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justin bieber someday perfume

Justin Bieber ‘Someday’ perfume official commercial

The commercial for Justin’s new perfume for women, Someday.

Below is the behind-the-scenes:

Thanks again Julissa.

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  • i need to buy that!

    • where can we buy that? xD

      • Rachel

        It wont be coming out until june but you can get it at macy, saphora or other places when it comes out.

      • You cold get it at macys kohls hot topics bath and body works

        • its good that i have your postrs on the wall

        • vita


        • Anonymous

          i really want it

        • cassidy XD

          i really like justin beiber. justin beiber is so hott xD

        • Anonymous

          isn’tj.b cuit

        • vita

          WHO CARES

        • Anonymous

          te amo justin bieber eres lo maximo i love you ♥♥♥ aaa kiero gritar kuanto te amooooo

      • Shannie

        OMG THANK YOU!!! =DDD

        • Anonymous

          te amo justin bieber

        • Zoe

          I loveyou

      • Anonymous

        if ur in sydney eastgardens in myer but thats all i know

    • You should because it smells like me 😀

      • Troll

        Who wants to smell like puberty


        • heyy i love you baby

        • Melanie


        • heyy

        • vita

          hi justin my sister went on facebook but she is only 5 she looked up selena gomez my 7 and a half year old heleped her type up the words i cant get that because im only 8 and 3 quaters (that is so young to start wearing purfuemes ) im one of ur child fans whenever i see the commercail of someday it makes me lol

        • Anonymous

          we love u justin <3

      • arianna ailin

        te amo justin bieber

        • Anonymous

          i love justib bieber

      • vita


  • Sammi

    Hey Selena!..
    YOU MAD?

    • Niti

      Yeah! shez really MAD..e_eLOL!

      • She was mad she almost broke up with me but now we are back together

        • vita


        • vita

          thats great I LOVE JUSTIN BIEBER

        • cassidy XD

          hi justin bieber i am a really big fan

  • RobynlovesJustin

    I am soooo gettting this! I’m one of the moms Justin talks about that will want this scent! you guys r AWESOME at keeping me in the loop…love you!

  • Aniestin

    um..this comercial is kinda weird…cause there like floating..and stuff..idk..i luhv justin and everything but….idk..

    • iloveyouuuJB

      are you for real? its awesome!

    • i know right..its….kinda…wired but….justin…is sexy ….as fuck..shiit..

      • Never say never my comeriacl rocks take that

        • ImaBelieber

          hey justin
          when does someday come out in england ??
          love you belieber forever xxx

      • I want Justin Bieber’s perfume to be sell in the Philippines………….
        and please follow me on twitter…. @Master_Belieber

      • i love you boy

  • Patricia

    I can’t wait to get this perfume! Im also one of Justins older fans ( not a mom yet ) lol. Love the commercial <3

    • Your sweet and nice thanks 😀

      • jelena

        hey jus did your perfum come on every country i mean i’m from montenegro and i want by your perfum but i can’t found it

    • Anonymous

      i all ready have it,
      its sooooo nice :* :*

  • Carolyn

    dangggg justin is getting it on! thought it was kind of weird giving her a piggy back ride & cuddling in the air though haha

    i wonder how old the girl is

    • Shes 16 plus shes hot but selenas sexy

    • vita

      i know right that girl on the comercail should have been me

  • Cheljie

    W.T.F!!!!!!!!THE GIRL!!!!!!! OMGGG!!!!!WHAT SHE DID!!!!!!!!!!OMG!!!!I HATE THAT GIRL!!!!!! I WANT TO KILL HER!!!!!!

    • Anonymous

      thats mean she didnt do anything to you she was just advertising it with him :/

      • Anonymous

        yeh like dont freak out u dont own him :L >…………..

    • Niti

      Me too! shez so weird 😛 but love justin..(:

    • iloveyouuuJB

      calm down its just a commercial!
      but yes she’s so lucky!

  • Terri

    Does he come with the bottle? Every time I spray it on myself I want him to float around my head ….

    DAISY GIRL I LOVE THE HELL OUT OF YOU! You are on it! I love this site. You guys are da best.

  • Anonymous

    I love u Justin

    • I love U to

      • vita

        here is a song: justin bieber makes me lol lol lol he makes me sad sad sad sad sad i love love love love him very much much much so what did u haters do to to make me lol lol lol

  • amber

    I am soooooo getting the perfume!! I wish I was the girl in the commercial 😛 Justin ur sooooooooo HHOOTT!! xx

  • bri

    I love Justin but that commercial made me LOL. I couldn’t take it seriously.

  • FrejaJBFAN

    Where can I buy your parfumé? 🙂

    • Macys kohls hot topic bath and body orks )

      • lol love it

      • Anonymous

        justinbibeber. oi. bejinho. love. you.18. amos.a. tayiiaia. oaeu.oyo.e.y.amiga. yasmin. fas. casa. one. time. baby. lol lov. it.fotos.justin. you.lov u. love you. justin. sooooo.

  • Sascha

    isn’t it kind of mean to advertise a product like this, so it does not say the scent is good but it says that justin bieber might kiss you when you buy it and that seems like playing with the feelings of lonely girls to tear out their pocket money, and yes i know it goes to charity, but that only means that it makes scooters brother adam rich

  • abby

    i hope selena doesn’t feel jealous 🙁

    • amylauren

      i hope she does! i hate her and always have , but i am happy for justin!<3

  • when it come to chile?

  • Princess raila najera


  • Princess raila najera

    I l0ve justin and i want 2 buy that perfume.
    I will hurry g0ing 2 mall buy that. .

