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Doctor says Justin Bieber fans have low female hormones

Sorry I know some of the posts have been kinda weird lately but I only post interesting things I see and they happen to be pretty strange lately. This post is no different…

Did you know that 3 out of every 4 Beliebers are either under 17 or over 40 years old? Yah we keep joking about the cougars who like JB but what if I told you that the cougars (old women) make up 21% of all JB fans? The most likely reason for this is because these 40+ year old woman were Bieberized by their daughters who got them into JB.

Well a new report says that the reason why young and old females are the biggest Justin Bieber fans is because they have low estrogen (female hormones). HUH?

According to a doctor named Dr. Tony Little:

It’s no coincidence that females two to three generations apart are falling for the same teen music sensation. Like most cases of puppy love, hormones are to blame.

The Estrogen Effect
Justin Bieber’s boyish looks and high-pitched vocals have charmed millions of women at opposite ends of the age spectrum. What do they have in common? Low estrogen.

“Before puberty, women prefer men with more feminine faces and higher voices,” says Tony Little, Ph.D., Royal Society Research Fellow in Psychology at the University of Sterling. The same holds true after menopause. “Post-menopausal women almost revert back to a pre-puberty level of preference for more feminine men.”

In a 2010 study demonstrating this effect, Little and colleagues showed two images of a male face, altered to look masculinized or feminized, to women of different ages. Feminine faces appealed to post-menopausal women and girls in the early stages of puberty, while women in their most fertile years preferred more masculine men.

Little believes that estrogen may fuel the changes. “Estrogen kicks in quite strongly at puberty,” he says. “It encourages women to want to mate with genetically high-quality [read: masculine] men.” As estrogen dwindles post-menopause, so does the affinity for hunky, masculine men.

Well I completely disagree. From the reactions I’ve seen from my sexy posts, it’s obvious that the Beliebers (at least that ones that come to JBShrine) have raging hormones. :p

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  • Marissa


    • jacky

      Aww jb has a cute face

      • greeshma

        jb has a awesome face

        • greeshma

          i totally dis agree

        • Alisha

          ASIANS CAN ACTUALLY READ MINDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          they can hear, and see what your visually thinking
          this is the absolute complete truth
          The reason a lot of Asians have completely expressionless faces, segregate from everybody else-only associate with Asians and don’t associate with non Asians that much, and are very unfriendly in general is to avoid accidentally revealing that they can read minds. If all over a billion Asians where to show facial expressions all the time just as much as non Asians, integrate and associate with non Asians much more, and be much more friendly and talkative, then a lot of them might accidentally reveal that they can read minds by accidentally showing a facial expression or dirty look when someone thinks, or visually pictures something in their mind they don’t like, find astonishing, or funny etc because those people might see that and and really wonder what that was that just happened there and see the connection, and they might accidentally say something similar to what the person was just thinking and going to say. If they all associated with non Asians a lot more then there would be a lot more people around for them to accidentally show facial expressions when those people think things they don’t like etc, so they segregate and only associate with Asians so there won’t be anyone around for them to see that and have any accidents happen in the first place.

          Think about it, it’s not normal how a lot of them act, it’s not normal human behavior! and the entire way they act is all to hide their mind reading abilities, it makes perfect sense to do all of that to hide that they can read minds, because all of that is the perfect way to do it!
          Every single Asian alive is hiding their mind reading abilities, they don’t want ANYBODY to know that they can read minds, they will always deny that they can read minds, they will lie about having mind reading abilities forever!!!
          Because they value hiding their mind reading abilities more then their own lives!
          That’s why nobody knows about it!

          Try thinking, best yet visually picturing in your mind something absolutely crazy as you possibly can when you are around Asians, and try looking for Asians who give people particular looks, especially dirty looks for what appears to be for completely no reason, that is them giving people looks when they hear and visually see someone thinking something they don’t like, find astonishing, or funny etc.
          It still happens despite a large percentage of Asians having completely expressionless faces all the time, it would just happen a lot more if none of them had completely expressionless faces all the time, it’s still not uncommon!

          I know this may sound crazy, impossible and unbelievable, BUT IT ISN’T CRAZY WHEN ITS TRUE

          You have to spread the message!!!!!
          The world has to know about this!!!!!

    • Alisha

      they can hear, and see what your visually thinking
      this is the absolute complete truth

      The reason a lot of Asians have completely expressionless faces, segregate from everybody else-only associate with Asians and don’t associate with non Asians that much, and are very unfriendly in general is to avoid accidentally revealing that they can read minds. If all over a billion Asians where to show facial expressions all the time just as much as non Asians, integrate and associate with non Asians much more, and be much more friendly and talkative, then a lot of them might accidentally reveal that they can read minds by accidentally showing a facial expression or dirty look when someone thinks, or visually pictures something in their mind they don’t like, find astonishing, or funny etc because those people might see that and and really wonder what that was that just happened there and see the connection, and they might accidentally say something similar to what the person was just thinking and going to say. If they all associated with non Asians a lot more then there would be a lot more people around for them to accidentally show facial expressions when those people think things they don’t like etc, so they segregate and only associate with Asians so there won’t be anyone around for them to see that and have any accidents happen in the first place.

