Selena Gohome just did an interview with Seventeen magazine where she talks about Justin saying that the reason she’s so much more open about her relationship with JB compared to her past boyfriends is because she wants to explore herself.
17: You’ve been very private with your relationships in the past, but with Justin, you’ve been more open—you even coordinated Oscars outfits.
SG: I know. That was our prom.
17: Was there a corsage involved?
SG: No, but there should have been!
17: Is there a reason you’ve decided to be more open this time around, with Justin?
SG: I don’t like hiding. I do like to keep certain things to myself, but at the end of the day, I’m eighteen, and I’m going to fall in love. I’m going to hang out with people, and I’m going to explore myself, and I’m okay with that.
17: Since you are more open, you’ve obviously been through a tough time with Justin’s fans. Do you remember being younger, and being a fan with a crush?
SG: Are you kidding me? I’m still thinking Zac Efron’s my husband.
17: Well we hear he’s on the market…
SG: No. I wouldn’t touch that. I love Vanessa [Hudgens] way too much.
17: Do you have anything you wish you could say to Justin’s fans now?
SG: I do see the passion that a lot of these girls have, and it’s beautiful. I love it. I really do. It’s special.
Something tells me if Zac Efron was to ever ask her out she would dump JB in a heartbeat. You know Zac is more her type. Besides, she seems to really love Zac’s hair but with Justin’s hair? Not so much….
Well guess we can now say mission accomplished.
And the wide-eye at 0:17? That says a lot. She can’t stand Justin’s hair and signature hair flip. And the tone in her voice when she said “but that’s his trademark, gotta love it” sounds like she is fed up. We see how much you love it Selena.
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She couldn’t do that to Vanessa, yet she could do it to Justin?
Very good one
and do,nt blog me here please , love david b conway
she can actually do that friggin hair cut pretty good!:)
Yeah I totally agree with you girlz. Something about this interview is weird. She comes off as extremely fake, especially her messege to us fans. You know she hates us. And why would she talk about Zac Efron when she’s dating the hottest guy in the world? Instead of saying that she wouldn’t touch him cause she loves Justin, she says cause she loves Vannessa. WTF???!!!!! And don’t even get me started on that video. I hate Selena -_-
she doesnt hate jb fans she just gets hurt wit all da negative things, get you facts right!
negative facts we write? MY ASS
she’s dating JB cos he’s on now he’s the most popular! that’s what’s sad bout it! when the Jonas Brothers were the most popular HERE COMES SELENA like wtf?! just check her boyfriend history! if there was a new young star SELENA WOULD STRIKE BACK!! AGAIN!!!
sorry 2 write in caps but dude that girl is awful
I dont really get it, she says she wouldnt touch Zac becoz of Vanessa yet she touches Justin, i mean if you know the feeling of crushing on a celeb. And another thing is would do you mean you dont like to hide stuff whenever they ask you in an interview if your dating justin bieber she doesnt even answer WHAT ??/////
hay selena luv n justin bieberXXXXXXXXXXX
ENJOYING ur songs n jb…..xxxxxx
y wud u hate jb he iz cute dnt u knw if i ws given e oppurtunity 2 b hls gal u dnt knw wat wud hv happened i luv u jb promise u will marry selena luv u
She could hurt JB bt she couldn’t do it to Vanessa!!! WOW Selena dat really shows how much you DON’T CARE FOR JB!!!!! You are just wit him 4 his fame datz why u want to be more OPEN WIT H THIS RELATIONSHIP!!!!! I DOH NO WHY JB CAN’T SEE DAT…………..:(
Justin u are an amazing guy an i am nt just saying dat bcuz you’re famous an i want u………i just care 4 u an i wish u cud see wat she is doing ok?
You deserve better ok bt if datz wat makes u happpy i am happy 😀
OMG, you girls have only seen the outside of the relationship. You don’t know them. You probaly know a lot about JB, but you don’t know it all. Slow down. PS. why hate selena when justin loves her. you should be happy fore him. lol
Selena are u happy with Justin cuz I honestly am a st lucian and I really think of Justin as an older brother so wuk ur shit out cuz urll confusin me I Luv u 2 very much email me ur answer
U said it sister. Just be happy when he’s happy. Don’t go hatin people cuz they stole something you don’t already have!!
and how about her old tv series she lied about that it is still on just for the fall season 2011 , and she doesn,t know that at all , love david b conway
hay selena, jb i want a BIG favor of use 2 n dat is 2 tak care of ur selves…XXXX LUV U…….sigh ANGELINA
Does anyone notice the massive amount of make-up she is wearing in that video? No hate just stating a fact.
