Does anyone know how many people tune in to watch the Super bowl?! Justin Bieber is going to be in a commercial with Ozzy Osbourne in front of Millions! On everyones TV Set! Whether the haters like it or not. Am I the only One amused by this?
Kim Kardashian is an amazing person, model and Spokesperson.
Do you really think Justin Biebers endorsement will have a huge Influence on a certain product?
Are you more likely to buy a product that is endorsed by Justin Bieber rather than any other spokesperson?
Take a POLL.
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i love this picturee 🙂
i love you justin viry mtch i wish you can be her this is my number 014805137 call me iam reyad i loooooooooooooove i wesh you can be her with me call me your songs is veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeryyyyyyyyy beutiful like you
Justin bieber I sweetheart hug kiss want to meet all happy deaf say cool yes like Alejandra Magana 🙂 🙂 am call (509)430-6261