      Think about it, it’s not normal how a lot of them act, it’s not normal human behavior! and the entire way they act is all to hide their mind reading abilities, it makes perfect sense to do all of that to hide that they can read minds, because all of that is the perfect way to do it!
      Every single Asian alive is hiding their mind reading abilities, they don’t want ANYBODY to know that they can read minds, they will always deny that they can read minds, they will lie about having mind reading abilities forever!!!
      Because they value hiding their mind reading abilities more then their own lives!
      That’s why nobody knows about it!

      Try thinking, best yet visually picturing in your mind something absolutely crazy as you possibly can when you are around Asians, and try looking for Asians who give people particular looks, especially dirty looks for what appears to be for completely no reason, that is them giving people looks when they hear and visually see someone thinking something they don’t like, find astonishing, or funny etc.
      It still happens despite a large percentage of Asians having completely expressionless faces all the time, it would just happen a lot more if none of them had completely expressionless faces all the time, it’s still not uncommon!

      I know this may sound crazy, impossible and unbelievable, BUT IT ISN’T CRAZY WHEN ITS TRUE

      You have to spread the message!!!!!
      The world has to know about this!!!!!

    • Bhagya Jyoti

      H¡! I just want to know whether Justin Beiber is a male or female

      • tanisha

        bhagya u mad ??? lol jb is surely a pretty hot and sexy GUY u get that a belieber doesnt need any proofs lol i love him

  • Sofia

    I’m 16 not that much younger than 17. And Justin does NOT have a feminine face. I just think that doctor is jealous because he can’t get girls like Bieber can.



  • Stephany

    Justin doesn’t have femenine voice or face 😮 WT….?! With this “doctor”???? I totally desagree !!

  • Sascha

    This is so stupid, even if the survey of the Beliebers’ age was right, there is absolutely no evidence for a link between this and hormones or any organic cause, but maybe there are cultural or social reasons for that.

    • Sasha

      My name is sasha too just spelled diffrently.

  • i tottally agree, like i have seen the jb movie, and so far, it has an A+ for raging girl hormones! like im 13 and im pretty pumped bout jb, in fact, when i see his picture any were tht dosnt involve his movie or my computer screen or posters on my walls, i screem so loud tht my throwt hearts afterwards, hey, thts wht Canadian girls do eh?

    • Anonymous

      well then, you obviously haven’ hit puberty yet. Some girls dont’t hit it until their 15. You’re just a late bloomer sweetie

  • tere

    I don’t think so. Justin has no femenine face he’s blond that’s all :p
    Completely disagree 🙂 by the way my mom is not a belieber besides i talk of him almost all of the time

  • Sweet_Elegant

    Being in my 20’s (Older than him but younger than Usher & JT) the whole JB thing appeals to me because of how untainted his image is.
    I agree, he’s got some growing to do and his features will grow with him…Just like Justin Timberlake & Usher’s did. I can say that I used to be into ‘Pretty Boys’ when I was in my teens but now, I can appreciate a little scruff! And you will too once your crush Mr.Bieber starts to get a little facial hair.
    But you gotta admit, his hair was lookin kinda like that Chick who sings ‘Bullet Proof’ at the Billboard Awards~

    • Laura

      Yeah I totally agree! I’m 19 and it seems like most Beliebers are much younger than me, but I don’t see why! Justin is talented, compassionate, and will definitely be a real hottie when he gets older and more mature (I mean look at him now!!) He’s gorgeous and this doctor is straight whack if you ask me.

  • i love this web site very much , love david conway

  • Sarah

    This is just stupid. There’s so much more important things about justin than his looks. I don’t feel any more attraction to men with high pitched voices than men with deep voices. It doesn’t mattter to me. Again I’m not a fan of Justin because I’m attraceted to him. There’s so much more that makes me a fan. The person who wrote this artice basically says that the fans only like him because of his looks. The report is bullshit!


    what r hormones?????

  • Patricia

    I kinda both agree and disagree with this article. Im a 32 year old female and a huge Justin fan. I don’t have kids nor am I anywhere near being menopausal. But I am bi-sexual so maybe thats why I like Justin, cause I’ve always been attracted to feminine looking guys. And you do have to admit that Justin looks VERY feminine. But thats not the reason why Im a belieber. I love him for his talent, his inspiring story, how down to earth he is and his connection to his fans. He’s amazing <3. Yeah he will one day grow up and Im gonna continue being a belieber till the end.

    • Amitoj

      HE IS NOT FEMNINE!!!!!!!!! HES HOT!


    i dnt understand a single letter wat hes talkin bout

  • Caitlin

    omg i started liking justin bieber after i hit puberty and i still do like him i’m 15 gosh i like zac efron b4 i hit puberty n justin after

  • Terri

    I’m “cougaresque” (!!!!) and I have to say that I’ve always gone for the “softer” looking guys – won’t say ‘feminine’ because that’s not altogether true but I think the doctor was just generally speaking. He’s allowed his opinion and we’re allowed not to accept it. I think Justin is a fabulous guy and my son got me liking him a lot! Can’t say the doc is or isn’t full of crap; haven’t done my own research on the matter.

