This is the animated music video by Justin Bieber of Santa Claus Is Coming To Town which will be part of the animated movie “Arthur Christmas”. Justin is also making another version of this music video.

This is the animated music video by Justin Bieber of Santa Claus Is Coming To Town which will be part of the animated movie “Arthur Christmas”. Justin is also making another version of this music video.
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omg this is really so cool!!!! Love it! Awesome!
That. Was. Amazing.
That was probably the hottest animated person I have ever seen….
Lol he’s even hot when he’s animated!! I luv that even the animals r in love with him lmao <3
Justin ur are to good and awesome luv biber sindus
love u bieber ur the best
i lovvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeee you justinn bieber
nice songes
i love justin
Justin bieber I sweetheart hug kiss want to meet English Deaf talk like Alejandra Magana call (509)430-6261
u keep on b famous n we r der 4 u… we luv u dea
we luv u
Justin bieber I sweetheart hug kiss want to meet English Deaf say happy love like Alejandra Magana call 5094306261 sed massge camera tude Mr yes
I really love you justin, when ever im down i just listen to ‘be alright’ your such an inspiration and you got your driving license in georgia;) i love you so so so so much justin no one understands how much i love you thankyou for everything :* i love you so much <3 xoxoxoo
Justin is todays mical jackson
Justin bieber I sweetheart hug kiss meet marry English Deaf talk like Alejandra Magana call now you