Wow! Wow! Wow!!! Is this for real? Watch at 0:23. Justin not only gets a boner on stage while performing with Lil Twist Sunday night in Anaheim but he did a squeeze for all to see!!! lol
Do you think it’s real?

Wow! Wow! Wow!!! Is this for real? Watch at 0:23. Justin not only gets a boner on stage while performing with Lil Twist Sunday night in Anaheim but he did a squeeze for all to see!!! lol
Do you think it’s real?
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No, it’s not.
i agree beibers nocker aint that big if u know wat im sayin lol
he pecker becker is definetly not that long or wide lol 🙂
i agree 😀
Can’t be, too big 🙂
hay im wanking over this so shut up
me too
that was a turn on to me too!!
Hey is so hot I could wank off for ever for him or even to have him I would suck him like no other;)
True That. XD
Same I am wanking so hard
This is Leo barreto
I have a boner from him all the time; I would soooo DO him on my knees.
U need help it is not thatbis l. l
ewww your a boy that is gross pedo
ur wanking Justin Biebers boner on stage I would love to wank off Justin Bieber and suck him off….
his dick can be that bg you never saw it in person before
true story!
its real becuase 1st offf am 15 years old and my dad is his bodyguard and justin tells him everything.
p.s.i meant him and u didnt little peoples and i get in concerts for free cuz my dad works for my friend JUSTIN BEIBER and i have his # but am not allowed to give in away so hahahahahahahahaha losers!
Thats cool for you but seriously you should think about an attitude adjustment sweetie..
lol true
Your dad is kenny hamilton?
prove it
hahahhaha thats so funny, (IM NOT HATING) #somuchlove
Please get off your high horse!
Lol, that awkward moment when your dad isn’t his bodyguard and you don’t get into concerts for free.
You sound like one of those slut girls on the Maury show, but instead of going on about how you’re going to have a baby, you’re going on about how you “know” Justin Bieber.
And sweetie,
that number you have…
It’s call the fan-line.
really? Your Kenny hamilton’s daughter? Interesting…. Then why isn’t your last name the same as his? Liesssssssssssssssssss…. Don’t even try it
Yeah…I sincerely doubt that.
You’re a very sad girl to make this up.
what’s your dad’s name ?
try making something up that is true though. just saying.
right right
Jerry wanted some fresh air 😀
that was a sick comment 🙁
No its not a bonner. Some. One is lieing. You wish he had a big bonner on stage. Haha. Omg don’t you guys wish. I don’t know who said that he has a big one. ?????. Do you really believe that.??? Come on that’s just to get you all going. Trust me its not that big. Guys who say they have a big one don’t ok. Guys all ways say that. We know guys lie about those things.
your right guys who say they do have a big dick don’t have, so basically your saying he does cause he never sad he had a big one. and you wouldn’t know how big it is never saw it in person so yea..
that so big but so cute
I don’t get why girls add DISTURBING comments like that ! >:(
He is so sexy
Nahh… I don’t think thats real…
omg thats the biggest boner or longest i ever seen
Your man got a little dick then u bird -_-
yomy bonner
The worlds biggest boner I sucked it
ohhhh so u show boners befor your nuaght little girl 15 and i have seen alot of stuff and i already had sex!
Wow so your proud of having sex at 15.. LMFAO Whore
Wow so your proud of having sex at 15.. LMFAO Whore…
You mean o so you’ve SEEN BONERS BEFORE. Your so illiterate lol just stop and go away. U disgust us all!
So youve seen youve dad hace sex with you
jajaja wtf is this the first 1 u seen
I reckon it’s real, think about it, tehre are screaming fans less than 3 metres away!
They woudl be able to recognise if it was him or not, secondly, there are screaming fans, how many JB look-a-likes cxna get that many screams, once girls realised it wasn’t him
HAHAHHAHA NO YOU DUMB ASS we are asking if the BONER is real not him! lol He is obviously real.
hahaha, diana, gurl you funny
i want this boner
i did and i think its realy to becuase my dad is his bodyguard and justin tells my dad every thing and plus would u be able to get into concerts fior free no u wont i know that has nothing to do with that just bragging!
Omg that thang is huge he squeezed it it’s between
1 out of 10 how big was it a 10 of course it’s just sooo huge I could not stop staring at it I replayed it like 20 times
omg haha it is hugee!!nd haha you played over 20 timesz wow:P
Bahaha so did I !!!
