“Here’s a thing I’m actually embarrassed about…I met Justin Bieber before, and then I was at the table and I was there with my friends. We were going to talk to him, and then he showed up.
I was like ‘hey, my little sister really likes you, and she’s 12, would you take a picture?’ he was like, ‘cool.’
And then he walks away, and I was like ‘wow’. All of a sudden, ‘Bieber Fever’ swept over me and I got hot and started sweating. I was like ‘What’s happening to me? Justin Bieber did it!’
-Gabourey Sidibe, May 6, 2010 to Okmagazine about being infected with Bieber Fever at the White House Correspondence Dinner.
Gabourey Sidibe has Bieber Fever
Previous: Justin was paid $400,000 for first album
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ewwww shes ughhh…
ewwww shes ughhh…
ewwww shes ughhh…
ewwww shes ughhh…
ewwww shes ughhh…
ewwww shes ughhh…
Boy is she ever ….
Boy is she ever ….
Boy is she ever ….
Boy is she ever ….
Boy is she ever ….