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penguieber justin bieber

It’s Penguieber!!

“Went to visit Happy Feet and discovered a whole new species of Penguin: Penguieber.”

Ahahaha this is the funniest thing ever. Alfredo posted this.

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  • JB lover

    His face expression is priceless! He’s so funny 🙂

    • Anonymous

      I glad you know whats good for you!

  • Patricia

    I seen this yesterday on tumblr. He’s such an adorable little penguin. Wish I had one 😉

    • Anonymous

      Well if you go to one of his concerts than you will beable to say that you met the adorable little penguin.

  • jennie

    justin is sooooo awsome i love him soooo much

  • Someone u dont need 2 know

    so cute! 😀 if this was at the aquarium in tennessee, i will be so mad cause i was there a about a month ago.xD

  • Sarah

    Ahhh so hot!!! Love the facial expression 😉


    hahahah he looks soo cute 🙂

  • Anonymous

    SOOOO stinkin funny and cute!!!! Can I adopt and take home this penguin, I would take great care of him 😉 lol He is the cutest thing EVER!

  • nicki

    justin is more of a kid than me..i am THEE BIGGEST 5 16 year old i know but i think i have some compettion.

  • sammy

    awwww hes so cute i sware i watched that at leat 10 times

  • nikki

    awwww wait was he dating selena at this time? cuz if he did then i was wrong he hasnt changed. But the face he made made me laugh for 30 seconds ( insert relief sigh) my stomach hurts Lmao