Haha i Noticed she looked the clown at my 5 year old cusions birthday party
AHAHAHA Jeslyn, that literally made me LOL :p check out what I wrote below about her non-existant arse (yes, I said arse. I live in London 🙂 )
LMFAO Jeslyn 🙂 check out what I wrote below, about her skinny arse 😉
when was the pic at the top taken
when was the top pic taken of selena in white shorts
Who know but she has absolutely NO ARSE AT ALL! She has continuous back – straight up and down like an ironing board. Jeeez, what is Justin gonna hold on to – give him something to squeeze Selena GoHome! 😉 ahahahaha
selena dnt listen 2 ppl ho say rude fings bout u!!!! cuz im a big fan of u…
is their relationship a publicity stunt
IDK? But it sure looks like it if they really want privacy
then Selena wouldn’t be talkin about their realtionship to a teenage
magazine that TEENAGE girls READ that has CELEBRITY
[getting my message] Unlike justin when they ask him
about her he either says something random or just doesnt reply at all
*Why would Justin want publcity anyway* ?
then its not if you wondering that bitch
its not a publicity stunt
Hun idk who ur calling the bitch ….and yes it is a publicity stunt. You don’t know wat it is. Ur just a kiss ass. The girl above are right. Elena can’t get her shit right.
I have really started to notice what Daisy is saying about Selena because she just gave a interview about co-hosting in Canada (which I know JB helped her get) and stated that she was such a FAN of lady gaga and how she walked pass her at the MTV awards and was so star struck I was like WAIT you are so fake because you presented at an awards show where Lady Gaga won and you wouldn’t even hug or shake her hand, then K Rudolph came out and said that Britney Spears IS NOT writing 3 songs on Selena album that he is producing on Selena’s album and it has NOTHING to do with Britney. I mean come on Selena stop lying so much!!!
why does everybody have to make it all bad she likes the kid just let her be
selena is smart, pretty, the humor, eveything justin looks for in a girl 🙂
Aniestin you’re right….there was an interview last year and justin said he wants a girl who could make him laugh and has beautiful eyes….i think he was talking about selena…I LOVE YOU SELENA!!! MORE THAN JUSTIN!!!
U re a dumb fucker. Just cause ur a fan of justin does NOT mean u have to like who he dates. Noone is gonna kiss selenas ass so stfu
selena is the best chick and the luckest girl in the world i wish that i was her 🙂 i love her she rox and justin bieber is to hottttttttttt and cuteeee:)
selena gomez and justin bieber are going to be best friend forever no matter what happend in furture …… p.s iam a fan of both \
u comment made no sense.u don’t know wat their gonna be so stfu
justin bieber and selna gomez are having a romantic furture
Guys quit attackin selena and those who say she ugly stop lying 2 urself jb clearly Luv her and we should be happy 4 him we don’t have 2 like her jb is not yelling at her then why should we do it 4 him
Guys those who say selena is ugly that aint true maybe idk know who she is internally but jb luvs her he is not yellin at selena so y yell 4 him peace
Puh. The interview went more like this
17: You’ve been very private with your relationships in the past, but with Justin, you’ve been more open—you even coordinated Oscars outfits.
SG: I know. That was our way of calling more attention to ourselves!
17: Was there a corsage involved?
SG: No, but that would be EVEN BETTER!
17: Is there a reason you’ve decided to be more open this time around, with Justin?
SG: I want to use him for attention, and I can’t do that if I keep this all secret!
17: Since you are more open, you’ve obviously been through a tough time with Justin’s fans. Do you remember being younger, and being a fan with a crush?
SG: I’m still thinking Zac Efron’s my husband.
17: Well we hear he’s on the market…
SG: No. I wouldn’t touch that. He’s not as famous as JUSTIN!
17: Do you have anything you wish you could say to Justin’s fans now?
SG: I do see the passion that a lot of these girls have and it’s annoying! I need to use him for fame so step out of the picture for a little while. You’ll have him back heartbroken when WOWP is over, my cruddy CD comes out and I continue my career in copying Miley!
Hahaha 🙂 it did sound more thats what she wanted to say! And what she said in the real interview cause well why she be talking about him in a magzine knowing its gonna be the huge news tommarow
I will support justin just not her
hey i will go with you i love you salina gomez
Wow cool girl like the hair flipping lol omj
okay i think they make a cute couple………………………………………..
