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What is Justin Bieber planning for his 17th Birthday?

Mary Hart got a taste of Bieber Fever as Justin Bieber took time from his whirlwind schedule to talk about his already-revamped version of ‘Justin Bieber: Never Say Never’ — and what his big plans are for his upcoming 17th birthday!

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  • Hayy Justinn Isss Thee Best Thinq Thatsx Ever Happend To Me && I Loveee Hissx Moviee (NeverSayNever3D].! <—– That moviee Had Me inn Tearsx.! 🙂 Well I Jus Wanted To Sayy Bieber I Lovee Youu Yur Mah insperation ; ANd i Wanna Meet Yuu So Badd ; But People Say That'll NEVER happen , But I Lift Mah Head High && Say NEVERSAYNEVER BABY 🙂 Thatsx It Lovee Yuu Forever

  • Maddie

    Justin Rockxzsh!! ^_^

  • libyan girl

    i love you Justin so much you are amazing singer you new album is so cool under the mistletoe