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justin bieber in jail

Justin Bieber: Senator Amy Klobuchar should be put in jail

A senator from the US is trying to pass a law that would make it illegal to post videos of yourself singing to other people’s songs. In other words, if you do a cover of a Justin Bieber or Lady Gaga song and post it on Youtube you can be put in jail for up to 5 years.

Are you for real?

Justin was doing a radio interview and was asked what he thought about this new law they are trying to pass. It kinda surprised me that he said she should be put in jail. But I do agree, this is the most retarded law and putting people in jail for up to 5 years for doing this is just crazy. Only in America?

The people who are opposing this law has set up a website and is using Justin’s name and face to get attention for their cause. They said if this law is made Justin, who got famous by doing covers of Chris Brown and Usher songs on Youtube, would be put in jail. So now they are using Justin’s name and face (without permission) for their cause.

You would think that Scooter would back up this group of people and their website freebieber.org but from what I’ve read, Justin’s lawyers have sent them a letter to get freebieber.org to stop using JB’s name and face but freebieber.org has refused.

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  • Lilly

    RETARDED LAW!!! that senators a douche. BUT IF MY BABY GOES TO JAIL, SHITS BOUT TO GO DOWN. #nuffsaid

    • Anonymous

      Here in America we have something called “Ex Post Facto” in our Constitution. That’s Latin for “After the Fact” meaning that if a law made something illegal that wasn’t illegal before, then the people that posted the videos BEFORE the law was passed doesn’t get any punishment. So I say this in the nicest of terms: don’t go doing something stupid, because you’d be complaining for nothing.

    • Steph,

      When I first read this and read this part “A senator from the US is trying to pass a law that would make it illegal to post videos of yourself singing to other people’s songs.” I just was like” WHAT THE HELL”!…. “ARE YOU FOR REAL??!?!?!?” then later read “Are you for real”?
      Pshh I’m with Justin, lock HER up….

  • Laura

    I would expect it from people who comment, but Daisy I would have guessed you to have more class than to call something “retarded”. Please don’t use that term in the future.



      • Anonymous

        mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!

      • Udontknow

        If u lOve him, why are you supporting him to go to jail?

    • Steph,

      Strong opinion, but I agree, no offense DAIS!

    • I have to get used to this. Some people seem to be really offended by the word retarded but I was never making fun of mentally challenged people. To me its just like saying it’ a ridiculous law :/ seriously no hate

      • Steph,

        Aww I know daisy, you seem like a good person! (To me) Lol no worries!

  • oooo…..eerie that justin bieber confined been but is again casual.

  • mary

    if justin goes to jail i’m posting videos of me covering his songs.. hopefully they put me in jail with him together then haha

    • Anonymous

      thay wont

  • JB rocks

    Hmm personally I think the bill is crazy, but maybe the Senator may have reasons to pass it? Perhaps the volume of piracy going on in that State is just far too much and there’s heavy political and legal pressure on the Senator or something, idk.

  • belieberrrr

    3 words: what. the. fu**!?

  • WY freaklelaters that that’s. Just crazy and stupid and idiotic lol if people wanna put there videos of singing other peoples songs and going to jail for it I just don’t get it that is the most stupidest law I have ever heard of

  • TCB

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE you JUSTIN BIEBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Udontknow

    This law won’t be passed. You know how many people sing covers on YouTube? There not gonna waste a million spots in jail for people singing, what will they do with the actual BAD people, that deserve to go to jail? This law is crazy, and using his face with out his ok? That’s not even against the law. America is a great place! Don’t make a whole bunch of pointless laws! Might as well arrest people for wearing a purple sock! This is just my option:D and I agree with JB

  • mrs bieber

    he got out but if he goes again there is something going down in that jail its ok baby i will fight for u