  • Claire loves Justin

    You can get the perfume at Belk dept. Store and on Belk.com starting June 22!

  • lid97

    i want ,i want i want i want i want i want i want i want that perfume.where can i buy?pleaaaaassssssseeeeeeee tell me

  • Giani


  • bieber lover

    if i put justin’s new perfume i think justin bieber will kiss me i wish i love him so much love you justin!!!!

    • Lov U

      • mel mariscal

        hola justin soy melu hi te qiero contar qe mi vida es igual y qe nunca ba acambiar sin mi fami lia y sin bos besos

  • Jenny

    I seriously love justin so much but umm this kinda made him look like a stalking vampire…..a little bit weird

  • stine

    hey selena you are werry nice <3 and i love justin so moutch like you

    • too all hate Justin Bieber,stop making rumoring to him,because that`s bad….

  • Pati

    Anyone knows what’s the name of this girl?? Plz tell me i need to know xo

  • kaytee

    am soooo buying this. when will be in stores in the uk ???

  • RebecalovBieber

    im gonna get it 🙂 shes so lucky…!!! 😛

    • Anonymous



      hbjmj,ujbu jmikkjnh jJOUYNUJL0Ö0LY

      j,önl,kon,lknlkonj o,bk, kln

  • RebecalovBieber

    and yeah…the commercial is kinda weird cuz they’re floating or something but justin looks like a sexy vampire Grrr… haha xD

  • when everybody gets this and they spray it on themselves, Justin better magically appear and sniff their necks too. Haha, it’s only fair (:

  • Anonymous

    it is MINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    love u justin <3


    • Anonymous

      i love you so much and im 9years old

      • sena

        i am a big fan my name is sena and i am a girl and i love your movies i have it
        it is my ps3 and i am so are you okay i live 139 and you are so cool do we meat me at the park and you are so nice do you want me
        i love you very much i miss you so so much i am so happy are you happy too wait do you ask me like a girlfirand so you ask me right
        how is your day and how are you .

  • those of us who already love Justin’s song and dance – we enjoy the new ad, since we get to see Justin again. It comes to me as a big surprise that there is so much negative criticism against such an outstanding artist. [Rich]

  • iam soo a bieber fan i love him reallly !!

  • amyylauren

    When does it come out in the uk? <3 Amyy

  • hi

  • I love you justin

  • Ashley

    I’ve got 2 get that perfume! i love you justin bieber 🙂 -AshAsh

  • madison

    how much does it cost?

  • brisa peluso

    esta perisimo el perfume de justin bieber

  • Anonymous


  • karen


  • danni bieber


    • hihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  • Becky

    immm sooo getting thiss perfummee!!!! this commercial is kinda weird tho lol

  • LillyBieber614

    I want this perfume sooooo bad! I am going to a million of them so I never run out! I love you so much, Justin!!!!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3

  • i love jb i well get its but when did it come out

  • you are so sexy justin

  • Jazzybieber

    I can’t wait to get this! I’ve been trying to save my money for one of his concerts but I feel like I have to buy it! I bet it will smell sooo good! 😀

  • Ashleigh

    omg im gonna buy this when it comes out at macys or bath and body works if it’s not crowded wheni get inside the store. lol i wish i was tht girl . Luv u justin. (p.s) im the girl on facebook ashly carmichael not joking )

  • Júlia

    I love justin bieber.
    The boy is cool!!
    Beatiful !!!Perfect !!!

  • Júlia

    Justin I love you since I was 5 years old I saw your first video and I’ll be obsessed with you until it stops cantar.Como know it will not happen, I’ll be your fan for the rest of my life! I remember you got sick in a show.Ja everything is alright! I think. Answer me that everything is ok well, just so I feel less worried.
    kisses to the cutest boy in the world!
    Julia, 10 years

  • mollie-bieber

    i am going to save up so i can get this perfume! i bet it smells so nice like justin does,
    i miss the 16th march 2011 when i saw u live- i love u justin <3

  • mollie-bieber

    please reply it would make my day,

    love you justin drew bieber <3

    • justin drew bieber

      dear mollie ,

      i hope you have great day 🙂

      Lots of love, shawty –

  • Zapporah

    This is sooo on my list to get! i need this, it is my summer destiny. haha. luvv u justin!

  • Belieberfan1

    Wow when come this parfume out in THE stories??? I need That end it is from Justin so please tell me when we can Find That parfume in THE stories in THE Netherlands??? I live you Justin<3 i never let you go!!!!!! Xxxxxxxbelieberfan1 from THE netherlands

  • I think this perfume is da best cumin frm da person dat her room is full of justin perfumes songs cds and so much mor….justin cn becum big…nd fr dose who think selena is usin justin i noe dats a lie…dey r great togethr…nd i dont think dey would keep secrets away frm each other nd der fans…i consider them role models….I luv both of dem to death

    • taria buckley

      are you fuckiing retarded, why the fuck do you you speak like your deformed, justin bieber would never want a fan that speaks like a complete loser, grow the fuck up

      • Justin Bieber

        Thanks, Taria you’re so right.
        Some people should go to school and get a education.
        P.S. I love you taria

        • melly

          Actually, justin loves all of his fans, and this obviously isnt justin. So stop it.

      • Keely and Taylor

        taria your sickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!

      • justinbieberfollwer

        Justin loves all this fans through thick and thin,and he believes in all of us .<3

      • Anonymous

        nice pretending to be me who ever this is..

