Justin Bieber “MY WORLD” UK Tour Dates Just Announced for March 2011

The first 4 shows in the UK have been announced. 2 shows in Birmingham on March 4 & 5 and 2 shows in London on March 16 & 18.
If you’re from the UK you can go to get updated info on concert dates as they are announced or follow @catchjbfever. They are also holding a meet and greet contest for UK fans too.
4th & 5th ‘ Birmingham, NIA
11th ‘ Liverpool, Echo Arena
12th ‘ Newcastle ‘ Metro Arena
14th 16th & 17th ‘ London 02 Arena
20th & 21st ‘ Manchester ‘MEN Arena
23rd ‘ Sheffield ‘ Motorpoint Arena
24th ‘ Nottingham, Trent FM Arena
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hello i am a huge fan of justin bieber and isupset that the fact he hasnt got any tour dates yet for 2012 .. hopefully for my 14th birthday i will be coming to see justin bieber in either liverpool or the MEN arena in manchester . i havent yet been to a concert of his before and will be so happy if you could tell me the dates for the beging of 2012 or the end of 2011 and thanks … ILOVEJUSTINBIEBER <3 shannon mitchell
helloooo shannon i really need 2 no 2 x
so do i x
me too!xxx<3
i need to know aswell shannon xx
same shannon bbe
Sammmeeeee :/ xxx
I Need To Know His 2012 Tour Dates In Uk Too 😀 Pleaseee >>> ILoveeHIm <3
mee too plzz
June 9Th, October 6Th 2012
Hi, yeah I’m 14 next year too and I an a huge fan of Justin 2! I also would like 2 c him in liverpool or manchester, if u find out his tour dates for 2012, pls could u let me know??? Thanks 🙂 us Bielibers gotta stick 2gether :L xx
heyyaa yeah i want to go for my 14th birthday too i love justin bieber i have 239 posters of him love him so much xxx
I want to go but i get realy closophobic and feel like i cant breath i also get really bad panic attacks i really would love to go but i will try my best! And i love him that much i am going!
11th march ‘ Liverpool, Echo Arena
plz come 2 manchester in the verison wireless arena
it sayys 20th&21st of march in manchesterr<3
im from liverpool and i need to know as well D;
i love justin bieber so much:) xxxxx
Same, i would really like to know if he’s doing a concert in the O2 Arena in 2012? Im a really big fan but i haven’t yet been to concert of his, any dates for 2012??
i would love to know to
i would to
yeh same i have alredy been to 16 th march 2011 concert but cause it was so good i would love to go again ! x and im a huge fan !!!!!!
i went and saw him on the 16th of march as well and i wanna go see him again at the o2!!! x <33
omg he is coming on my birthday … im the biggest fan ever .. i cy over him :/ i love him omg i reaaly want to see him:(
when is he commin lozza
i really want to knowwww!!
Hi my mum has said when she hears or i hear that jb will be in the uk for a concert she will get me two tickets for me and a friend do you know when he will next be here ?
you heard of anything yet?
Ahhhh I saw him in Birmingham 4th march! he was AMAZING can’t wait to see him again!!!! It’s really hard to get tickets though !!
where did you get your tickest from ?
ticketmaster or ticketline 🙂
thats my birthday aswell :/ i wish i went
I am a huge fan of Justin Bieber i looveee him soooooo much!! i reall want to go and c him next year! soo please please please could you tell me the dates for 2012!<3 I LOVE JUSTIN BIEBER SO MUCH, words can't explain how much i love hiim<3
OMG!! i saw Justin bieber on the 24th of march 2011 and OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! he was amazing i have so much bieber fever and at this very moment im watching never say never i love justin bieber so much and would love to meet him but ik i would never get the chance because im not one of them lucky people LOVE YOU JUSTIN SOOO MUCH!!
where did you get tickets from?
ummm… u had to ring up
where cani get ticketsfrom?
would anyone know if justin is in liverpool or manchester again this year or maybe next and how much a vip tickets would cost about?get back to me a..s.a.p thanks 🙂 xxx
I seen him on the 12th March and he was aaamazing! Words can’t describe how good he was. I got my tickets from ticket master so keep checking there but you could also check on the cloest arena site to you.. that’s what I did and then bought my tickets through ticket master 🙂
i love justin bieber so much but when are you coming to glasgow
where do i get tickets from ? plz plz plz tell me ! luv ya justin
How can I see what Justin Bieber concerts are coming up in England 2012? Are there any?