Henie mybson and Selena u better get out of his life
hey Justin im ur #1 fan love u soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much and ur soooooooooooo cute love Amy bell
i hate selena gomez all she wants is the fame, for example: when the jonas brothers were all that she dated nick when twilight became all that she dated taylor lautner she also dated someone from all star weekend his name was cameron? i think. but anyways it seems as if she dates all the hottest stars and justin bieber is one of the biggest stars right now. and she cant really sing either but ill admit she can act and she is pretty. but anyways i find it weird that a month before they dated she was all like “oh justins is my brother” then they started dating. but if justins happy then let him be its not like he can date anymore without his fans going all physco.
oh and p.s. i dont like justin bieber so im not jealous.
i hate selena gomez all she wants is the fame, for example: when the jonas brothers were all that she dated nick when twilight became all that she dated taylor lautner she also dated someone from all star weekend his name was cameron? i think. but anyways it seems as if she dates all the hottest stars and justin bieber is one of the biggest stars right now. and she cant really sing either but ill admit she can act and she is pretty. but anyways i find it weird that a month before they dated she was all like “oh justins is my brother” then they started dating. but if justins happy then let him be its not like he can date anymore without his fans going all physco.
oh and p.s. i dont like justin bieber so im not jealous.
p.s.s. im on team Jaitlin (Caitlin Beadles and Justin Bieber) she actually has been there for justin forever and he doesnt even care for her or christian anymore! al because selena has changed him! and she is waay prettier then selena and she is HIS AGE! and he seemed a lot happier with her.
and again im not a hater cause i hate justin bieber
and dont hate me for this im just expressing my opinion
U hate justin but yet u know so damn much about Caitlin? Bitch please
Selena I thought u were a good person but I kind of o with these comments on u and I think that u should be a lot nicer to the jb fans and not hate them email me and give me ur answer
she is a good person and the jb fans need to be ALOT nicer to here
ugh we don’t have yo be shit bitch. She don’t pay our bills. Just cause she dates justin doesn’t make her entitled to shit
Ok haters need to stop hate-in on Selena Gomez. She is probably a very sweet girl and u people are just crazy calling her ‘ugly or stupid..etc’ u haters out there don’t know the real JB if you call him yours. Jelena is awesome I love them together. I know all u haters out there for selena need to get a life and stop trolling for something to pick at. I bet selena doesn’t give a crap about what u haters say. I bet she is happy being with JB instead of dealing with u people. P.S. how could JB fans say “SELENA TOOK JB FROM US” she didn’t takae him from u. 1. she and jb have things in common ‘1. he wouldn’t want to date some fans because they may never break up with him and all the other fans would hate that girl too. 2. Jelena are a good couple but i don’t think he should marry her because his music career would be over because fan would lose interest in him….that would be fun to see. no offense. JUST STOP HATING ON SELENA P.S . HOW COULD U HATE HER IF U NEVER MET HER. OR JUST CAUSE SHE TOOK JB!!!!!!!! U FANS ARE CRAZY IN A BAD BAD BAD WAY!!! XD u all haters should becoming to a silent but PAINFUL DEATH. 😀 besides get over it she and him were meant to be. and she will turn 19 and he’ll be 17 😀
he SHOULDN’T marry her because his music career would be over and girls would lose interest in him because he is taken for life. oh and if she got pregnant after a couple days or weeks after marriage then she would be screwed because she should go to college instead of taking care of a baby. xD
U need to stgu and stop kissing ass. “Her and justin we’re meant to be”? Wtf bitch bye. He’s a teens u act like he gonna settle down with her or some shut. Stfu and stop kissing selenas ass.
This is shit. stop hating on Selena gomez. Its not her fault your not with justin. Its cause this is how you spend your time, trashing people you dont know online.
could yall shutup with all the negtive things. if she likes justin then she can be with him. i mean i love justin but i know tht im never going to meat him and be with him and i love selena and she defently desesrves him even thow i think shes wwwwway to good for him.
I hate to see Jelena alone. I was also jealous when he said they had engaged to: (. I wish it was over here! Many beliebers are jealous. I disapproval Justin By Caitlin, rather than with Selena Gomez. Justin fallen because of Selena gomez. Justin is now trying to wear earrings in ears. that’s because Selena Gomez! Beliebers saddened and disappointed to hear the news that Justin and Selena Gomez are engaged! I was also disappointed, angry, sad, etc.
Thats your problem if you’re freaking jealous. Its their personal life, Just leave Jelena alone… There’s nothing you can change them… ;P
U need to stfu u do not represent beliebers and we are not giving jealous. Nothing u y makes a damn bit of sense and justin looks fine as hell with earrings. Ur a little 12 yr old girl with no sense
Shuttup bitch, i dont care of wthell you talking bout, im just supporting Jelena.. Enuff said. so talk to the hand!