      • Anonymous

        this is not the taria buckley from gympie

  • lyk I said justin has sum good perfume…believe mii i hav almost all his stuff…nd again i repeat all dose dat think selena is usin justin it cant b tru…I think dey ar PERFECT role models to me nd young teens…i also say they wouldnt keep secrets away frm each other mattr fact der fans

    • jordan


    • taria buckley

      stop speaking like a fuckhead

      • Justin Bieber

        You’re a mad bitch, Taria
        I’d date a fan like you

  • Lucy Evans

    Wow the commercials look great !, seriously can’t wait to buy this perfume it looks lush and I really want to know WHEN IS IT OUT IN THE UK!???????

    • justin bieber

      i love you lucy evans

      u seem like a really nice gal, its coming out soon to the uk i think


      • DeeDee Baby

        yes, i would jus like to say im the first person so far that i know of that has the perfume and i must say that it is awsome. Smells great too. Goodluck on the sales….love the name of the perfume as welll….just wondering how did you come up with such a name as someday to be a womens/girl perfume…

  • ravinder bajwa

    i can’t wait till your perfume comes out, i’ll be wearing it everyday 🙂 also i LOVE YOU Justin Bieber! <3<3<3<3<3

    • Anonymous

      yeah me 2 I LOVE U


  • Taylor Small

    i soo want this perfume!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Bieleberfan24

    I’m only 10 and I can’t wait until it’s June 20th! I’m a Justin Bieber fan!!

  • Anonymous

    super puperi xar justin

  • meagan_belieber

    omg i have to get this , but i dunno were you can get it in the uk ? :/ loveyou justin! <3

    • Hey Guys , Thanks for all the support i love all my fans and i just wanna tell you all that the perfume is coming out in diffrent country’s on diffrent days. I’m not sure when its coming out in the UK but it wil be wih you soon!!!! , Agian thanks for all the Support and hope you enjoy my perfume when you get it!!!!!!!

  • jordan

    THAT perfume sounds kul. ill wear it every day justin if you evan cared.

    • taria buckley

      if you ever want to meet bieber, then learn how to fucking spell

  • jordan

    justin if you see this i hope you do cuz you only care about the pretty girls and not me .

  • el perfume ezta d lo mejooor ;j

  • sim pudiera konsegirlo zeria lo mejor d ezte mundo bilieber x ziempreeeeeeeeeeeee iiiiiiiiiii lllllloooovvveeeeee yyoouu justiiiiiin bieber

  • i need that perfume if you come to my house that was my birthday wish i would so love you for that

  • Anonymous


  • Kelly

    I love you! How much does Somebody cost?

  • destiny loves jb

    hey justin bieber.

  • destiny loves jb

    HEY justin bieber i just wanted to say that your HOT! and your cute of COURSE! lol and please reply me back later or soon but i love you so much i wish i could see you and im a very nice person and im sweet and funny and im cute and hot lol and i really want to marry you when i grow up but its your choice and thats all love you justin bieber call me babe!!!! lol.

  • megan brodie

    heyy justin, can not wait till i get the perfume. the name you picked is effective i love it and i love you xx <3

  • brianna

    i love u soo much

  • Taybelieber

    Can’t wait to get it Justin.
    I love the name.. I know I may never be noticed nut there’s always #someday. (:

  • christin w.

    justin 1 I hate u . u suwed your mother just bc she would not let u have a not fake tatto and my frand hates u now bc u cut your hair so ha

    • Anonymous

      excuse me, get a grip. hes gorgeous probs better looking than you will ever be, you dont even know him so dont have a go grow up/

  • cool! someday will be out in 3 days! can’t wait!! (sorry if double posted but AGAIN couldn’t see the first one!)

  • Brittany

    When does someday come out

    • Brittany

      I mean when does it come out in Memphis or in Southaven

  • when is the perfume coming out i want to by it

  • claire furay

    when is the perfumee out justinbieber ilysm<3!

    • mrsbieber

      its out on july 20th i bought it so there

  • Makayla

    Hey Justin, OMG you & Selena cutee!!<3 But hey can you buy the perfume in the Macy's store? &Do you always get the bag free with the purchase? &Do you buy the hair spray&the lotion seperate?
    Love you Justin!

  • hae i was just wonderigg wen tha fragancee is gunna be released in australia as i want to be one of the first people to buy it nd i dn wanna miss out so what will be the release date in australia prefferably in sydney

    PLZ REPLY….I LOVE YUU JustinDrewBieber…..NeverSayNever………love yuu now and forever <3

  • mrsbieber

    did u no i got the perfume today and omg i spared it on myself it smells……. um i dont know a word to discribe the smell well it smells so beautiful i cant stop spraying. im gonna put the perfume on tommorow at school and show all my friends the bottle they are gonna be so jealouse. if ur wondering how i got the perfume my dad bouht it he buys me anything i want and hes got more than £100 iv seen not joking. when i go canada this year im gonna take the perfume and spray it all over me so justin bieber can come and smell my neck like he did to that girl. i bet ur all jeaouls. hahahahahahahahahah!!!!!

  • Kaitlyn

    i love justin bieber so muuuchhh & my mom is taking me to actually GET THE WHOLE SET, (fragnce, lotion, and hair spray thingy) ! i’m sooooo happy 🙂 but, i also feel bad for the people who can’t afford it, and stuff. the people who are selling it should make it cheaper and easier to afford. i’m happy for justin going this far, he has his own movie, and now like his own women’s perfume! i hope pattie, is verrry happy for his hard work. hater’s can be jealous. <3

  • ada

    justin bieber i love you and your music i am going to turn 8 in july i want to see if you can com on the 23

  • Tala Bieber


  • Taylor Small

    i love you justin bieber so so so so so so so so so much

  • Taylor Small

    hi again lol

  • Heather

    Thats hot <3

  • Natalia

    when is the perfume coming to Australia?