It Was Something In his Pocket
i know!!!! instead of looking for stuff…. enjoy the music and justin’s talent
ikr i dont think he would go on stage and start dancing like that if he really had one…
ik amie that is what it looked like isn’t it?lol
Its real because ib a dance rehearsal he dorgot r put underwhere on he stared to jerk and u could see it bounce up and it was hugeeeeweeeeee
ahhh the #bieberboner haha (;
but really, last night this all started on twitter..
everyone knows deep down that it’s not really a boner.
but hey we can imagine right ? haha.
I like the way you think !
i had a biebergasm watching this sexyy and i dont care if it was somthing in his pocet its still sexy
does it really matter? I’m gonna imagine it anyway:)
NO ! this is not real brae mccarthy
Yeah that is definatelly a Bieber boner!!!! And he knows that all of us girls want it so he’s flaunting it and teasing us with it. hahaha Bad boy Bieber 😉
hahahaha, thats so true! 🙂
He could do that a lil more often haha
hi, put that in me, bye.
You’re one nasty girl, you know that?
Where’s your parents I bet their not even home to be watching what you say on the computer at age 14…
I agree with you justin bieber
Okay listen, for you’re information i did NOT have a “Boner” on stage because if i did i would not be dancing like that and plus i had something in my pocket sticking out which made it look like i had a you know what you called a “Boner”
Hi, if people say you have a boner then let then say, at the end of the day all that matters it that you know you didn’t get one. If people say itjust ignore then, end of the day its all got to do with jealousy and them them thinking that they are coll just because they said it!…..
Ignore them, it’s better for you!….
Can i suck you off, you look so hot, i wanna suck you dick!!… 😉
wow likee i can’t stopp llooking at it!!it’s likee soo bigg ndd it totally looks reall to mee(:
I think it’s because you watch too much “porn”
And Yes, I’m the real JustinBieber!
We all know that these dumbass little bitchea aren’t the real Justin bieber ahaha
Ok Ibleave you justin bieber
yeah u all r gross……………. he wouldnt have a boner on stage i mean get real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plus i dont even see it………… so thats mi appinion.
LOL. oh.
guys get random erections all the time. even in school during class. 😉
so i don’t think it’s impossible for this to be real. he seems to a have a tendency to touch himself like this and his ego certainly seems big enough for him to not be fazed by his boner.
still, this video made me cringe.
It’s not impossible dat dis boner is real but it’s unlikely cuz wen guys get boners no matter how big ther dick doesn’t push out to see it wen ther wearing jeans I kno cuz I get random boners wen I see sexy girls bury cnt see it thru jeans unless u pull it up otherwise it pinches ur dick without pulling it up
Shit! I could not even read what you wrote. Please spell properly.
Tell me about it, and thanks for backing me up.
I hope to see you one day and give you something in return.
Your not the real JB… Do you really think Justin has the time to go to this website and spend time commenting on this page. For all we know, you could be a 60 year old man trying to get little girls to meet you at the gas station or something. Exactly. So don’t even try it. If you wanted people to believe it was you then why don’t you tweet about it “Justin”…. The nerve of some people
hahah who ever in the hell said this was fukin stupid dude 1st off he is wearing black pants so u cant see shit!!! hahah u guys are soooo funny!! NOT!
that is obv a real boner, its in tthe middle of his pants, not something in his pocket, guys get random boners, nbd…….i ts huge and i want it
Um yeah, def real. I’ve seen my fair share of boners and that’s for sure what they look like guys. Prolly some girl in the crowd took her shirt off or something. I think he was just grabbing it to tease us 😉
You sure do disgust me, Child like seriously?
I’m taken anyways and besides you’re one nasty girl to be talking like that.
if that disgusts u read to comments for chat room
you guys all left funny comments especially about “wanting it”…lol…although i can’t lie i do kinda want it too…but i’m not that type of girl though.I love u Justin
u hav the same name as me 🙂
want to be friends taylor #2?
Hey you have the same name as me too !
I Do NOT love you because of what you Said about me.
that is most definitely real like hes grabbing it like he noes everyone has bieber fever so hes of course gonna tease us
ohh another taylor is online!hey taylor!just so everybody knows the last taylor that replied,the one who replied at 8:22 p.m. on july 12 was not me.i’m a different taylor
You’re not fooling anybody haha, nice try.