I really want to know what concerts are coming up in England 2012….Does anyone know how I can find out?
Omg i love you so much and im your biigest fan ever love you wish i could come seee you right now !!! <3
hey i really really want to no the tour dates for justin bieber 2012 in the uk, is he coming to newacastle metro areana? and how much are meet and greet tickets !
hi iam a real big fan and i want to know if you are doing a concert in london in 2012 because i really want to go to one
hello ,does any1 know if justin bieber is in liverpool in 2012 ,need to know ime goin for my 14th birthday,xxxxxxxxxxxxx
i got 2 tickets left for 2012 backstage if someone wants one for £500
I went to the onee in sheffield it was amazing cant wait for him to comee again
when is he coming agen to sheffield ?
i would really like to know when justin has tour dates for 2012 , really hoping he does soon !
hi do u like justin bieber
Hey i am such a HUGE fan of Justin Bieber and would love to know the dates of his next tour in 2012 to London, i have already been this year but that was in March with 3 of my friends, i literally screamed the whole way through the concert as i love him soooooooooooooooo much!!!
i ould love it if you got back to me asap to let me know the dates, many thanks… Jamie xxxxxx
My little boy Max whos 7 adores you, its great as hes learning the piano and about to learn the guitar which you have inspired. Id love to take him to the Manchester UK show in 2012. He was gutted when he missed your last one. When will tickets become available?
im jade and i saw justin in march 2011 in manchester and i wanna see him again in 2012 i hope i can so i can get beter seats this time, because last time i was quite far from the stage I’LOVE’JUSTIN’BIEBER and if justin ever sees this i hope he can follow me on @xxjadebieberxx <3 <3 <3
All of the people who have seen him you are so lucky to see him will he be doing a concert for Christmas in London ?
heyy i love you Justin i don’t no when your next peforming in London but im coming for my birthdAY i need to so i no how much the tickets are because i might by the vip tickets let me no plz x
Hi to all the lovely Future Mrs Biebers, LOL 😛 Just wondering, and PRAYING that hopefully next year 2012, justin bieber comes 2 birmingham again to do another amazing concert. If anyone knows anything ab8 the tour dates or where to get tickets for the birmingham concert (if there is one). Thanks a lot lovelies. Never Say Never! *peace* 😉
i was wondering when is justin bieber coming back into liverpool i missed him last time because he sold out when i heard he was in liverpool so i really wont to now if he is coming back <3
i realy need to know when and where justin biebers next concert is as im a realy big fan and am realy looking forward thank you.x
hey, i really need to know when the next concert is sooo exited cant waitt!<3
you are so cute your a cutie pie you buteiful and you and selena gomez are such a great couple you and selena gomez in the papers aparntly selena gomez you were riding on a boat and selena gomez hell back 3 miles away!? well as i said i apsoltly love you because you are cute and buteiful
your sinsily by tegan clubb
hey!:) when does justin bieber announce his uk arena tour for 2012, i really need to because i’m booking tickets to see 1D and i don’t won’t the dates to clash! so if anyone knows anyhting let me know!!!!!:)
For my birthday this year, me an my friend are trying to get tickets for justin bieber either this year or next year, but we can’t find dates anywhere, can anyone help????