  • emily

    i love u justin bieber i saw your movie and i cried and i want to get your perfum and i wish we can go out

  • StephanieesGotTheBIEBERFEVER

    OMB!! WHEN IS THIS OUT IN AUSTRALIA? I NEEEEEEEEED IT MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THE WORLD!! I AM JUSTIN’S #1 FAN, I KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM! THE TIME/DATE/DAY HE WAS BORN <3 i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee himm with alll my heart, we are gonna get married and have Bieberbabies and live in Justin Bieber land, it is going to be so magical! 😀 soo i really neeed to know when the perfume is out in Australia so when we meet we fall inlove kthanxbye xo

    • StephanieesGotTheBIEBERFEVER

      Ohhh, and criend extremly in your movie(: it was the most beautiful thing i have ever seeen! I own all your books, i own everything you have brought out xoxo

  • Anonymous


  • Daisy Bieber

    Heeey Justin!
    Please Reply It Would Make My Day!!!! 🙂 Your Are just So Amazing And Talented! Your VERRRRRY HOT ;]
    Love You Loadssss <3


    im not a fan of his but i love the smell of the perfum 🙂

  • gemma brunetti

    justin, i cant wait to get my hands on ur perfume! if u replied, u would make my day. u r my inspiration and i love u. FOREVER belieber, gemma. love u sooo much. sexy 😉

  • Justine Martinez

    i love someday and i love u justin wish i could meet u btw u and selena are so cute together hope you guys are happy (-:

  • Justin Bieber Lover

    Dear Justin,

    I am your biggest fan in the whole world, i cant wait till my mom buys me your new fragrance “Someday” write me back. <3<3<3 love You!!!!

    Brianna YOUR BIGGEST FAN<3

  • ciao sono una tua fan mi chiamo francesca ti amo da impazzire complimenti per il profumo comunque perfavore fai un concerto a roma xfavore jb ti amo ciao ora vado.

  • kathleen

    Hi justin i know your busy being famouse and all but i hop you will reply im a hug fan and ilost all my friends because of it they dont like you so i dont have any friends any more and i cant make new ones because i was metale mouth and faty in elementry school and even with not haveing braces and losing a ton of wait im still an out cast it was hard geting the friend i had and now there gone please responde.
    Love kathleen (still a hug fan)

  • Albany Bieber

    Dear Justin,
    It would really make my day if you follow me on twitter and i wish i can come to a concert Someday.
    Lots of Love,
    Albany <3

  • hey justin draw bieber i know you dateing selena gomez but stop showing off she is not that pretty and i was at macy’s but you was not there i still love you i hope you come soon to new york city im just 12 years old but i dont care im a nice girl and smile cute and funny and i dont care not people think about me im nice in the inside and the outside to i love justin very much

    • manny

      JUstin Drew Bieber NOT Draw! kid Selena + Justin= true love ..u+jb=hell

      • Jaharra

        dont gotta b mean about it…

      • Hannah

        ya you really dont have to be meanabout it. shes 12. shes naive. give her a break. i dont think she knows that Daisy runs this page, not Justin.

      • Bayy

        Girls calm down If Justin is happy with Selena then so be it. I know you might love him so do i but that is not realty…We both know that Justin bieber is the most sexest guy on the plant … But sometimes you need to let things go. If it makes him happy going out with selena then that is how it is going to be. And if you were a true belieber then you would want him to be happy and not lonly his whole life<3

        • Anonymous

          that true

    • Hannah

      not to be rude but have you ever heard of ‘punctuation’ like period,comma,question mark,exclamation point? it makes things easier to read. and 2nd. you called Selena ugly and than said you were nice on the inside?…

      • Joy

        I have to agree with you there……

    • marina

      ur stupid :’D

      • Shelby

        Just saying, if you hate Selena, who Justin likes then your not a true fan. I am pretty sure he is happy with Selena. I am 13 myself and like Justin. I am not going to go around saying he should be dating me and Selena is ugly, blah blah blah! I am happy for Justin because he is happy! Selena is really pretty and probably prettier then you!

    • Haay, i think you should watch what your saying.

    • kharizma

      i love justin beiber he’z hot that bitch selana gomez is ugly as hell im17 i was born the same year and day so im really perfect for him

      • Anonymous

        no your not

    • Anonymous

      justin bieber i honestly love you to death but the thing im scared of is that you will forget about us to be with her thats what im worried about so other writers put this on twitter because jb seems to be acting different

    • Anonymous

      Emily ur kind pathetic

    • Anonymous

      I love you Justin !!!! I love it! you’re single! you must come here in Bulgaria have many fans! Powered by 🙂

  • hey justin mabey you can put a portrit of yourself and then we can draw it and put it on a wedsite and you can every week cheek them and see whos is the best. if it sounds good send me a message =] and i hope you can come to qubec and sing here in frog town just to let you know my cousins are in LOVE with you i just hope to see you some time


  • Maria

    Hey Justin i really love you, and i hope so mutch that you come back to denmark again, please come i can’t live without you! you are everything for me, I LOVE YOU!!!!!<3 some people just makes life especially by being! thats what you do!

    • Maria

      I agree with Maria – my name sis 😉
      Please come to Denmark again.. I didn’t have the money to go to his concert.. so it would be amazing if he’d come again 😀

  • Hey justin really love you and your music and i lov u so much but i hope that you could come to my town pensacola its in Florida to the civic center and performe and i also really want to meet you lov you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3

    • yaybieberfan

      haha lol, he can’t stop saying “amazing” lol he is soo cute

  • Irene...♥

    Oh Justin! I really love your songs and you! I`m fron Tashkent . And I hope you come here…PlEASE ! I wont it werry much =) LUV <3

  • Sophie

    Justin, I really hope you can come to mexico, maybe monterrey. They say things are pretty violent here but its alright, as long as you are here. I saw you at sound check at San Antonio and you were great. Im a big fan and I have hope that you are gonna see this # someday

    • Nina

      of course he is going to monterrey because thats were selenas family is from so get ready because justin already took selena to meet his family it wont be long before she invites him to meet her family.

