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Justin Bieber leads with almost 2 billion views on Youtube

It’s an astonishing number: 2 billion. That’s the number Justin Bieber will soon hit in Youtube views of his videos. Lady Gaga isn’t too far behind.

When it comes to Youtube views of his music videos Justin Bieber is getting close to a number that seems rather incredible, to say the least – 2 billion. Yes, that’s 2 billion; as of Oct. 15, 2011, the Canadian super-crooner has had, and this according to Famecount.com, 1,936,079,930 views.

And counting.

At the rate the 17-year-old Bieb’s material is getting viewed, and with the upcoming planned release of his song Mistletoe on Oct. 18 from a Christmas album, ‘Under the Mistletoe’ (the album is coming out on Nov. 1), Bieber could hit that 2 billion figure in a very short period of time. Famecount is a social media aggregator that tracks social media numbers throughout the world wide web.

Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga: Social Media Count War

It was actually about a year ago almost exactly that Bieber and Lady Gaga each first reached one billion Youtube views, the end of October of 2010. At that time Bieber was beaten to that landmark number by Lady Gaga, who has since fallen behind him in Youtube views. However, at 1,858,625,368 she’s not all that far behind.

Just about 78,000,000 views behind.

According to Famecount.com Gaga leads Bieber in Twitter followers, she leads the planet in Twitter followers, with about 14,500,000 to Bieber’s second place 13,400,000. As for the other major social media count, Facebook Fans, leader is Eminem, who nears 50,000,000 with Lady Gaga in third place and Justin Bieber sitting in sixth.

Youtube Bieber Hit Baby Leads in Views

The song that has received the most Youtube views of any is Bieber’s hit Baby, featuring Ludacris; that song now has about 650,000,000 views on its own. Lady Gaga’s biggest performer is Bad Romance with over 425,000,000 views. Other high performing Bieber songs include his One Time and Never Say Never, that version featuring Jaden Smith.

Rihanna is third in Youtube views (1,630,000,000), Eminem fourth (1,480,000,000), Shakira fifth (1,180,000,000).

As of this writing Bieber is gaining an astonishing 2,600,000 Youtube views each and every day and that number is going to skyrocket when the video for Mistletoe is released. It is conceivable that his numbers could hit that 2 billion mark in Youtube views by early in November.


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  • Haha! c is no competition between JB & lady gaga! justin long to be like a ferrarri! the best


  • Btw, his single is coming out on the !7th, words from jb’s mouth (he tweeted it). Plus its on his official website.

    So get a life.