    Daisy, your site is THE BEST and you post all the latest news on our guy and for that I’d like to *HUG* you!!!

  • Stuff like this shows that the only songs these people have heard are baby and one time, songs that he sang at the start where his voice was quite high. But if you listen to some of his latest stuff, his voice is so much more maturer and sexier than ever! You can also see that the cute face he used to have has matured and became so so so sexy!
    Plus isnt under 17 when girls hormones are raging more than ever??? Of doctors these days dont know basic facts like that then we ahould all be very worried!
    Nuff said?

    • Laura

      SERIOUSLY THOUGH! Listen to Next 2 U with breezy or down to earth acoustic. then tell me his voice is high. GOSH

  • Nae

    Dumbest thing I ever heard; just look at twitter or other websites were beliebers post stuff, their is way too much sexual stuff for us to have ‘low hormones’ lol

  • Stephie

    That’s BS. I mean I’m only 14, soon turning 15, but I already hit puperty. Of course I’m not through it, but I think the hormones already kicked in. And Justin does not look feminine in any kind of way and his voice already got deeper and most of his fans think that’s more sexy. And all the perverted stuff on Twitter? Do they call that loe hormones?

  • kate

    i’m 21 and i Love JB 🙂 and my female hormones are just fine.. haha

  • Really??

    Justins not feminine everyone?? Just look at him the lips, the eyes even the head shape he has is feminine , and to add to it when he grows out his hair it just adds to the feminine complextion

    If you looked past the blind love for him and gave a serious critique of him you would notice he’s very very feminine even his stature is feminine being short and skinny is a common feminine trait as well

    So yea only beliebers will ignore the facts and science behind it, and I’m not saying being feminine is a bad thing I’m just saying the truth.

    His voice isn’t really feminine that’s more of a attempt at an insult, but it is very young boyish almost on the virgeof being feminine

    Be proud, and speak the truth it is how it is

    • nonono

      Thats not truth, the “doctor” speaks rubbish. I doubt its even a real doctor. The whole article sounds like a weak trolling attempt.
      The most important fact is that females are looking to mate with most succesfull male. Beside that i can assure you there enough of male fans of Bieber. Ask doctor to explain this.

      • NonBelieber

        @NoNoNo I can explain the male fans…. THEY ARE NERDS WHO LIKE POP OR ULTRA FRUITY IN THEIR TUTTI! LoL

    • NonBelieber


  • gross i dont have female hormones for justin ok a little but not crried away and he is CUTE!!! :*

  • why does every one hate on him he dnt do nun wrong to ppl leave him alone

  • why does everybody hate on him he dont do nun wrong to ppl i luv him yall are jus haterz.

  • I don’t think he has a feminine look, but he has delayed puberty. I am 2 years younger than him, but have grown much better than him in both physical and mental features.

  • sari

    All of you girls are in early stages of puberty where your hormones are all around the place and not really functioning to the fullest. Im in my early 20s and I do find Bieber attractive however I wouldn’t want to mate with him; I can see myself being attracted to him as a “man” when I was 15, 16, 17, even 18.. as my first boyfriends were more feminine, Justin Biebers type… but you mature, get older, get to know the opposite sex and your preferences change. You will see. There will always be exceptions of course. xx

  • Justin biebEr I sweetheart hug kiss want to meet alone English Deaf talk yes like Alejandra Magana

  • Linawati

    as long as Bieber is a male then it is normal if any female is interested in him.
    and why do some people get upset when more and more females have left jerks and badass males and started to pick the gentle and cute ones ?
    you basically force the girls to love males who love violence forever!!
    do girls even care about guys who love badass women ? so don’t be possessive to girls’ tastes!

  • justin bieber

    Justin bieber I sweetheart hug kiss want marry am meet tude English Deaf talk like Alejandra Magana now call (509)430-6261

  • JB "Hater" lol

    I would have to agree with the doctor. When females go through puberty their ovaries produce estrogen and testosterone. The higher the testosterone, the higher the sex drive in women. Which means these beleibers hormones ARE raging. But raging for the more feminine look since their estrogen levels are lower.

  • Old lady

    It’s true. The doc is right….i’m a 46 year old Belieber.
    When I was married he was tall, strong. muscular, rough, macho, testosterone full, ex-marine. I wanted to reproduce. Now I just love soft girlie boys.

  • Anonymous

    Justin Bieber didn’t have a hard life, he grew up in a family in Canada. His mom was divorced. So? My parents where never married. My mom and dad fought all the time. There are so many other singers that have had worse lives, do they complain about it? No. Canada’s a nice place to grow up i grew up in the hood. Justin Bieber ain’t know shit about a hard life. He didn’t grow up worrying if he was going to get shot. He didn’t walk outta school, proud he didn’t get a black eye. Didn’t come home to his worried mom greatful he hadn’t been jumped. He grew up in a nice placd