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Justin Bieber’s iPhone is jailbreak

We just learned that the teenage sensation Justin Bieber is using a jailbroken iPhone.

There are a dozen people out there who are jailbreaking their iOS devices (iPhones) so that they can get the most out of it and it’s almost legal.

In this case, Justin is using a qTweeter app which is a jailbreak tweak for the iPhone where one can send out messages to their preferred social networks such as Twitter and Facebook within any iOS app.

Justin Bieber is not the only famous celebrity who is using a jailbroken iPhone. Before this, Justin Long who is known for his role in “Galaxy Quest” caught having a Cydia app in his iPhone which only available for the jailbroken iOS devices.


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  • Anonymous

    is there any n8 jailbroken

    • helen grace

      is nokia n8 has a jailbrake to need your reply folks!!!!

      • Anonymous

        no jailbraking/unlocking only on all generations of ipad/iphone/ipod touch

        • Anonymous

          no jailbreaking/unlocking only works on all generations of ipads/iphones/ipod touch

  • Ti Ti

    Theres nothing wrong with using a jailbroken phone. Almost my whole family has at&t, therefore we have the iPhones (1-4), and all of us have jailbroken phones. Well, except my grandpa……he just likes to take pictures, text and play angry birds on his…….LOL 😀

  • Anon.

    So, he’s a normal person?! The shock.

    Go JB.

    • Melissa

      Haha wow

  • danielle

    who cares hahahaha

  • What does jailbroken phone mean?!

    • Ti Ti

      it means that they basicly can use all apps and features on the phone. Sometimes, like with the iPhone for example, Apple wont let you use certain apps and things like that. So when you “jailbreak” the phone, you can use those apps. So its like you unlocking stuff. Understandable?

  • Patricia

    I love Justin but why is this even a story??? I have a blackberry so I don’t even understand what this article is about.

  • helen grace

    you didnt answer my question if nokia n8 has a jailbreak to,,,, I am just more confuse!!!!!!!!

  • just tweeted justin to say somthin on hear but nothins happenin, i think he wont do it but he tweeted like 2 mins ago…. COME ON JUSTIN! I WANNA TALK!

    • Melissa

      I know right he’ll tweet wanna talk and then he never replies to anybody:(

  • eu


  • Anonymous

    Just goes to show He’s just a normal person!!! 🙂

  • justin u are super
    i would say the best
    but how do we do to meet u

  • Thanks for providing such a great article,Thank you for sharing the information.I like it very much.it is of vital importance for me.

  • i love the website and i love the cases with justin bieber on it.

  • Sara Justin Efron


  • LlainraQuinones love

  • grace

    hey what apps does justin bieber have plz tell me i need to know

  • grace

    hy does justin bieber have a password????

  • Jennae

    How did I get here I don’t even like Justin Bieber.

  • valentina

    lal ma kak 6e go grabna :*