  • BritneySpears

    OKay, Brah,.
    I mean Justin I get it that she’s your girlfriend
    Buh you dont have to go around promenting, her chiz. Kbai.

    • BritneySpears

      K, Guy’s Im not britney spear’s Just saying.

      • we know hahah 😀 and Selena is awesome why u guys hate on her so much?

        • Nina

          i agree with u but i think selena and justin are just so excited about their relashionship that they are kissing and showing off that they are really going out so i dont think that peole are hating i just think they are sick of justin and selena kissing and showing off.

        • i <3 u justin!

        • u rock! i luv evrey about u! chall

        • i agree with you… Selena is great girl and she is pretty…….JUSTIN COME TOO CROATIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA…………….:**

  • I loveyou so much, i stand by you through EVERYTHING!

  • Madysenne

    I Dont Care How Much It Cost .. Its Going To A Good Cause .. JBieber Is The One For Meeeeeeee . Yeah Buddy

    • Hannah

      love this post<3


  • Justin bieber , i love you with every little piece of my heart and i can wait to get your perfume , u r amazing if someone like u wasn’t apart of my life i would probs die ! <33 my ex bf gave me a carboard cut out of u for my b-day thats how much everyone knows i love u ! i am ur # 1 fan justin ! i love u ! .. <333 (:

    • i got the perfume it smell so good love u boo

  • Ayeee shawty, how r u? okay here’s the thing, I live in Croatia, Europe and I’m wondering will Someday ever come here? I mean we have all of your albums and we had NSN3D premiere and First Step 2 Forever so yeah. One more thing I have twitter since August 2010 and I’m trying to get noticed by u since then, no succes, so please notice me 🙂 Aaaaand come to Croatia one day, we r waiting for you Bieber 😉

    Love, Sara xoxo

  • Keya

    Hey Justin keys hear just luv the perfume and want to know where to get it and hope you keep going on with your success.<3

  • lili canada

    amo a jb y no beses a otras chavas solo ama a selena gomez
    y i love you perfume

  • lili canada

    i love you perfume and ilova a justin bieber

  • lili canada

    i already buy you perfume

    and i am a fan #1









  • Kyra-Justine

    Hello Justin,
    I am one of your biggest Fans in the World.Your Perfume is fantastic and your New Song with Chris Brown,too.Hundred kisses Love Kyra-Justine…
    And come you to Germany again.Your Conzert in Berlin and Oberhausen was beautiful…..

  • Nina

    girls listen up justin is not going to fall for any of you guys so stop saying your last name is bieber because its not goiong to happen.selena is getting ready to change her last name to bieber.i do feel bad for everyone because all of u are dreaming about being with him and kissing him but get over it hes not yours hes selenas.trust me i know how it feels to but i got over him a little but its okay becaus ewe might not find another justin bieber but we will find our own justin bieber. GOOD LUCK 🙂

    • Hannah

      your sooo not a Belieber! you basically just told us you will never marry Justin. and how do you know? and we can make our last name bieber on here,its fine. im pretty sure over half the belieber population is married to Justin. so stop being a dream killer k? and just let people beliebe and dream. theres nothing wrong with it. and who knows? maybe he will marry a belieber. Pattie said she wants Justin to date a Belieber. and i honestly think he would be alot happier. and if he does propose to Selena? what if she says no? okay? goshh you get so angry over the smallest thing like someone joking around changing their last name to Bieber. ohhh thats soooooo bad…..

  • poo bear

    he guys ninas right you have to move on
    i did get over him

  • pee bear

    justin u rock i looooove u

  • Hannah


  • TIA


  • #1beblier

    So if we buy SOMEBODY justin bieber will come vist us and wanna smell us will then i better go buy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-)

    • Anonymous

      Hey jb

  • lucia451

    como sera el perfume de justin b. espero probarlo

  • Taylor Small

    i love this commercial so much and i am so getting i when it comes out no matter how much it is!!!

  • paola valenzuela

    justin beiber is the best one of my biggger dream is tooo mett hin in real life ilu jb ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  • I agree with Nina, but Hannah, keep bitching like the way you are, and one day you’ll say something to the wrong person, and you’ll regret it. I don’t think that everyone needs to get over Justin ofcourse! but alot of you do need to get a life, and stop dreaming that Justin Biebers gonna walk through the door and take you away, to live happly ever after ! i think you’s should stop hateing on Selena, shes a nice, beautiful and very talented young girl, and shes fallen in love with Justin, and he loves her back, a true Belieber would want justin to be happy, you know what they say, if you love something set it free. Who agrees? ( :

    • Mandaa Bieber

      I agree (:

  • Mandaa Bieber

    Okay I’m a Belieber and i love Justin alot he is so talented. Justin is happy with Selena let him be. Just letting you know people if you hurt Selena it hurts Justin too. I’m a really big fan of Justin i like Selena too i’m a fan of hers too i mean there both cute together they are a perfect match! 😀 <3.

