Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber hit the movies in Calabasas Monday night. They saw The Dark Knight Rises with a group of friends, including Justin’s BFF Alfredo Flores, report several eyewitnesses, and they “were laughing and carrying on in the lobby before the film started.
They were all in good moods,” says Hollywood Life. Not in an obnoxious way, the sources go on, but just an attitude of fun. They were playing around with Justin Bieber’s Batman mask in the lobby, “acting like young kids and being goofy.”
When the group came out of the screening, they were full of praise for the movie. And they were still acting goofy, but Justin Bieber took the time, sources say, to show affection to Selena Gomez. And they both made a special effort to sign autographs for fans among the theater employees. You can be sure the ticket takers will remember the evening for a long time, even though Calabasas has so many celebs in residence that having stars in the audience might be a routine thing.
Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber have been in each other’s company almost every minute of the past week, starting with Justin’s mini world tour—long plane flights, ritzy hotels, dinners, family get-togethers and now a movie date. They went in to the theater holding hands, and they held hands in the lobby. When they came out they were still holding hands. It’s the sweetest kind of PDA.

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aww so cute jelena 4ever
jelena for never
ooo he would make a hot batman! ;]
totally agree 100%
your sooooooo cute baby I love you
awwwwww look its little todler bieber how is selens feeling jerk!!!!!!!!!!:)
aww look its j.b. soooo cute:)
you are supposed not to break up with selena
jelena forever
ummm i don’t realy like justin but its thiere choice let them bee i used to think selena wat cool untill she started going out with my man zayn 😀 :Z