Hi, you are so sexy, if i could i would suck you long dick day and night. I would stroke you dick and suck it,……… How long is you dick, we could get in bed and have some hot sex……
You perv, why would you say that, its manky!…. You should be ashamed
holy hell ……
now that im watching it again it kinda does look like he was just grabbing his pocket though…i had to look at it closely and study it…
Its real. What else could have POSSIBLY risen like that without even touching it? Hes going to be 18 in a few months and he and Sel do it all the time (you are so naieve if you dont think so). As a teenage boy, it can just rise out of nowhere, no one needs to provoke it. So its definately real. Im not saying he planned it, but theres no way its fake. Stop saying “hes too good for that, or he wouldnt get one on stage” GET REAL. Hes 17, he likes girls, and it just happens randomly. He cant prevent it. So get over it, theres the truth. But look on the bright side. There were rumors he was a girl 🙂 Now those are proven false 🙂
Stupid comment!! Don’t you wonder why he diden’t got embarresd? A boner can’t get away so fast. Haha, you are stupid to believe it is true. And he turns 18, about 8 months.. So you are on the wrong side, and telling stuff that is not true. Get over it, cause you are totally not right about anything.
Actually no one except himself know the absolute real truth . Just Saying ….
Stick that in me please
Damn his dick is pretty big
Eww You’re disgusting why would you EVEN say that stuff about me in this video while i was on STAGE with lil Twist…You are soo nasty it’s not cool who ever you are.
R u really justin??
He wanted lil twist to fuck him ever so softly Justin bieber probably has a lil nicer hah he probably hides a sausage on the side of his legs do it look lil he has a boner ahha
i dont know if it is real. i heard he had something in his pocket but wth was in his pocket that big??
omg hes so sexy! do me on the floor!
holy shit its so big!!!
get in my pants
WOW! 🙂
I don’t think its real. It’s too big to be real. Saying that though, I can’t see how it would be fake, I mean it’s too hard to photoshop that or something ahah I dunnnnooo
no way its too big. guys “things” can get Huge. its nasty but its true.
Guys, you can’t get a boner so fast! You must know that, if you don’t, you are very stupid.
ps. his dick is very big huh? haha
To be honest I’m a guy and I get boners every day they happen without you even noticing like 20 secs to get one and like 10 minutes tiger rid of it
He’s really big. I’m a guy and I’m not even half of that.
there is no way it can be fake… its obviously real
he’s a teenage boy with hormones zooming around in him, lol, he cant help it!
..but wow hes got a big one! 😉 ahhaha, love you justin! xoxox
probably saw a really hot chick!
or was thinking things about selena while he was singing..
ahhaha, love him!
I dunno guys it could be real but it could also be fake but i dunno lets just imagein its real!!(;
Not true
man i kept replaying it i love u Biebs lol BONER IN THE HOUSE hehe!!!
I think he just had something in his pocket because it was too wide and it went away in like 10 seconds. Deff not a boner
Umm you obviously don’t know anything about guys erections then
i think it’s real. how could it be something in his pocket? it’s in the MIDDLE of his pants. if youve ever had a puberty talk or some sh*t like that you would know that at his age guys can get random boners all the time, and they cant control it. he could have seen a hot girl or thought about how many girls want him or soemthing random like that and BAMB! hahaha. but yeah its looks real and he grabs it to tease us and flaunt it coz it’s big. 🙂 hahah.
not true
Ya nevah know……………………………. dynomite comes in small packages;)
Daymn thats sexy…He can rape me any timeee :O
Dude ! It’s only rape if you say no (; haha
it wasn’t there at the beginning. y’know… I actually think that’s quite a (big) boner lol
i don’t get it
ok never mind i get it now. but y is he touching hiz stuff ?
ok duz he always fell the need 2 touch hiz stuff
haha, you are right about that 🙂
U people that r imagining it is real r sick. It is obviously fake. Im not saying i dont love him cuz i do, hes hot. But its fake.
Dang he’s got a big package! i want that 😉
Kelly this is meee !
i think that is so crule, i mean come on what kind of sick minded person would put some thing like that on the internet. it is none of our business in the first place and for all of you bieber fans why would you embaress him like that, with those sort of comments, just remember he is still a human being with feelings. And if you have a problem with that come to Australia and tell it to my face.
