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Justin Bieber wishes Tupac Shakur & Alfredo Flores a Happy Birthday

Today would have been Tupac Shakur‘s 40th birthday and Justin Bieber has taken to his Twitter to honor him with a video tribute.

Justin was clued into the special day from his bodyguard Kenny Hamilton who Tweeted, “Tupac would’ve been 40 yrs old today…Happy Birthday Pac! Miss ya bro! Still got your pictures on my wall in the room I grew up in! Lol”

Kenny also added, “I’m listening to Pac all day long!”

Well, Justin re-Tweeted both of them and wrote, “what?!?! @kennyhamilton it’s 2pac’s bday! @Jabari you know Im a 2pac fan. check 4:30 mark from 2 years ago”

Justin included an old video of a younger Bieber that proves he’s a true Tupac fan.

He also added, “2pac and @AlfredoFlores are born on the same day!?!? Fredo is an absolute #BEAST . lol”


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  • Arielle

    hey guys.. My birthday is on july 21, and I was kinda hoping that u (readers) can do a twition on twitter and make justin greet me a happy b-day.. plz? This would really mean a lot to me! tnx 😀

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