  • Haley

    Justin Bieber i hate you then i love you, i flash off and on its weird!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Shanil

    I love your song please visit INDIA (india,kerala) 919746272794 WE R WELCOMING YOU TO INDIA PLEASE COME

  • Shanil

    I love your song please visit INDIA (india,kerala). MY MOBILE NUMBER 919746272794 WE R WELCOMING YOU TO INDIA PLEASE COME

  • hi justin bieber how are u doing to day my new cell phone is purple so i know u like purple so i die my purple and my room at home is purple i love your commercial my gram said she maybe buy me the loton and i love you so much and my brithday i am turing 16 this winter so i wish u can make it love you justin bieber<3

  • i luv u justin bieber u r cutie and u r song ^^ baby ^^ is my fav song

  • raghdah

    hey you are so hot and sixigt

  • Anonymous

    ohhh .. justin ! i really really love you ♥ .. hope you stop dating selena .. shes not meant for you .. really, she sucks ! many of your fans and her friends is telling us that she is just a show off to impress her fans . but really shes not nice at all ..

    // i really love you but if you dont want to lose your fans stop dating her !

  • tyrra ♥

    ohhh .. justin ! i really really love you ♥ .. hope you stop dating selena .. shes not meant for you .. really, she sucks ! many of your fans and her friends is telling us that she is just a show off to impress her fans . but really shes not nice at all ..

    // i really love you but if you dont want to lose your fans stop dating her !

    • Anonymous

      Its not because of er and he’s. Not going to lose. His fan’s!

  • tyrra ♥

    i really love justin .. i’ve got major bieber fever !

  • dgdgdgdhjsryh

  • justin i love u so much ur are my idiol i have been your fan since u posted your first vidio and i will be your fan till you post your last vidio <£ i am just gunna say that you are a very lucky man to be going out with her. i love her as much as i love you and i think that you to were made for eachother. i will not ever disagree over who your are dating but a true fan would not make worry and make you feel sad about it !! i think fans should not get involed in your private life its mean and not needed. Your a amazing man and i admire you for every reason possible you r a god to every one every where and i love u so much. if you read this i am so greatfull that u care about your fans <3 i love u justin drew bieber <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

    • Anonymous

      This is long

  • can i just say that this girl is only 12, she obv don’t know that much but if were all beliebers right? then we shud be all happy for him i mean he looks so happy with selena so there we go. there only teenagers it might just be a teen romance but then again it might be a long term relationship, but who cares we still get to perve on justin! 😉

  • I’m happy Justin found true love he’s the best man on earth and the nicest so he deserves love

  • turning14

    you guys are running around like you know him. like he’s meant to be yours . all of you or most say that you love him, yes he is cute and he has great music but you can’t really love someone if you have never met them and if you don’t know what their personality is like. of course for younger girls it’s different cause they’re still trying to get a hold of this whole “love” concept and they don’t really understand it . all i’m saying is stop being all frazzly dazzly about it and look at the reality of it. about 1 in 100 of his fans will actually get to sit down and have a heart-to-heart with him. although almost all of his fans want to be that 1 (including me) out of that 100, for most it won’t happen. and also if you’re his fan, you would be happy for him, that he found someone that he can love and cherish.
    xoxo turning14

    • justin&selena

      dear turning 14,
      i am so happy that you understand this. thank you for supporting me and selena. i am lucky to have a fan like you. if you have twitter, follow me @justinbieber and reply back with your tweet .


      • turning14

        no problem justin . and i just got twitter but mine is @alyem1 . i am so grateful that you recognized me . i would hope that i can be that one in one hundred to meet you .

  • justin&selena

    turning 14,
    alright well im just with selena right now, all click your follow button later. haha.
    im going to be flying into winnipeg soon to visit family so i’ll give you my cell# for there. 12048994595 or 12042914559. if you dont live in canada then just tweet me and we’ll talk .
    xoxo justin

  • Mathilde

    I love you so much coming someday to denmark??

    • Anonymous

      Yeah. All his fans do

  • eloise

    Im 11 years old and i think justin and selena is the perfict couple. She id pretty and he is fit so the match….JUSTIN+SELENA=LOVE!

  • Who cares

    Everyone of you needs to get a life you are all ridiculously desperate and prob the most obnoxious people honestly do something productive stop dreaming about someone you can’t get and go do something point is get a life all of you obsessive JB fans

  • Everyone of you needs to get a life you are all ridiculously desperate and prob the most obnoxious people honestly do something productive stop dreaming about someone you can’t get and go do something point is get a life all of you obsessive JB fans …all of you will NEVER get him

  • Everyone of you needs to get a life you are all ridiculously desperate and prob the most obnoxious people honestly do something productive stop dreaming about someone you can’t get and go do something point is get a life all of you obsessive JB fans …..you will NEVER GET HIM EVER

    • claire

      ilove you to justinbieber

    • i

      u know what u obnoxious cow i will get him and when i do ur going to look even more ridiculous than u already r k k
      so keep ur stupid b***h comments to ur f***ing selk other wise i will do something u really dont like

      u got that
      GOOD !!!

      • Anonymous

        Eaaaaaaaaaaasy there! face the fact mate!
        its true none of us are never gonna get him so dont get happs and dream about something thats not gonna happen :/

        • i love you justin bieber i want to keep you forever and be my boyfriend i am 13 now i still love you

      • laura

        hahah?? dont make me laugh oh crab? IM SCARED I WANT MY MOMMMY:} if u are wrritting shit im going to do something to u ??

    • who asked your advice

      we all love him..as person nd singer in life…now what da hell is ur problem.. who knows someday we might meet him….

