"Why is this table necessary for only two people?" - Justin Bieber
Justin is beyond cute when taking his girl out to a special dinner at one of Hollywood’s finest Japanese restaurants!
Justin Bieber took his girlfriend Selena Gomez to a great dinner for her birthday on July 22 at Geisha House in Hollywood — and we have the EXCLUSIVE scoop about what they ordered and all of their PDA!
Justin, 17, and Selena, 19, had an array of food brought to them and did not hide their love through the meal.
“Justin and Selena were just adorable when they celebrated her birthday at Geisha House on Friday night,” an eyewitness tells HollywoodLife exclusively. “They seemed really happy and totally in love. While they were eating dinner, Justin fed her a Hollywood sushi roll, which is a roll with crab, avocado and tempura cucumber. They also had the Marilyn Monroll, which is a roll with shrimp tempura, avocado and spicy sauce. They also shared the glazed short ribs and grilled Alaskan salmon teriyaki.”
“For dessert, they shared tempura green tea ice cream. It had three candles in it, and everyone sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to Selena, including Justin. Right before she blew out the candles, Justin said ‘Make a wish!’ and she smiled. After she blew out the candles, Justin leaned over and kissed her on the lips. It was super sweet!”
“They are both really down-to-earth and well-mannered. They really do compliment each other.”
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They are sooo cute together. I hope they never leave eachother.
1. They went to the Geisha House ON JULY 21 2011 THE DAY BEFORE HER BDAY
2. This pic was taken inside a resteraunt at Disneyland ON her bday
STAlKER!! sorry but how do u know all of that? only if u were there u will.were u and they didnt know?
U dumbass how is she a stalker. With justin posted the shit and said it his damn self. So correction think before u speak.
Wow. That is crazy Selena is practically an adult and she’s like dating a teenager. Am I the only one who finds that weird? Selena is just using Justin, u can tell.
i would think it’s weird but there are not the only one, taylor lautner date lily collins who is older than him , nick jonas, i think it ‘s a new trend!!!!
it doesnt really matter about age its not like she is 5 or more years older or anything. Like justin said dont we beliebers want him to be happy? and why should she use justin bieber for? she would rather be called selena gomez then justin’s girlfriend and in their photos cant you tell they both love eachother and they are happy? i think they are really cute 😛
justin is soooo sweeeet he does that for his true love?i wish somebody did that for me!!LOVE U JUSTIN AND SELENA!!:)
u are dumb as hell if that his “true love” is called dating grow up
lmao!! ikr
dear justin bieber shrine , hi my name is david conway and my frist comment tonight and i just hope that some one can just read this please , i just do,nt love this couble justin bieber and selena gomez , i just smalle some thing fishing wrong just about selena gomez , love david b conway
i agree with u, they are cute together but i dont think he would date a girl who called him a dork. dont believe me? look it up on youtube. I dot support them dating but theres something fishy (lol funny word) going on with her. :/ Plz dont hate me im only expressing me Opinion so think before u say kay?! ty 🙂
they are so cute together. im happy for them.
Ok first of all this hollywood life website makes up fake stories all the time so I never trust them. And how they know that all this stuff happened? Were they there constantly spying on them the whole time they were there. And ewwww green tea ice cream. Why would you put candles in ice cream? I love Justin, but this whole story is messed up.
Happy Birthday “Selena Gomez”
hi it,s me david conway just do,nt lose me just from this web site justin bieber shrine blog , please , i love this web site very much and i do love to make comments alot , and i will fix all old commments here just to save my self here ,,,, i do love to see selena marie gomez just in the STIRIP CLUB, DANCING COMMITION I LOVE TO REPEAT MY SELF JUST TO SAY I LOVE TO SEE SELENA MARIE GOMEZ JUST IN THE STIRIP CLUB DANCING COMMITION , SOME TIME IN HER FUTURE AND PLEASE SEND THIS TO SELENA GOMEZ ,,, LOVE DAVID B CONWAY
They look cute together. And all of his haterz should SHUT THE HELL UP,JUST LEAVE THE TWO ALONE OK!!!!!!! >:(
-said by a true belieber 😉
i love them it is really great how they love each other!!!!!!!!!!
This was actually at the Steakhouse 55 in the Oak Room (large party room, hence why JB said, “such a big room for two people”) at the Disneyland Hotel. And I’m not lying because in the previous photo, the waiter, Rodel, is wearing a Disneyland cast member pin.