You are so right 🙂
thank you 🙂
Thank you too 🙂
^_^ at lest someone has some repect to other people, and there personal lifes
Yes, we are good people! haha. 🙂 I think Justin got his right to have some privacy, this is non of our buisness.!!
i agree
how u put the picture on
just was his cell
Why would his cell be in his pants ? And he doesn’t take his cell on stage with him anyway but even if he did it must of been some BIG cell 😛
hahaha thats truu but man can this guy get any better:D
well,what if he just had a itch and pulled his pants up and right then thay took the pic…..
wow.. i know he was thinking of me 🙂
LOL… He looks like busy singing over there. if he thought of someone he must had mistaken in the lyrics 😛 .. LOL .. but we all dream of him.. non of girls could stop it. anyways, he’s cool and hot and cute and awesome and amazing and and and and……
He saw me in my dark vader costume with my sexy yoda and I was waving around a cucumber so that would DEFINETLY turn him on.
Or maybe thats what you do to trun yourself on!! Bahahahahaha
He saw me n dre with n ak an thought. O fuck im gonna die better get boner befor i do
i just was on stage and i had an itch there on my **** and then someone took a picture so stop fussing please.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
love, justin bieber
canada peps represent!!!!!!!love u guys
omg its really justin bieber people im talking to justin bieber!!!!!!!omg
LOVE U SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow! Justin read everyone’s comments.. haha. and seriously, people. stop fussing. It doesn’t matter if he got a boner or not. It’s apart of life, no one’s perfect. boners are boners.
Love you too Justin. <3
i luv u btw looking forward to seeing ur concert in birmingham alabama plz do something crazy and make the news
well it looks soo fake 😀
obviously ur like a little kid that has never seen a boner so u rly dnt need to comment. thanks little 8yrold whore. im 18 and its real. so fuck off. wether its him or not its a real boner
fake ass hoe.
its fake, you can see him pull his pants forward.
chill don’t speak to ppl like that…
How can you say she’s a little kid that’s NEVER seen a boner and then call her a whore??? How can a kid who has never seen a boner possibly be a whore. Calm down dude. Don’t be speaking to people that way. It accomplishes nothing.
yeah i hate him whoooo
dude who ever u r calmn down and if hes a like 8yr old kid how can he be a whore?
either its fake or he really has it like that but ooo well even sexier hahahaha:D
Of course its fake, that girl cant get a boner, SHES A GIRL! GOD!
jb isnt a chick uu friggin moron
omg thats so hot uhhh sexy if seen a photo of him making a fan touch his bonner
where did you see that>???
me hmada bta ilove you justin sooooooooomag
OMB well Justins a boy who can blame him…..Singing infront of pretty girls. He probably looked at me!! xx
I love justin!!
exactly he is so f***in HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is what you call fuckin bullshit. a boner lasts longer thena min. so girls stop jizzin your panties over a fake ass boner.
LOL this is just epic but he didnt have to squeeze it himself 😉 i would have dont it for him ;)!x
omfg ! wish i was there xxxx ily so mutch xoxoxox wanna meet yuh
i love justin bieber im in love even though i havent ment him lol but he is sexy ,talented
I loveee you!!! I’m 13!! I’ve met you back stage b4!!!!
aaarggggghhh u stupids shut the hell up, You’re NOT Justin can u just stop lying and fear God?
this gustin biber
no it wasnt you were obviously dieing for a wank
get a lifepeople no offensiive and you say none taken
i cant lie.. i just jerked off and my boner wouldnt go
you did can i have your number
hi im tring to got a recording contrakt
I would have rubbed it for him…. lol since he’s my babyoy(: Dayum justin you look sexay hehehe(:
im just a lil creeped out haha like seriously
HAHA creepppppyyyy D;
yeahh exactly wen i saw that i was like WOOOW crepped out but at the same time thinkin its sexy
that mustuf have been fun, Can I try to!!!! But That was me ( not )
Cheayh we grounded lol
Guys jk that was my phone not my boner its not my private part k so don’t
Get crazey
i love how this person think’s they’re justin bieber. when clearly you can add any name you want. i’m not really selena. my real names andria. just showing you how you can fake this shit.
you want my number
Wow You People Think Reallyy Wrong !