I Need Tickets!!!!!!!!! x
me 2 🙂 x
i love u justin bieber i want to be famous and i won’t to be with u
hello guys and justin bieber i need tickets for this year is there any xxxxxxxxx
helloo my name is ammarah and i am absolutely obsessed with j.b he is amazin and i would love 2 no the concert dates and prices 4 2012 hopefully he will be in concert at the MEN arena 🙂 he is amazing and i would love 2 see him live also i want to know the prices for the VIP backstage passes too 🙂 thanks
love u Justin Drew Bieber !! <3 love frrom ure biggest fan Ammarah xxxx
I love Justin Bieber, and I want to see him soo bad in London, 2012. If anyone finds out when the dates are please let me know!!! I love him so much I’m watching his film at the moment 😛 xxxxxxxxxx
i love justin bieber, and i want to see him so bad in london 2012. if anyone finds out when the dates are please let me know. thankyou and i want to see him so bad and im a huge fan of his so will use let me know asap please thanks xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
please justin bieber come to cardiff:)
i love him to and i need 2 of his tickets 🙂 xxxx
i love justin bieber i cont wite till he is on tour xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
justin bieber come to liverpool love u xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
i love u xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Best night of my lifeeeeeeeeee! I cried, genuinely cried, when he did One Less Lonely Girl, it was beautiful <3
when will the dates be coming out I NEED TO KNOW me and friends have to go and see him!!!! he is my life!!!
hi justin bieber ive loved u for 4 years and i hope one day i will be able to see you i go to st edmund campion school in england birmingham erdington but i live in castle vale in birmingham at 1,Locking croft b35 7ld ive been trying to write a letter to you but i do not no the right address to send it to aswell i love singing so much and i love thinking that if you follow your dreams and never say never <3 i really want to meet you so much. i dont care what people say abt you i will always love you too! my friends name is catherine kett and she also loves you just like me! she goes to my school aswell i would love if you could meet me id love to meet you that is my lifelong dream to meet you catherine kett loves you aswelll so thank you i love you so much justin and i hope you read this letter p.s i really want to see you in CONCERT! i have bieber fever and it is very CONTAGIOUS!!! love you..<3 lots of love from Anna Broderick im in year 9 and im 13 aswell..x… love you bye ***
heeeeey,really wanna know when jb’s tour dates are for 2012, never been to one of his concert’s and the prices! PLEASEEEE!!!!!!…………(:
so if any one knows any thing let me np ASAP!
much love jbb!:)<3333333
<3 lett me knoww asap whenn usee find out., i need too see himm…. Im a 15 yr old girls and i proppa love himm i need to go to one of his performancess; ILOVEYOUSOMUCHJUSTINBIEBER<3 <3 <3
hii, im 11 and i really love justin bieber, i wish i could see him… anddd samee stoirm(my big sisterr) ILOVEYOUTOOMUCH<3 onece isnt enough for me and my sister to see him 😀 xxxx
hiiiii, im a big fan of you justin! i would really like to know when your touring in the UK in 2012? i havnt being to any of your concerts yet but id love to go! i love youuuuuu! xxxxxxxxxxx
would absolutly love JB to come to the O2 arena or Wembly! xxx
heyyyy justin! i would really like to know when your touring for 2012 possibly manchester or newcastle as i live in middlesbrough and it would be closer for me and also were i could get the tickets from? please please tour tho for 2012 because i am really looking forward to it, I LOVE YOU!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxx
please can Justin Bieber come to the UK in 2011 i have seen him before and he is so amazing i want to see him again i am a HUGE FAN.!!!Justin if you could come to the UK AND THE TOUR DATES GET ANNOUNCED ON MY BIRTHDAY WICH IS DECEMBER 1ST I WILL BE OVER THE MOON love you Justin.xoxo
Hi im a big big big Belieber and i would love to go to his concert cuz i never been and love to go
i love you so much justin and i was woundering if you could come to spokane or seattle because me and my friend really want to see you!!!!!!!!!! i <3 you!!
we think you should come back and do more tours in the U.K in 2012 just for us, your beautiful and we love you <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
hello justin bieber i’m a big fan of u and i hope u can come in greece, athens.
