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justin bieber selena gomez kissing

Video of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez kissing in Indonesia

Anyone know where we can find the full video?

Thank you @camillamallette

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  • ashley

    r u joking me this is totally a publicity stunt they know that the cameras r they so they did it 4 show c’mon people

    • Anastasia luvs JB!


      • go justin biever you rock your the coolest person in the world going out with selena gomez you rock

        • someone

          yeah they really rocks

        • r u stupid

        • shut up hannah

        • Anonymous

          to bad you broke up with her ha ha ha.

        • Anonymous

          Your so mean

        • Anonymous

          Your so right

        • Anonymous

          justin es el bonito mencanta mucho
          yo lo amo mucho

      • Why justinbieber always like seleana Gomez she’s stupid

        • Anonymous

          I HATE JUSTIN Bieber what about you.

        • Anonymous

          i lovee him

        • morgan your stupid

    • Brianna Leigh

      this show is so fake

    • Sarah

      Well obviously..

  • ashley

    r u joking me this is totally a publicity stunt they know that the cameras r there so they did 4 show c’mom people open your eyes

    • Alexaheartsbieber

      And u can totally notice Selena wanting a kisss because of lots of cameras argghhhhh it’s just sooo annoying though actin like he’s alll taken

      • Bea

        you know?!…one more bad thing you say about selenaand i will literally punch your ugly face

        • tiara

          bea shut up they are just sayin what they think so just shut the f*** up okay

      • ashley

        i know im not really hating on selena but i personally think it is a publicity stunt and that she still see’s him like a little brother , they have 2 make them public kisses just 4 show

      • @Alexaheartsbieber OMG u r so right!!!!!!!!! 😮 She always comes in for more kisses when they are in public like that in front of the cameras and everything…. Just watch this video again and the Vanity Fair party kiss video u’ll see what I’m talking about she always comes in for more she knows it’s going to make the HEADLINES… Oh how I hate that famewhore.. Justin really likes her.. but she is just using him.. I hope Justin breaks up with her soon! If not there relationship might go on forever.. And when Selena has gotten enough fame she might break up with him.. And who knows he might end up being really hurt 🙁 OH SHUCKYDARNS! :p

  • Lola

    *sacrsatic voice* Yes, Justin. ‘Cause we all really believed you that you weren’t going out with her. She may be one of his best friends, but I dunno about you guys, but I don’t kiss my male best friends and go “mmm!” when I do….. fucking dirty liars.

  • xobieberxo123

    ^^^twitter name, follow me 🙂
    i understand that you want justin to kiss you…..(who doesnt) but actually 1. they are”dating” and they are doing it on purpose

    • ashley

      does that mean jelena is a publicity stunt answear plz

      • JVBieber_stunna

        Well no one really knows…but a lot of people think so…read my comment at the bottom (JVBieber_Stunna)

  • mjane

    they’re absolutely adorable together.

  • Aniestin

    aww..<3 there so cute together! 🙂
    i love them, woo! jelena! 😀

    • xKathi123

      yeah rigth? such a cute couple all the rumors are just lies.. they are all jeaous at them 🙂

      • I love you jisten bieber and selina

        • Anonymous

          you best

  • Aniestin

    3 kisses <3

  • JVBieber_stunna

    Does anyone else see this fakeness?! A kiss tells EVERYTHING in a realtionship! They’ve been “dating” for awhile now and evn their “peck kisses” are not full of passion and they look so damn awkward! I mean my opinion on Jelena is that it’s most likely fake but it’s weird bc do you think that Justin would let somebody use him when he could be hanging all over some other girl?! And he’s NEVER really genuinely smiling when he’s with Selena! Remember Jasmine V(perfect girl for Justin) & Caitlin?! He seemed happy right??? He’s never all over Sel…She’s all over HIM! Now here’s a real realtionship http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m064IbwC4XQ I mean J and Selena aren’t as “mature” as they are into the realtionshipbut but I mean c’mon both of the kisses (Vanity Fair & This one) are sooo awkward and in PUBLIC! Well…that’s my opinon….if you disagree tweet me (@JVBieber_Stunna) Also don’t get me wrong but I love selena and always have but she’s changed and so has my perspective on her…I don’t like #Jelena && most likely never will but I only half respective bc of Justin……If he’s happy Im happy:))))))))))))
    ~Concerend Belieber<33~

    • ashley

      true but she is getting more attention now so it may be a publicity stunt for her cause her show is ending

      • JVBieber_stunna

        Yah and she’s starting a tour so she’ll get more people to go to that as wel…but idk I just have mixed emotions about them. I heard they broke up though

        • ashley

          i don’t think that there is a relationship there 4 them 2 break up

      • Aniestin

        its not a publicity stunt, well the hell would he do dat!?

