Justin Bieber drawing by Jhonatan Kalsnes
These awesome drawings of JB were submitted by one of our talented readers from Norway. Jhonatan has a site where he posts all his celebrity drawings like Lady Gaga, Angela Jolie, Miley Cyrus and more….
Visit Jhonatan’s site here.
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Love the drawing, im a big fan of art and have to say that is great art work u did there!!! 🙂 love the pics of Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, and Angelina Jolie LOVE IT!!!!! ( P.S you should do some of Selena Gomez!!!
love justin bieber
he is gawjuss xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<3<3<3<3<3
there is more jb than anyone else but he’s really good
justin bieber love wish weet you
i agree he sould do some of selena gomez
Yall always bringing her ass into something.. noone ain’t thinking about that broad.
Exactly everytime u hear Justin bieber theyres always. Her name gooddness the don’t even look right together blah
I think the suit eachother well, i just think that selena is using him for publisity, then they r just gunna split next year.
Let them say hat they want okay?! Don’t always gotta be so rude you know!
Moms orgasns r whores fuck off hater
you are amazing but his perfection cant ever be coppied <3
Noones perfect
He is the an exception:)
i totally agree!!!
I’m pretty sure there is someone thats perfect because oviously Justin Bieber is perfect 🙂
Omb that drawing is sooooo good!! I want a copy lol. I wish i could draw like that 😛
Wow! You are REALLY tallented! Like really! You have awsome skills to beable to draw like that… Unbelievable 😀
he did awsome lover of art thtz watz up if u just focus u can do ANYTHING inspiring everyone here on earth is special and has a gift so just make tha best of it and glow lika butterfly
kocham justinka :* <3♥♥♥
llegan a putiar a bieber y los llevo preso gracias
ci si bell
hola justin bieber te amo y muchisimo sos elamor de mi vidaaaaaaaa
i love justin bieber and your drawing are amzing :)xx
Selena es mas fiera que se valla a tomar la chechona
jb i luv u
I really want to see him in concert but i never do
He is my favorite singer
i think he is so hot i love so much
i love jb the most and i have alot of stuff of him on my walls and a clock
look you are so fine kaykay and love you
I love you Justin Bieber
<3<3 justin bieber
hi justin i am a big fan and it would mean the world to me if you could just phone me on 07824741630 thank you <3 xxxx
hi justin i am a big fan and it would mean the world to me if you could just phone me on 07824741630
dear justin bieber i love you kiss me HI MY PAUL pulizzano
being i love you kiss me call me at home go the do you i love you
come to see me in i love paul pulizzano i love you HI MY paul pulizzano
ilove you paul go to the come to paul fan come go to you kiss me
paul pulizzano go to see my is paul i love you come to fan paul kiss me
come to do you paul pulizzano 41521697 me to call you paul
go to hot paul come you kiss me paul ilove you kiss me hot justin
paul go you kiss me do the fan paul ilove you kiss love paul
go do paul pulizzano ilove you justin paul birhday today paul
u are a really good artist, i can draw but i just need help bleding and stuff. i wish i could draw like u. i’m a fun of ur art, i just love them i can’t take my eyes from them.
those r awesome
love u justin sexy but
Hes the best guy
jb twerked on my dog.he is my cousin