Previously we were told it was 6 eggs. This picture clearly shows at least 10.
From the video it looks like someone must have dropped them from on top of the stadium. They all came straight down and hit the stage at the same time. That’s impossible to do if you’re in the audience. You would need a few people, with perfect aim, and with perfect timing who can throw extremely high.
Most likely the eggs were dropped from the riggings on top of the arena. This is an area which only workers have access to:
The people responsible for this shenanigan likely worked for the Acer Arena in Sydney, Australia.
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Well are they going to get fired?? Because that was bullcrap!
yeah omg i want them to get fired!!!!! >< completely bs.
well im looking for some one to go out with and i am 15 ksdbc;ksda;csdab;
DID THEY GET FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????????????
Omg thats horrible! This is interesting cause i’ve never thought of this posibility. Yeah it probably was employees. I just can’t believe that so called ” proffessional ” workers could act like this towards someone. They need to get there ass fired asap!!!!
That is SO RUDE!!!
thats so stupid!why wpuld they hurt my baby!and think about it shoudnt selena be protecting him!i luv u sweethart!hope ur OK!
those people should be fired!
they should get fired! poor Justin why would they have eggs up there anyway they probably did it on purpose