lol i love u Justin bieber i can come see u lol love u
i love him too so much i wich that i could go and see him bt thank will never happen
omg i soooo what to see u can u beleive i cry days and night to see u and atch lucky people dat meet u but im just a girl who loves but doesnt see u ! 🙁 im so gona try and get vip tickets
justin bieber i am 11 years old and i love u so much i live in rotherham my name is shania scholey i have got facebook add me as a friend xxxxxxxxxxxx
jb the best man xxxxxxxxx
Are you nuts!!!!!!
yes we are nuts are u nuts for nt liking justin bieber he is soooooo sexy
me n my mate <3 him u cant get better than j.b xxx
Can you please tell me if you are coming to tour the uk in 2012 as my 6 year old thinks you are amazing he watches all you videos and copies your dance moves! He is 7 on march 17th and I was hoping you would be touring on that date as he would be over the moon to see you!
have u found anything out yet? let me know pls bcz i wanna c him 2!! iloveyou’jdb’!xxxxx
me and my friend sophie want justin bieber to come to secc in 2012 plz come bieber xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx we love u lot and lot xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
hiya !!!!!!! love you bieber
.i am shannon and i am 15 years old ans i love jb so much .i wish i had him coming to my house i love him soooooo much xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i will let you know if i hear anything let me know if u hear anything k i love jb i am his biggest fan ever
hello justin bieber i’m the biggest fan ! i come from germany i hope that you will come tp stuttgart or frankfurt! My friends are fans too ! We love you
pls………..tell me if u’r cmg 2 india in 2012 :'(
Please do a tour in Belfast everyone in Belfast adores you and would love for you to do a tour here maybe a signing as well 🙂 xxx
hi Justin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG i love you soooooooooooooo much !! if you come to tour in England 2012 i will DEFFINATELY be there !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! see you there !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
please please please please come to the UK !!!!!! I love you so much you wouldn’t belive it !!!!!!!! love you loads from Hanna !!!!!! p.s: i think of you 99% of my day !!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love him 100% of my day yeah justin bieber please come to england because we all want u to come so we can come and see u an get back stages pass to meet and get a photo with u and kiss u and hang around with u
Hey Justin! I was just wondering when will you come to the Sheffield Motor point arena, England? I would love to finally see you in real life, it would be amazing, all of my dreams would come true. So can you please tell me when you wil come. #much love
elle mckevittt loves you too much xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dear Justin bieber i love you all the world and back again i am 20 i love u sooo much i have posters of you next to my bed love you love from jodie comish
justin i love you loads and loads i am 20 i have posters of you next to my bed i love u so much u are fab loads of love from jodie comish xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
phone me xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dear Justin Bieber i am your futer wife i love you all the world and back again millions and millions and i no u love me to i carnt tell u how much i love you loads of love from lyndsey mckevitt
i hope i can love u back the same way u love me but i can’t.
i love u justin plz love me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
Justin I love youuuu !!!!!!!!!! Carnt wait to see u in concert xxxxxx
hi justin when are you coming to the uk in 2012 i really wanna
see you live itsmy birthday in may
love megan hawkins
why nt justin bieber u are meant to love all ur fans which i love u sooooooo much please come to england then i can gt to see and kiss and come on stage and be ur one less lonely and gt a bk stage pass
love u come to englnd then i can gt to go on stage and gt kiss from u
thats the dumest excuse i’ve ever hrd jlose bdum ass.
Omgg I Love Justin Bieber I Cant Wait Till I See Him I Will Litterally Cry xxx
Hey Justin, i absolutely love your music. You are so inspirational, are you selling back stage passes for 2012 in the Manchester or Liverpool?<3
OMB if Justin Bieber was reading this i will be frozen and scream my head off. Please Justin Bieber come to cardiff in about febuary 2012 share the love to all of the UK.I am your biggest fan.wish you a merry christmas justin.xx
OMG justin Bieber I ADORE ur music you are like the best singer ever u r just AMAZING !!!! I love you soo much I would seriously cry if I ever met u carnt wait to go to one of ur concerts will be screaming am head off:L merry Christmas Justinnhope u enjoy the winter holiday !! LOVE YOU JUSTIN BIEBER !!!!
