Justin was wearing Invisalign on the red carpet at the Brit Awards on Tuesday. I wonder why he didn’t just put them on after. I guess you gotta do what you gotta do.
Invisalign invisible braces are an alternative to traditional metal braces. They consist of a series of aligners that you switch out about every two weeks. Each aligner is individually manufactured with exact calculations to gradually shift your teeth into place.
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i love you justin bieber,,,,i want to see u,,,,,,,,,,
i love justin bieber more then anything in the world
wow really then prove it take a picture with him and put it up so then i will know that you are not lying just sayin because some people will believe you and some people will just be omg this person wants some attention im not saying you want some i just want you to prove so i wil believe you thats it
–Justin Bieber 4 Life–
OMG!!! My classmate said jb is her cousin and he’s coming to our house I”M NOT LYING!!!!!!!!
seriouslly no one belives u
luve u justin
i hear you girl hey is anyone watching this is Justin beiber tonight on tlc
Get. A. Life.
…Idiot obsessed fangirl. Don’t you have better things to do than sit on your butt on the computer all day fantasizing about ‘the Bieber??’
ummm ya right
ilove u justin bieber
hello i love u justin beiber you believe in God their faith hill
i love justin bieber i will never say never from meeting him
Wow! But I Love Him!
He thinks he is so cut
its cute u dodo brain not cut and he is cute ur just mad cuz he is sexier than u probably r
ha,ha nice joke i aam cuter then justin bierer
Emily, you are a mean *******.
People have spelling errors, it’s common for people to leave off characters if they’re typing in a hurry.
As for Bieber J., she can have her own opinion and you can’t change that. Stop trying to control other people.
Can you not fight here.. We are supposed to be beliebers and “LOVE” each other not fight.. Seriously, Justin is our hero, don’t fight here on his page..
Maybe she means cut.. like muscles…
eveen with braces he still looks cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that is a lie right back
i love justin bieber,and he is cute with everithing even with braces!!!!!
he doesnt have braces. Its invisilign. Hense the name, they are invisible. So he looks the same, so he has to be hot
Justin Bieber wears invalign teeth?WaaaaaAAAAAAAAAATUH?I had no idea hé wears e’m
he is so hot and cuteeeee , i love him soooooooooooo much
riaght so qute his my boyfriend when i grow up
Justin bieber would be ever cuter if he had braces tht we could see
I LOVE JUSTIN D. BIEBER <33333333333
u are the the thankfulist person i had ever seen you care about people you have the worlds most cutiest smile yet
(you are my idol and i will never forget about you!!!)
u are the most thankfulist person i had ever heard of you have the cuteist smile that makes my day u are the most best singer i had ever heard i will always be ur fan no matter what u are my idol i love u sooo much
Lol, point?
I would rather get that then braces:) my friend got that too:) LOVE U JB!!!
i love justin bieber he is so cute he would look cute even with braces i got braces he should get some 2 if he dosent ill kill him hahaha in a good way hugs and kisses emily i will never say never
i am cut
hi i love you sike
hi i love you sike so
who cares guys atleast he will have perfect teeth – it will match everything else !!!p
its not that bad people have it wear them everyday Justin or not!
I love you Justin Drew Bieber, you will always have a very special place in my heart. I know a lot of girls who say the will ‘know’ justin. They probably wont. I know I wont either but I know that I am priveledged to have you and all of my beloved beliebers by my side and in my life. I want to thank you all. You are a massive part of my life and I love you all so much. Thank you for givig me all that I have. Nothing can come between us. Thank you, god bless.
his teeth look already straight
hey gorg, how are you, JUSTIN BIEBER IS NSDUIWENFEDNUNCKSDNFUNWEKCDLJWSDFHWNFHERG….words just dont describe him. yep,
AMERICA, HERE WE COME, WATCH OUT! G&B ARE ON THEIR WAY!!!! ……………………….in 5 years. lol
I love justin bieber. hes amazing. Oh my bieber. OmJ. you are my idol. I wanna be just like you, except a girl.
i lve justin bieber and he is my hero im happy if he is happy i want to meet him im a true belieber im not like some ppl that say the r true beliebers i love that he is dating selena gomez some beliebers so they hate her and that they want to kill her if u hurt selena it hurts justin soo iif u dont want to hurt just then stop talking bad about selena he loves her and he is happy with her and im happy that he is happy i love and care for selena and justin!!!!!!!!!!<3 heartes all ways 4 jelena i will all ways love them and care 4 them they r my heros!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just wash your teeth then you will have perfect teeth i love you bye
I love Justin and there’s nothing wrong with having to wear inviliagn for your teeth. I need it so my teeth can be as pretty and as yours.
i love you justin beiber you believe in God their faith hill
I hate justin bieber sooooo much. he is soooo ugly i cant even look at him! whenever i see a pic of him in a magazine i punch him right in his darn ugly face! !!!!!
wow..who ever you are i bet his even cuter than u ??? xoxo JB
GO To: nobieber.weebly.com!
you guys are freaks..
and his hot I’m his biggest fan !!! i <3 you justin
no I’m the biggest fan I’m going to his concert can’t wait 🙂 xx
love you biebs<3
I love you Justin Bieber. I wish you where coming to Central Texas soon. I would love to get some tickets for me and a friend.
whats going on with the bottom of his top teeth??
i think it’s just photoshopped :/
omb he even looks sexy with braces on xxxxxxxxxx <3 <3 <3 <3
y love you justin tienes q subir mas canciones porq one direcion te sta ganando y mas imagenes te amo nunca dejare de ser bilieber
You look more beautiful every day God bless you and follow you I LOVE YOU FOREVER LOVING