    • hey justin i love u

    • laura

      why do u care if u dont like justin bieber why are u cheking out jb stuff if u dont like him do be riting things

    • Anonymous

      Hey i think ur just jealous cuz nobody loves u like we love Justin Bieber

  • Amaya

    I love you Justin your so cute I’m your number 1 fan and you and Selena are so cute together And Selena your so cute and your my idol because you the best singer and to say it again dont ever dump him get married. And goes for Justin don’t never ever dump her Selena you are also my fav I’m your numder1fan. I love you guys bye. Lovey birds

    • claire

      No,he’s gonna marry me, not ugly selena

      • Hey its Justin Bieber and i would like to say thank u so much for the comment i would love to meet u! I LOVE U!

      • Anonymous

        happy day

      • laura

        thats true claire cool post:)

    • laura

      if u like justin bieber you dont have to like his girlfriend u want to get him not taken??

  • justinbieber is the best and the hottest singer in the world

  • alez criss

    i very love your perfume justin bieber very much

  • kennedy lowther


  • ani

    i love justin i lovee lovee

  • Jessica

    i love Justin Bieber! the perfume is so magical and awesome!

  • Claire

    Justin Bieber is the best. He’s the sexyiest ever! Ill marry him, i swear! <3

    • J J

      Justin bieber will end up marrying some famous teen idol. dont get your hopes up, or itll just put your heart down. youre so stupid. F*ck him

      • jb hater

        WHAT !!!!!!!! You people need to get fucking life’s, yes you claire, you are never going to get him i’m sorry but its the truth ! Even selena realised that he is a 12 year old midiget !

        • laura

          you now what you don’t have to say shit is not his falt he just wanted to be a singer he wanted to do his dream you are a jb hater becuase he is cute not like you u are ugly if one day u are famous eveybody is going to be hating you to im a jb fan so dont mess wit him ok bitch

  • Macy

    Justin!!! You WILL marry me! but you will always be the guy of my dreaammms! I love you the most! i meet you and got youre picture with before and i started crying (of happiness). it was the best moment of my life! You mean the world to me! (: <3<3<3<3

  • sandy#

    I love justin bieber.
    He is everything to me.
    The first time I saw the video of him I cried, cried in his show he is everything to me. My prof said he’s ugly I started to cry.
    I love Justin Bieber

  • gaby ilovejb

    i love him Justin Bieber
    he is cute
    i love how he sings
    he rocks

  • gaby ilovejb

    All u haters don’t need to like JUSTIN BIEBER !!!!!

  • gaby ilovejb

    I wish JUSTIN BIEBER meets me i will love to see him and i will love him to talk to me alos hope he meets all other fans they will be so happy like me !!!!!!!!! 🙂

    • laura

      that cool i love jb and i wish i could see him too

  • sierra

    To be 100% honest I don’t really like jb’s music (well I like a few songs) but I LOVE his perfume it smells amazing I wear it every day and I know I will buy it again and again. <3 it.

  • Nanna Drew Bieber

    I cant find it in Denmark! Is there a wepside where i can oder it? <3

  • eu te amo justin love you namorado

  • justin bieber namorado amo

  • fofofoofofofoofofofoofofofoofofofofofoofofoofofofofofofofofoofofofoofofofofoofofofo lindodododododooddoodo

  • voces sau muito feias que feias

  • voces sau muito feias

  • iuiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiuiiuiuiuiiuiuiiuiuiiuiuiuiiuiu

    • hey justin bieber i love you so much you are so cute in those colthes you wear with your shoes and your swetter lol i love you justin bieber

      • Anonymous

        in your music video i thought is was really good but seriously pull up your pants or get a belt

  • Lika

    I love Justin!!!!!!

  • dear justin bieber I would like to meet you justin bieber with kristina altamura

  • liz

    hello want to be the one with the campaign but how do 1 send the video is justin bieber

  • hey justin bieber i love your prfume you made out am geting it for christmas i love you and i what to see you i preson on christmans can come to mu house with mark to supries me okay lol love you justin bieber

  • sagatorian

    sorry but i am so destroy but i hate you just a little bit

  • Hello! I must have perfume and when is it coming to Sweden? <3
    Please answer! I want so much to have it! <3

  • Anonymous

    i use to hate jb but im starting to like alot to lol

  • fan de justin bieber

    ter amo justin bieber TEAMO love justin soy tu fan numero1 TE ADORO baby

  • jaime

    not a fan of justin but I do like his new christmas song and the perfume looks nice, havent smelled it yet..

  • jaime

    people need to learn how to talk and type on this website, none of you make any sense.

  • andreastar

    i love justin bieber

  • Anonymous

    i love the song someday

    • deysy perez

      i hope u make more songs like that

  • i love u justin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hve biber fever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • maribel

    hey justin bieber im your fan i have seen all your videos and i know all the songs and the song i like more is stuck in the moment and the new one an one time and never let u go i dedicate the song never let you go u are my dream all do i dont like selena gomez bec she stole your heart?? I REALLY LOVE YOU TAKE CARE (I EVEN GOT A TATOO A REAL ONE) i send u a hug ilove you?:):)

  • wow justin pls come to CYPRUS.we love u so much and i can proove it because every time i sing your songs especially the “overboard,pray and u smile”,im crying.My bedroom is full of your posters and i love u so much.before some days my cousin came from ENGLAND,LONDON and brings me your perfume”someday”because we dont have it in my country……….I LOVE U SO MUCH pls answer to msg pls …..omg…omg…omg…omggg…….im talking to you …ohohohohohohohh…….my…..goddd…!!!!!!

  • i love justin bieber!
    he’s amazing and goodest singr in the world!!!!
    love you jb!!!!!♥
    you’re my life……!

  • Tim

    Ughh, i just want to know WHERE CAN I GET HIS perfume?