        • Alexaheartsbieber

          And u can totally notice Selena wanting a kisss because of lots of cameras argghhhhh it’s just sooo annoying though actin like he’s alll taken

          And welll Justin has been wanting Selena for ages now that’s the reason why he cut he’s hair don’t you find it wierd how Justin bieber and selena Gomez came clean whe Justin cut he’s hair roomer has because Selena preferred zac efrons type o hair than Justin biebers
          And Selena was gonna be going down the hill with her carrer( u know how some teens just fade in time like Jonas bro) well Selena was kinda goon be one so she needed something huge and JUSTIN BIEBER is some thing H U G E and oh yeas Justin probably saw selenas video in YouTube making fun of he’s hair and that she would dump Justin in a heartbeat if sac efron asked her out she also admitted she’s not n love with him seriously…….. In my opinion such a ublicty scam but justin is too in love to care …….. Jus confused though Justin could choose selena who is lying over 1900000000000 fans zoo what’s the deal biebs

        • laura

          laura hi

    • Soamina

      Yeah it is true but I think if Justin accepted it’s because he’s also using her to get a more mature image but we can defenitly see they aren’t in love cause when your In love it shows so hard and all beliebers will know when he’ll be in love,we can clearly see they are still only friends

  • Sarah

    justin’s happy don’t u see that? please stop with the publicity crap it’s getting old. none of them would do anything like that and btw justin has never lied about their relationship. He said selena is one of his best friends and that how it should be if a relationship’s gonna work. I’m supporting justin not selena but i do have a lot of respect for the people justin care about. some of the things people write is just disgusting. talking about how fake selena is and that she doesn’t have boobs blah, blah, blah… a real belieber knows that justin’s against cyber-bullying. k u don’t like selena but it affects justin too.

    • ashley

      yes but their managers set it up and they don’t really have a choice

      • annoymous

        why would selenas mom set something like that up?

  • To me.. Justin and Selena just look so queer together!

    • JVBieber_stunna

      Lol I fucking agree!(:

      • Anonymous

        YOU WISH.

  • Mrs. Bieber(;

    SLUTTTTTT!!! Gosh I hate Selena.This was obviously a publicity stunt.How can anyone have respect for Selena when she just uses justin to get more fame? Oh right, i forgot she’s a #FAMEWHORE.But as long as Justin’s happy I’m happy 🙂

    • Anonymous

      Thats how i feel i’ll always support him 🙂 just not

      • Anonymous

        i agree! i read an article in the Enquirer about Selena not wanting to be friends with Vanessa because of her “squeaky clean persona”! and not to be mean to justin, cos i love him… but he’s not exactly the best behaved person in the world – he pulls pranks and messes around a lot. so why is selena with him unless its for his fame.

    • Crystal

      The one who said “SLUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT ! Look at yourself in the mirror you probably said that because you don’t want to call yourself SLUUTT because you know it is true you just hate Selena because she date Justin but you know you are never going to date him because he is her boyfriend and when they brake up hell know that you where saying stuff about her and stuff

  • melissa

    omg aww this is so cute but i do wish he kissed me like 9 mil other girls do but i love jelena!!! 4 eva

  • BiebsFavGirlli

    I was all for Jelena when I found out, and then it started to seem all planned. The only thing that is keeping me from believing it’s not a publicity stunt is Justin, Our Justin, Our little cutie from Stratford. I don’t think he would do that, but it’s just so obvious that they have no chemistry and their awkward around eachother. Poor Justin<3

    • JVBieber_stunna

      I feel yah(: I feel the saaaame exact way it’s like you were reading myy mindd!

  • Hannah

    Justin probally is the best kisser in the world, but that kiss just looked kinda awkward…

    • ashley

      i know yeah u can tell that it is a publicity stunt i have nothing against selena i think she is a nice person but this publicity stunt is setup by managers

  • britt

    wow jb is ovousely not n love with her n this vidio it show them kissing but if u look close when they kiss justin is not even closing his eyes he is looking at someone else and if he was n love with her he would kiss her longer not just a peek but jb if u read this no affence just wanna speak my mind i still lovvveeee u though 🙂

  • ong justin and selena gomez kissing aww

  • noriss

    oh my god they look so cutee♥ i love you sweeties *-*

  • justin said in an interview he and selena are bestfriends are you kidding us why did you kiss selena at the lips if you are bestfriends

  • Caitlin

    and justin said they were best friends i sure don’t do that with my best friend

    • Caitlin

      but damn they’re soooooooooooooooooooooo cute together <3

  • camilla

    im really confused i think that they both know they make publicity but i believe they r in love;;;; i mean they are in a transition in their life so they know that being togethr is a really good “heart-bussiness”???