13 xx
plz when is the 2012 tour dates out my 2 year old daughter is a big fan she cried when she watched the jb show on tv she loves her boyfriend loads lol she is gonna be a groupie i think lol x
i love you so much! <3 !!!!!!! plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz……… come to the SECC in Glasgow! me and my friends stacie,sophie and rae LOVE you so much! plz come in ur 2012 tour!!!!
I LOVE YOU JUSTIN! ever since your 1st song was out i hope you can come to london again i missed you last time <3 <3 <3 <3
Hey i love justin beiber i’m the only lad that does! he’s amazing i cant wait to see you hunny bunch 🙂 xoxoxox
JB 😀 so excited to see you!!! i just cant wait for you to touch me on the hand or on my hair, your scent makes me feel all warm inside!
i love you!!! 🙂
i lovw him two
i lovehim hes so cute in he though
im going to see him in london in july 2012 x
i love you jb i really cry day and night hoping tow see you i love you you are so cute and a really good sinnger all thouse people that see you all they have is posters up in there room i cry day and night hoping to see you please come to warrington that is where i live bye the way you probally not evan reading but if you are please my name is rhianna and i am 12 years old xxx i love you jb i will have my fingers crossed. i thought you where really horribal at first but when i watched the never say never film i so love you know i regret what i did and i am probally going on but please com to warrington that is in englan by the way xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
heyy justinn really wanna know when your next in london really wanna see you! im a big fan love the new album (: loveee Taraaa xx
i went to see justin bieber, the best night of my life so far, cant wait till the next tour, much love to youu<3<3<3
have a merry christmas jb
Hey, justin bieber…this is hard too say but i love you so much!, but if you go out with selena gomez thats fine becausei love her too i so want tickets to come see you, i watch uploaded video’s of you on youtube of you being interviewed. i wish i could talk to you in person but guys like you dont have time to talk to girls like me…could yoube a nice guy and write to me, i come on a website and spill my feelings to you wow im sad but to have a day to meet you in person would be like EVERYTHING to me. some people hate you mostly guys but i know they are just jelous of your good lucks i wish you lots of luck and yur concerts and tours. Hopefully ill be there one day. im gunna buy all of your albums speak soon? lots of love your not so friend but SUPER NUMBER 1 FAN Loren Kershaw…<3<3<3<3<3
are all these dates in 201?! NEED TO KNOW PEOPLE.. HELP?
Hi to all Bieber Fanz,
I live in the uk and i was wondering if anyone knows bieber tickets in 2012. I am trying to find same but fit comes up with last year.
Bieberfan xxx
heey im going to see him in london 2012 in july:)x
ur are the same as me bt i cnt get any if there are some tickets left then i will tell u
I love you !!! I was wondering if u would be happy to perform in birmingham uk december 2012 as it is my birthday and seeing u would be the best gift ever !!!
jb please come to england on the 27 because it is my birthday and it would be a dream to see u
i am a massive fan of yours please text me back im 9 years old
thanks allot your amazing megan
justin bieber i <3 u and canieeey wait to see you <3 ure amazing and i think that u are just the best person in the world <3 and u smile a smile ! also can you plz reply
i lovvveeee uuuu
to much i cry all the time and ure perfum is amazing
YEAH it is amazing i gt it to
heey justin iv seen u live in london in march….and i was ur one less lonley girl…i came on stage and u gave me flowers and u sang..u made me feel like i was the only girl in the world at tht point.. i love you so much justin i look up to you and u inspire me lots im even getting the bieber flick…….my room is full of pics of u and bed covers and stuff…just hope u can come and see me like u did for cody and all the other bieber fever girls….im 13 years old a\nd i love u to bits and peices and im cumin to see u i n 2012 in london aswell! i really want u to come to norwich tho…….i love u justin <3
You are sooooooo lucky, i so wish i were you!!!!!!!!