  • ilove you justin bieber name is melissa caldeorn 1404-935-58584
    i eat with you melissa justin bieber and he come my he have car
    i go with mam nwe york meet you justin bieber i out with you
    justin bieber so much melissa calderon
    the have car justin bieber

  • a true beliber

    omg justin i love you more than i love my life i would take a bullet for you i an glad someone found you if you wernt here i would die justin i cant get enough of you what i want for my birthday is to meet you and i wish that every year but it never comes true i am your number 1 fan i love u wow this is so sad i never went to one of your concerts i only watch them on tv well i will someday yay justin

  • camila aburto sanchez

    i love you justin bieber much and i want to accept your commercial and i’m from chile

  • elif

    Oha ya çok tatlı! Keşke dilimden anlayabilse 😛 Justin Türkiye’ye gel ama gebzeye 😀 lütfen! <3

  • ilovejb

    i love u Justin Bieber 😀 <3

  • leila

    hi can you come to sweden in november??+


  • Hello!

  • For you Justin I’m a big fan of feeding.

  • ilyjb

    I love u Justin bieber ur so koo n cute 

  • I love u JB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • i love you justin wish i am your movie love chantelle

  • omg i love you justinbieber i got your free sampal at the plaza

  • Anonymous

    i love you justin bieber so much

  • abril bieber

    te amooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo justin te re que te amo con todo mi <3 .

    me buscanen face como rocio beliber zuñiga (selenatica JB)

  • Amanda

    i just got someday on Thursday and i will wear it every day i am soo happy i finally got it =)

  • Amanda

    someday smells sooo good

  • Amanda

    can u please come back to omaha

  • justin and selena fan

    i love justin bieber so much

  • Amanda

    i love u justin

  • Zoe

    I loveyou Justin Bieber

  • Amal

    Oh god, I’m so happy i bought this parfum! I love you so much Justin Bieber♥
    Your the best guy in the world!! xxxxxxxxx amal

  • Brittany

    I love you Justin and this morning I just got surprised with your perfect it smells soo great I love you Justin and I’m 13 yrs old

  • gabriella

    lol Love you pop star
    Selena Gomez Justin Bieber
    kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss

  • Ajla

    omg, justin i love you, you are the best! <3
    but I wonder what's the girl's name?

    I love, love, love you <3 <3 <3

  • anyomerlys duran gomez

    I LOVE

  • alexandra

    chulisima la nueva coloña someday

  • carolina

    I love you justin you are the most beautiful singer in the world, any fool who says you sing badly and you’re ugly is blind and deaf by you sing beautiful, you’re cute, you’re perfec, When I heard you sing for the first time I said this guy is going to be the next king of pop Justin thanks for your songs all belivers love you’re the best, you’re great, you’re the best singer in the world love you hopefully never change your music that always remains the same Thanks for giving us all your justin cheerful music and give us all your happiness ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ 🙂

  • Belieber With Bieber Fever

    Justin Bieber……. WOW. I have never loved anyone else as much as Y-O-U. You’re really cool and OMG i absoloutley L-O-V-E your British accent!! And if you ask me, it actually is kinda sexy when you do it! I’ve always admired you and I already have Someday and I’m ready to get your new perfume, Girlfriend. SOOO want it! Anyways, my birthday is coming in January 23rd and I just wanted you to send a message on this website just to say happy birthday, and send a message on this website and the lyrics of a happy birthday song to me made by Y-O-U and stuff like that. Please?? You are my birthday wish…. and you are really hot, and that’s one way to describe you because there are so many other cool things about you. You’re smart, hilarious, hot, you make cool videos (like the Someday commercial) AND your songs are so cool, (my faveourite is Beauty and a Beat which is areally cool name for a song!) So I would really love it if you sent me a special message (like I said, on THIS site) for my birthday and it would really mean a lot to me than just something special .. Bye xx 🙂

  • Ioana

    I miss you

    • Ioana

      I love you

  • yolaimy

    hola justin yo amo tu perfume someday y te quiero conoser como hago

  • ann loez

    asus ka o.a ninyo uep sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooooo annoyinggggggggggggggggg

  • ann lopez


  • ann lopez

    i dont like …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………you know what i meant 2 be

  • Cristina

    Hey! Hello to everybody, I think that, to complete our set of SOMEDAY and GIRLFRIEND do a deodorant roll on sale tanks!!! Bye-bye :*

  • fiorella

    hello my name is I’m from Argentina fiorella I love you with all my soul I’ll never know but I know I will cuendo came to Argentina on October 12 so here I love you and I want you to please come when I want a photo with you my love ♥ fiorella ♥ me and I have 11 years

  • winda sukmaning tyas

    i love u justiiiiiiiiiin

  • Nadia Belen Sotelo

    Yo soy Nadia Y soy Belieberr♥ te amo Justin y siempre te voy a amar ojala que puedas leer este mensaje te amooo OJALA TENGA GIRLFRIEND Y SOMEDAY jaaja te amo mucho justin estoy escuchando musica ALL AROUND THE WORLD ♥♥♥te la dedico a vos justin mi amor te amoo estas en mi ♥♥ OJALA ALGUN DIA TE CONOSCA EN PERSONA PERO LO DIFICIL ES ESTOO :Nunca Podremos Estar Juntos:: yo quiero esoo Felices Forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! QUIERO CONOCER A JERRRY JAJAJAJA♥♥

    • Nadia Belen Sotelo

      SOY LATINA (argentina) T.K.M

    • Nadia Belen Sotelo


  • Nadia Belen Sotelo


  • serena

    how much is the perfume

  • mimibleuvert

    i need to get it ,i think is going to be amaizing because justin is amaizing.

  • solene saling

    i love you so much justin bieber