  • me

    ohmg … selena you go to hell …

  • Awww they are so cute!!!!!!!!!!!! C’mon people stop hating Selena. Don’t you see that Justin looks so happy?!! You should think that the hate Selena is getting it also affects Justin. At least respect her!

    • hi baby i love you baby my name is rachel justin bieber call me inmy mom phone 7863998620 my das is mom nmber ok justin bieber will i love you like a boy friends i not love selea gomez like not like she erlo i love you kisss in my lips kisss name is rachel kisss me in my lips my name is rachel ok justin bieber my name is rachel ok i love you baby onnnnnnnnnnnnnn kiss me in my lips come to my houes ok it is rachel big kiss look me waft me ok love you baby onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

  • MrsBieber

    in my opinion i think this is the first time that justin looks happy when hes with selena.all the other times hes with her he looks real miserable.So stop sayin”if justins happy youre happy”
    its too akward to be real.
    she loves the fame…
    just cause shes lost so many fans cause of this!

    • he is always happy with her cant u see that they are in love and if u were a real jb fan u would see that selena is GREAT 4 jb!!! they are in love they would never do that if their managers set this up they would be fired by now!! just face the fact that they are in love!!!!

  • OMG. I’m so happy for them. I’m glad that they’re not ashamed to be seen together. Respect Justin, Respect Selena..TEAM JELENA! love you 2. You make the cutest couple ev-ah…

    Btw; I’m a true belieber
    When Justin’s happy, I’m happy.
    That’s what a true Beliebr is, not one sending death threats to his girl.

    • Caitlin

      I’m with u girl!!!

      • Caitlin

        and btw i’ve never sent a death threat to anyone linked to Justin, not Kim Kardashian, not Jasmine Villegas, not Selena Gomez, Not Esparanza Spalding NO ONE, not even the guy who made shaved bieber or anything it’s just immature and if ur a true belieber you don’t you just support Justin and be happy for him when he’s happy, if u need to stick up for him or somethin do so but not with death threats

        ily Justin!!!!!

        • ethan1234

          selena got rejected

  • JUST SAY IT…YOU’RE DATING! ND OF, You don’t need to say ”err, she’s my best friend”. ignore the fake beliebers, be happy, don’t be afraid of how your fans will judge you. C’mon just stop denying it. I love you two! ♥

  • Patricia

    Jelena is so fake! I’ve always hated selena and watching this makes me sick and makes me hate her more. Why would they ” kiss ” on camera, in front of so many people? And thats not even a kiss. It looks like he’s kissing his mom or something. Everyday Im more convinced that this is a relationship based on publicity. I love Justin, but will always be anti-selena.

  • JVBieber_stunna

    Im a true belieber….trust me! I’ve been beliebn’ since ’09 and I just think that this realtionship is fairly werid…..I mean yahh this is the only time where Justin looks happy….all of the other times they’re together he’s never smiling….it’s weird. I mean I feel like it’s a publicity stunt but they both seem like genuine/real && I feel as if they wouldn’t do this shit just for publicity….but like think about it…WHERE THE HELL DID THIS REALTIONSHIP COME FROM?! Like, seriously wtf? It just came outtah nowhere! But yahh Im NOT a hater and I don’t want Selena to go die in a fucking whole and I don’t think she’s a #FAMEWHORE it’s just that their realtionship is really weird and it bugs me!

    • MrsBieber

      i agreeee with you 100%!xx

      • JVBieber_stunna

        Haha thanks!(: xoxoxo

  • Andrea

    Justin is so cute with her…I love him so much <3

  • Anonymous

    YA’LL ARE A BUNCH OF JEALOUS IDIOTS! For fucks sake, maybe he doesn’t look “happy” because there’s 200 grown, sweaty men around him trying to take his picture. Stop lying to yourselves you pathetic fools, it’s not a publicity stunt, and even if it was (which it isn’t) he wouldn’t be your boyfriend anyway. Stop sitting behind your fucking computers writing trash and thinking you know him. FACE FACTS: he has a girlfriend, and he loves her.

    • JVBieber_stunna

      Not all of us are yah know! It’s just simply our opinons and if you can’t handle it then that’s your problem…and just to clarify..if you say we “think we know him” how in the hell do you know he’s in love if no one knows him huh? Get you’re facts straight before you go accusing other people hun…if you were a belieber(which im guessing you aren’t) you wouldn’t be bashing other beliebers like that…geez ALSO being that there are a bunch of sweaty men wanting to take his picture, and he just RANDOMLY decides to kiss all over Sel….shouldn’t that tell you SOMETHING…SOMETHING AT ALL! So yahh there’s my opinon for yah…sorry if you can’t handle it….

  • cooooooooooooooool jb

  • i know u jb i,m in kerala

  • camilla

    VOTE 4 JB Fan Favorite Award  BILLBOARD!