hey justin
as u can see from my name i love you so much and is all i ever wanted to do for my 13th birthday is to see u live and meet u bck stage thats always been my wish i no that will never ever cum true for wen i turn 13 in march 2012 me and my mate have always been talkin about u through bbm and that sayin ” i wish we cud meet jb one day” emailll mee bckk pleasseeee 🙂
love u justin bieber
Heeyy justin can you please tell me when your next concert is because i really really want to get some tickets for me and my m8t ? …….. 🙂 <3
heyy justin bieber i just want to no when your next show is comeing up love trinity
hello justin bieber i hope you can come to london soon xxx I LOVE YOU XXX !!
NO NO PLEASE COME IN APRIL PLEASEEEE! In easter it would be better because everyone is going to be there please
Im soooooooooooooooooooooooo looking forward for him, JB, coming to the UK!
I love him so much, i get made fun of by liking you, jb, but i still love you!!!!!
lots of love Grace
Hello justin. My name is phoenix and I. Am 7 years old. I would really like for you to come to the uk as I would really like to come see you sing and dance live love you loads justin bieber..xxx
heyy justin what month do u come to london o2 arena xxx
hey i love justin bieber so much he is so sexy .he is the best singer ever i have never like anybody as mad as a like justin bieber he is soooooo sexy
i wish bieber can come to my school in london can u come to westfild in london west 12 on a saturday because the last time u came i had school and i was in SE1 pls come bieber biggest fan 1 fan i love bieber
bieber lover
i wish justin bieber can make me one less loney girl
Hey, omg i love you justin!. I want to know if you will be going to united Kingdom- Sheffield or Nottingham sometime in 2012 on your world tour. I really want to go to your concert.x
heyyaaa…. itsss jess… i really love justin<3 i wish i cud marry him tbh ahaha:)…. let me know when he's on tour i manchester??…<3 its my 14th birthday aswell in march :D… i rely wanna c him in concert <3 let me kno the dates and tht plsss…<3<3<3
when is it at the echo ? xx
this is justins future girlfriend so whens the dates so we can meet and fall in love yes? 🙂
when is justin bieber coming next to london please reply tp this i need to know !!
my mum promised me jb concert tickets and i have been trying to find some but thay are all from 2011 AND i just realy wanat to know coz i have been to 3 concerys for the past year and a half but i heared it a got one this year please jb i LOVE YOU<3
cool i like you i like your music
i like your music i really like it
i like yours but it really looks cool
justinbieber look in your page on facebook and i got bieber fever i want to see you in reul life
when will be your next concert xxxx
i love you justin bieber i have bieber fever xxxx love yaaa want to see you in real life in the uk xxx
to justinbieber happy birthday on march fist love from hannah xxxxxxxxxxooooooo
justinbieber came back to the uk i wish i sorr you in reul life i wish my drem came trew i criy a bout you love hannah squire xxxxxooooo
I need to know quick, Ahh I love him so much…
hiyya i really need peoples help when is there another concert in 2012
i lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee yyooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu bieber
i love u justin
Need to kno concert dates in LONDON 2012 and where I could get tickets and how much, this would be a MASSIVE favour to all us in the uk where his concerts will be held (london is 1 I hope!) So plz try and find out wen he is in the uk and where his concerts are!
Many thanks!
LOVE U JUSTIN FOREVER AND ALWAYS, damn he so sexxxyyyy!
I just heard him on the radio!!! He is going on tour and tickets will be realised in may!!!
The dates havnt been realesd yet
Baby your my world iloveyousomuch I never stop going on about u pmg I am so inspires by u r my world babeyyy <3
U dont like clowns & thunderstorms ur clastaphobic u want 3 kids INo all ur fats of my heart <3 follow me on twitter babycakesgabbyX
Same x
basically. iv’e typed in everythhing in the internet to find justin bieber tickets. and nothing is giving me the right thing. its takes the mickk, coz ive been wanted to see jb for time in london preferably.
Is Justin coming 2 the Secc
this year?!?!