Shuttup bitch, we dont even care of wthell you talking bout, If u we’re beliebers you hv to respect his choice.. Well haters gon hate. Enuff said. so talk to the hand!
i hate justin bieber
but i love jelena there are sooo cute and because jelena is stating up im loving justin
i love jelena and i was supose to NOT LIKE JUSTIN B. but now hes whit my fav singer actrice.. i kinda like him
but im not a fan i juste tink his cute!!
a little cute!!
& yet she takes our man…”he’s like my little brother”. Ppffftttt my little brother my ass you perv !
Please bitch go hit on Cody Simpson.w
Also she might have made home change his floppy original hair to his new cut…cuz that came around the same time selena did and itlooks like she didn’t like the old cut
O my god. Okay guys, just leave selena alone. She is 18 let her have fun. Anytime she does something you guts always try to find bad things about. She wasn’t even the one that said she wanted Zac Effron to be her husband. I think she truly loves Justin. Don’t try to break that, and don’t be jealous. If your a real fan you would be happy for him.
are they realy engaged? wow shes realy trying here huh shes even copying justin now with her new fregnence i mean if hes happy he should be happy with someone real and he doesnt date fans because “i wouldnt be able to give them the love that they diserve” because hes always traveling and plus i hate selena because shes a copying loser who she knows she cant survive in this industry on her ownand we can bag on her all we want.
i hate selena her only talent is acting and shes good at it, but justin is to good for her, and i heard that theres a rumer that the managers set that up and selena gets fame and justin i dont even think knows. but if he does he gets to date her witch is what hes alwyas wanted.
ps. im not a jelena fan i think that selena is taking a giant bow for being desprate
dotn say god say gosh oh my gosh saying god can be disrespectful 😉 love u justin, i f*_*ING HATE U JB:OHOT SELENA %( NO COMMENT
WOW THIS WEBSITES CLOCK IS MESSED UP. my laptop says 9:41 and the clock says 6:41 hahahahahahahahahaha those ppl r messed up cause they have no life. IM SO HAPPY BECAUSE I WATCHED THE SECOND HALF OF JUSTIN BIEBER ON CSI :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) but im sad because he dies:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( BUT HE WAS SO HOT IN THAT EPISODE I<3 him
i hate selena i luv jb i luv sombody to love cuz that was b4 he started dating selena gomez nown4 the fact its not cuz her voice even thoughit sucks its not cuz her acting thats good its not cuz she looks lake a baby thts her fault its not cuz jb not our fault hes hot its cuz her personality now whenever jb comes up in an interview she gets annoyed because she thinks that she should be getting more popular and she copletly ignors the q. and she has an ugly taste jbs type of clothing did u c that gold jacket she made him whare srry idk how to spell it hes a big boy selena he can pick out his own cloths when he does he looks better more him and she called him a kid and that she feels the need to protect him wtf she needs to make up her mind cuz idt he likes to be called a kid on live tvby his girlfriend who is 2 yrs older then him and hes sopposed to be the one who protect u dumb ass:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
srry iwas sopposed to wite i f*_*ing hate u selena 4 the record
xoxoxxoxoxoxo luv jb and jbs abs 🙂
loves justin bieber hates selena gonemez
omg you guys are pathetic, so what if she’s dating justin bieber? so what if it’s a publicity stunt? he will clearly never date any of you under 15 so stop dreaming girls! and for you girls calling Selena ugly… I bet she’s prettier dan most of you guys :\ and those 12 year old girls calling Selena a pedo make me laugh =P,
if justin were to date one of u tweens he would be the pedo girls -.- think about it, anyways to those girls still thinking justin will marry them one day.. plz get a life :] oke that was harsh what I mean is there are so many nice guys out there that would want to date you 🙂 stop waiting for jb cuz he doesnt kno u exist -.-
okaay that was all =D kbye
Ilovejb. He. Is. So. Cute
Amazin how envious pple can be.Leave de kids alone already! U can hate all u want but ul neva b JB or Selena! How they live their lives is none of ur business! They the cutest couple there’l eva be.So suck it up bitches n haters!
hey nhyla
love Justin Bieber selena Gomez nhyla beaty
party Justin bieber time nhyla beaty house
love Justin bieber like sing
miss nhyla beaty Justin bieber come
sing Justin bieber sing nhyla beaty
justin bieber
The justin bieber like