Justin and Ryan Butler has a new movie coming out winter of 2012.
ahahahahahah. Imagine? The audio is from the movie “Step Brothers”.Thanks @RespectJustinB for the vid.
I can’t remember which article I read but it said that Ryan has contact with someone in the entertainment industry through Justin. Ryan isn’t going into music. He wants to go into acting. If things all work out maybe Justin and Ryan could really do movie together someday.
Seriously can’t wait for his new movie with Mark Walhberg.
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That is actually pretty funny.
so funny lol ……… ^_^ ur so cute justin
That was fucking funny looooooool
sera muy divertido jaajajajja esperemos que sea de mucha suerte para el !!! y que sea un exicto!!!
i can’t stop saying your name, u are like my brother or my bff.
my computer wont let me watch youtube things so i will use a web cafe tomorrow ^_^
i very like it, becaus justin bieber very very cute ……
love love love you justin bieber
Justin bieber I sweetheart hug kiss meet deaf like Alejandra Magana (:
Anyone now wats Justin BIEBER Facebook page name
Justin bieber I sweetheart hug kiss am unber sweetheart hug kiss meet tude deaf like Alejandra Magana (:
You look so cuate too gather sance you are step brothers I LOVE YOU JUSTIN DREW BIEBER SO MUCH LOVE YA
Just please now tell call (509)340-6261 love kiss like Alejandra Magana 🙂
hey miss alejandra stay away from my man ok hoe
Justin bieber I sweetheart hug kiss want to meet deaf say call happy kiss love like Alejandra Magana. Am call (509)4306261 🙂 🙂
OMG I love Justin Bieber he is sooooooo hot i even have a million of posters of him in my room
Please number call you ?
hey i am a fan of justin bieber ,selena gomez and one direction .
I love u soo much !!!!!
justin babe its your wife savannah see u tonite
ok justin u r my 4 letter wrod =love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love u
Hello Justin! My name Dorya I am a 14 year old girl I have a handicap unfortunately I can not walk. I am a very big fan of you and Selena Gomez I love them both. I hope you never go to separate. Even if you would separate I will always love you in my heart! I’m sure you think you selena is the best boy: P! Right back to me: P I’m in a specialized school. I follow you step by step in your CAREER. I know you are kind, generous, you sing very very well and you dance beautifully these why i adore you so much! I hope that will heal very soon Avalana you did well to visit him its very nice of you by! I hoped to see you because I go to New York City! I will counsel you to stay with Selena because she is beautiful, kind, caring and love you with all her heart because I know her eye! I am very happy because my dad took tickets to your concert on November 26 in Montreal (CentreBell). My biggest dream is to meet you and we talk about you and me sing a song me and you! Congratulations on your degree of study thank you for reading this I t ‘love xxx From Dorya
Justin bieber I sweetheart hug kiss want to meet happy more English Deaf talk out now. Reandy like Alejandra Magana