    • Hey jb its ur SIS again from st Lucia plzz b4 ur fans go kill themselves resolve this 4 them not me I aint jealous as I said I c u as an older bro

  • Anonymous

    aaawwwww they look so cute together lol

    • cumesha

      iHATE thisx !! =(
      NO DEAR NO!

  • cumesha

    iHATE thisx !! =(

  • Bea

    HEY YOU PEOPLE!!!….why don’t you just support them?! I just started spporting justin because of selena….I mean…justin has a bad attitude, slapping a fan, destroying a camera….he’s not a good role model. At least selena is a good role model!!!

  • Bieberlover

    No hate here, I do love Bieber, and i don’t practically hate jelena.
    They can be together if they’re happy, i dont mind.
    i won’t get mad nor will i get too happy.
    but there’s just 1 thing, is selena really an innocent and nice person that everyone is saying?
    i mean if she really is, then why would she get dumped twice? :/
    just saying. xx

    • Anonymous

      RIGHT!!! why would nick dump her in like 4 weeks and taylor dumped her in less than 3 months but with justin how many like 6? Ughh whatever i’m doing exactly what she wants me to do worry about her and jb well slutlena guess what i’m over your hoeness realtionship with justin and am going to move on but if i ever see you ima scream “PEDOFILE!” but everyone on here is doing exactly what she wants us to do worry the more we worry and write about her the morr publicity she gets i mean shes hosting a fuckin award show she never did that onlyy reason she got thr job is cause she datin the beebs well wharever i moved on just leave them alone and they’ll disapper like the jonas brothers!

  • they-know-papparazzi-is-everywhere-they-go.

  • Why does ever one have to bitch about justin and her dating there happy leave them alone bitchs because yall are sad cause it ain’t u and it will NEVER be u !

    • kelly

      your so mean you will make your boyfriend cry when he sees it imagin screeming at me i am only 7

    • kelly

      so you think that you could mess with us my uncle could beat you up with one punch

  • kelicha

    i love you justhin

  • lady diina

    why u kissing with selena gomez.i love u justin.oh…i want too cry.

  • lady diina

    i now justin u love selena gomez.ooooooohhhhhh i want 2 cry forever and ever

  • Michelle Mae Taneo

    ..OMG .. Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber .. i love you .. emma BILIEBER …
    they are always kissing and i want to cry forever … hahaha

  • Jasssminee

    jussstttin Bieberr Is HOt!
    &’dd Stop Hatinqq On Theem .!<33

  • Joyce

    The second kiss is awkward or what she like jams her face into his cheek… :-L

  • bieberluver 8143

    i love justin and i hope selena knows tht if she hurts justin she will have tons of fans going against her.. like they look cute but.. it seems likr they are constantly kissing and ik justins 17 but he has younger fans to so i just want them to be careful u know?….

  • lexi

    Wow they have both went down the last time I checked!! Everybody I know now hates justin bieber and selena gomez!! Justin is sooooo retarted, and I hate selena gomez!! Crazi peoplez!!!

  • ledy

    justin ,.,.,.
    you wrily crazzy ,……….

    • ledy

      i like you becauses you smart

  • iim

    hai .. justin saya fans you ..
    my live is indonesia,serang
    kapan ya kamu ke indonesia lagi??
    aku ingin ke temu sama kamu ..
    dan aku fans berat kamu!

  • iim

    justin you cooooolllll …

  • lusiana agustin

    awwwwwwwwwwww I’m J E A L O U S ,, i want you back ustin 🙂

  • i love you jastin bieberrr

  • Anonymous

    I like justin bieber with salena gomez

  • ilove you and salena kissing

  • i wish you and salena get mered

  • kelly

    so well i found out that selena is pregnet

  • kelly

    why do you have to go out with that slot or a little ugly witch

  • kelly

    i also like you but justin you are going out with you now her

  • kelly

    so you see selena gomez is so mean imagine there break up she will yell at
    him and he will lose

  • i love jastin . ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  • i love jastin. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  • Hi.i live on Iran.I love justin .are you see the justin?

  • all of yall need to shut up caz hes mine including mrs.bieber

  • hi dumb b*****

  • omg! justin is getting sued look on the news channel 11 fox 29

  • omg i freakin hate like completely hate my sister right now she is being so! so! mean huh

  • i love you justin bieber

  • hey! whats popin bebe which i mean justin biebe rhe is my bebe

  • sup baby

  • Anonymous

    This is disgusting

  • Anonymous

    how romantic I like Justin bieber

  • caroline

    vc e um galinha

  • sweetheart

    I really hate selena gomez she is a nasy skank
    But i love justin bieber

  • nikola

    kogam jastina bibera nie byuam na kocert polsce