I Dntt Think Justin Would Ever Do That On Stage ! But Whatever ! It Could Have Been True !>.<
i like it 2222222222 much,,,,
he’s way too hooooot
do u know what is so funny about this si if u look closely it is actually somthing in his poket lol retards
thats the point….dont get it y ppl make up stuff..its the side of his pants not the middle..supid other ppl
that does not look real, nor does it look like the front of his pants 😕
erm.. this is my boyfriend u r all talking about… AKWARDD!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
you’re not selena. JS, girl…
ya he his selenas gurl
ur not selena gomez ur probs a perve who wants 2 make all the other girls who have commented on this jealous so just leave them alone and get back 2 ur own life
I wish i am in AMRICA. Then i can see you JB.
i am a ashen jb karaty kide
wow justin bieber boneri wish i was there lol
i swear thats fake it just like cant be you know it looked square like his cell but it looks like it grew upwards if it was a boner 2 things first DAMN BOY THATS LIKE….. second HE WAS OBVIOUSLY THINKING OF ME LIKE DUH
OOOOOO guys he was fixing his cell or something he pulled it up a lil NOT HIS DICK OK!
totally real….
but they are all different sizes!
Sorry to burst your bubbles girls bit it’s fake, If you look REALLY closely you can see a small black wire coming out of the pocket which is what he grabbed, he doesn’t actually grab his crotch. He looked more like he was adjusting a piece of sound equipment that was in his pocket, or possibly even his cell phone. I highly highly doubt it was a boner.
Why do people come on here to argue or to pretend to be Selena, or Justin?
It is just a waste of your time.
That’s all I’m saying.
It doesn’t matter if it’s real or not, guys get boners randomly especially when they least expect it! It’s a natural part of life!
i agree… im a boy i get boners all the time… and then wank to get rid of it most of the time
Boners don’t just magically pop up within 23 seconds then disappear within 10 seconds. He has an iPhone and that looks like that was what was in his pocket. He probably felt it coming out and pushed it back in which is why the “bulge”/”boner” disappears so quickly. Anyone who has been with a guy knows that was NOT a boner at all. Boners don’t come and go within 1 minute.
And he was rapping onstage for crying out loud. Rapping with a guy next to him while having a “boner” would just be the most retarded unswaggy thing ever. Justin just wouldn’t do that. He hasn’t at all in the last 3 years of fame and the only time it may have happened, he covered it up and pretended nothing was happening (that was during an interview). The only time he shows a “pervy” side to him is with Selena, not with his fans or on stage. He’s professional enough to keep his private things to himself. Boners can happen at any time but trust me, it will take way longer to come and even longer to go away unless it’s “taken care of”.
So…This is fake. That “boner” is something called a cell phone.
tru tht
That awkward moment when Justin Bieber actually sees all the boner videos we post online.
LoL. It seems like he just singing but in another side, he got a boner. LOL 😀 hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…..
I was so horny up on stage for you girls… 😉
Omg I just cum’d in my pants!!!!!!
I was winding it, and I guess I got him to excited. 😛
Justin Bieber y did u put a pair of socks in ur pants y dont u show us how big it is and we will tell u if u need the socks or not:)
oh gd hes so sexy i want to fuck him so hard n im a boy. i want to suck that sexy dick ; ahhhhhhh yhhhhhhhh . i want to snog, hump and shag him . im getting so hard thinking about it. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh right now im wanking over his sexy face . here it cums. ah yh . i want to lick his ass and suck his toe. fuck yh.
im not going to be a prick or anthing but this guy is so self absorbed he thinks hes al that when there are way better artist in the world than him i really hate people like him if it wasnt for that he would be ok in my book anywho you guys should check out bands like suicide silence, chelsea grin, asking alexandria, design the skyline, and of mice and men
if you want talent then those guys are good not kutin beiber
I LOVE THE BIEEBRCONDA!!!!!…BIEBERGASM!!!…Justin always has boner for his BELIEBERS!!!
