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Justin Bieber Is The Hottest Toy This Holiday

Justin Bieber and Glee Hottest Toys This Holiday

Attention, Santa’s helpers! Toys “R” Us has announced this season’s hottest toy trends, and what a surprise, they’re TV and web sensations — but we’re not talking about PBS and Nick characters. This holiday season, it’s all about “Glee” and Justin Bieber.

“Our hottest new toys tie straight into the new and trendy TV shows and mega stars like Justin,” Lisa Harnisch, vice president and divisional merchandise manager for Toys “R” Us, tells ParentDish. “Glee Karaoke is another example of an innovative toy straight from popular culture.”

Topping the must-have wish list for Santa is a squeezable and singing action figure of teenage heartthrob Bieber ($23.99) and Glee Karaoke System ($69.99), based on the Fox TV hit.

The mega toy retailer announced its 2010 holiday toy trends today, which include the comeback of 18-inch, big-sized dolls, cute collectibles, toys from around the world, technology-innovated versions of the classic train set and a new twist on the decades-old fave Creepy Crawlers ($29.99).


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  • jocke

    sould it be a toy now:)have a nice day

  • Dempsey

    That doesn't look very much like Justin….but most toys like that don't

  • that dose not at all look like justin that looks like some one else get it right will you

  • Sheena

    I love you beebs