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Picture it: Justin Bieber and Cher singing…together!

The possibility may not be as crazy as ya think.


Cher’s “You Haven’t Seen the Last of Me” songwriter Diane Warren has written a song for the Biebster.

Warren, who just won a Golden Globe for Cher’s Burlseque ballad, tells me she wrote “Born to Be Somebody” for J.B.’s upcoming movie.

“He’s not only really talented, but he’s also a smart kid,” Warren says. “He’s surrounded by good people and…he has a good head on his shoulders.”

Warren laughs, “The age difference between Cher and Justin is something like 40 years. That’s variety, right?”

Also on Warren’s list of upcoming collaborations? Jennifer Hudson’s ballad, “Still Here” and some “country-pop” with Kristin Chenoweth, aka Glee’s April Rhodes.

Now let’s hear from all you Bieber and Cher fans: Should they hit the studio together?