Dear JBiebs,
Ever heard of briefs? Not that I’m complaining about the view or anything, but this is what, the 4 or 5th time this has happened? (That I know of)
I think most guys would have adapted by now
U ppl are kr a zyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lol!!!!!!!!!
its probably just something sticking out of his pocket jeez calm yo tits.
even if it wasa boner its normal for a boy to have one,especially if you see 12832476848393 girls infront of you screaming your name lolol .no but srsly.
and why are you 12 years old girls being so nasty,you should be playing with barbies orsomething..just sayin.its disturbing seeing you little kids masturbating to justin.anyway i love him <3
Quit hating on him, I’m not a fan of his music,
But let’s face it, that’s clearly a real boner and
It’s very big. He’s 18, skinny, big hands, big feet
It’s not hard to believe Justin has a huge dick.
Yes his music is bad but this video is proof the kid
Is hung like a horse
Yep I agree. He is the type of boy who could be very hung. Big hands and feet and very slim. And the bulge is huge, certainly bigger than mine LOL. Since I am 6½ inches and his bulge is obviously bigger, he must be around 8 inches. No doubt. He could even be 9 inches 🙂
what the heck. wow who ever made this is stupid becouse its not a boner. duhhh get a clue
i just wont to konw from the real bieber if its real or not it doesent matter if it is its just a dick its not like its showing
its not a boner just something in his pocket cos yea it can randomly happen on stage in front of millions i dont think so
come on people dont believe everything you see, lol …. right Justin.?
Justin 🙂
leave him alone he is fittt!!!!
Its posable but when guys have boners
It doent always stick out if u r wering jens
Im shure it hapens to all of u other guys
So why make fun of some body els like
Justin bieber he doent make fun of u so
Why make fun of him i hope he bwata the
Shit out u guys
I know ur a guy and the people that make
Fun of u r just jules of u beacuse they like
U and tney doent want tp admet it
Hey justin bieber is this really justin bieber replying? So how u doing? Keep up the good songs bro!!!
that thing went inside me mouth ass pusy
That’s a lie
it is huge
Wow thats not real he said he had something in his pocket he’s telling the truth
Thats not real He said he had something in his pocket! and all you little pervs saying his dick is big are pathetic!
He is a guy and salena gomeze should
know cuz she is dating him she wouldent
b dating him if he was a girl she ant lezbo
Why are you guys saying these gross stuff its just a boner its normal for guys to get it
Why would u even post this online its stupid and why are u saying this gross stuff, leave him its not like u ever seen a boner before
No its not real i mean like really straight up in jeans?>..< my gf says its huge :b yes she seen it ALOT and tf im off topic now
My comment got cut off?tf
I’m a guy and I want Justin to fuck me in my ass and then I would suck his dick so much it would take years for him to be able to produce and sperm again;). Justin I want to fuck u in the ass and u to do the same to me!!!!!
So what I had sex with already bithces hjckcdhgg
U girls need to get over yourself
It’s normal for guys to do that u now that right
JUstin does not have a boner! he always holds his thing like that 2 hold his pants up! i mean serioulsly whacth the teen choice awards he did it like 100 times! i mean i could be wrong maybe he was thinking about Selena and got a boner but it sure didnt look like it! 🙂 even if he did thats his buisness! 🙂 leave the poor boy alone! 🙂
Duh course its real, use some common sense bitches -.-‘
I love jb
of course its not real dont be stupid man
justin i lovea but at least show some class because the haters will hate and when they do
[T]ea happens.
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i agree anything for justin bieber i want to suck his dick
i would suck him offf
He is ssoooooooooooo hot
I love you and I have Crusc on you sorry for dat Im liv in sweden so am not so god on englise so yea.
Justin biber can you bi my girlfrend and I love your music it so god and you ar so hot pleese my ex boyfrend its a bitch I onte to …. him .
Holy shit!!! Fake or not, I want his dick!! 😉
hey justin if u want ill suck it for u and hve ur kid for free as long as i get to see tht big dick
I have seen Justin’s boner in libel befor it hit me when I walked by
Awwwwe Hahahh so cute!! XD
…heres a thought…
So fake
omg you can really see it! That means jerry really wanted to come out and play! OMB that was so big! I was just like woah that happened!
You guys are so dumb thats not a boner trust me im a guy i know
that would be double my size if its real.. and I’m not small..
He makes me so hard I can’t help wanking
Jb is even hotter when he has a boner
But we all know it isn’t a boner
I would suck his dick any day.
Me too
I don’t see it