are

  • sarah

    I hate justin Bieber he is not amazing . He is just irritating

    • Justin Bieber

      fuck you. your just jealous because you dont have as much money and because your not famous.

      • makayla.smith

        why did u say that justin

  • Gee Q

    u hate justin,u hate d world….dat’s d worst statement i’ve ever heard. I DEMAND U TAKE IT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • Anonymous


    • sel gomez

      thank you if you want to call me its 213-861-4592

  • ariana

    I love selena but I want to crush Justin into pieces and yuk that picture is disgusting