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Justin Bieber says “Fuck You” on Vick One interview

I can’ believe he said “fuck you” on camera. lol

If you’re looking for the hidden camera video: OOps! There was a hidden camera in Selena & Bieber’s bedroom

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  • It’s so unusual hearing him swear but he sounds so sexy while doing it lol.

    • Anonymous

      he is not sexy or cute or funny

      • Anonymous

        your a dumbass if u think that..

    • Anonymous

      u encourage him to curse? wow.

  • savana

    So what? We says stuff like that 24 hours and when he say something like that everyone gets crazy … i know it’s wierd hearing him saying stuff like that… but in real life.. SO WHAT?

  • savana

    sorry my english is not good I live in sweden haha 🙂

  • MoreBiebs

    Bravo Justin!! It made me laugh & it doesn’t bother me in the least 🙂 God he’s cute!

  • Anonymous

    OMG. Stop. I can’t believe a 17 year old boy cursed. ON VIDEO. woah.
    . . . the things people get crazed about these days.
    THUMBS UP:D (For the beibs, for the beibs)


      its BIEBER

      • Michelle

        u spelled biebs wrong

    • Anonymous

      Hay Justin you are CUTE and HOT this is Michaela Marie Smith-Newell I think you should not be cusing because of kids whatch you in intervews saying Fuke you and I watched it and I’ m only in third grade and 8 years old.

    • Anonymous

      OMG stop i cant believe a 17 year old boy cursed on VIDEO woah the things people get crazed about these days.
      THUMBS up;d for the beibs

  • gabb

    guys his 17!! every teenager say crazy stuff like that but you just get surprised when justin bieber is who say it, why?? he’s just another normal teen

    • Anonymous

      you get crazy because of this i dont like him he said fuch you to a little girl

  • brandy

    He is cute even when he cuses :-D:-D

  • belieber baby

    it’s actually sooo sexy when he swears ! he probably does it all the time, but when he’s on camera he has to be a good role model and stuff. hahahah i wish they didnt block the “f*ck” out !

    • Karo

      I know right:) I LOVE IT!!! hes like “F*ck u bro” Very sexy;)

  • ?


  • hehehehehhehe :)

    i hate swearing. especially when justin says it! 🙁 🙁 🙁 he has changed sooooo much!!!!!! 🙁 🙁 🙁

    • akjsns

      you’re saying “he’s changed so much” but were you not a belieber when he said “bitch” in that funny or die video or did you just forget?
      he hasn’t changed that much… he got taller, got more involved with charity, got sexier and got a gf. i’m almost sure he swears around his friends when he’s just hanging out and not expected to be perfect

    • MirelaBieber

      He hasn’t changed… Every teenager needs to grow up! Every teenager has there own swag, they swear, they play around, get drunk for the first time… IT’s not a big deal! If you are/were I bet you did the same! Everybody swears! From ages 11-12 to whatever… It’s not a freaking big deal! Everybody does it, everybody! Grow up nigga!

      • Anonymous

        ha ha omg i laughed when you added nugga to the end not cause im racist it was cause it was random and therefore funny but your right:)

        • MirelaBieber

          Haha thanks! 😉

        • omg thats so damn stupid if u racis join the kkk group

      • Anonymous

        Swag????? Quieber ain’t got no swag! He’s a little bitch!!!!!!!! Nuff said

    • lolyou'redumb

      okay . then stop being a belieber. you’re loss. i bet you’re 12 … FUCK FUCK FUCK .

      • hi


  • akjsns

    what teenager doesn’t swear? its not a big deal people

  • MirelaBieber

    Soo cute! 🙂 <3

  • lolololol my fave part “It’s the Biebs bro! i got some Bieber Fever *rubs chest*”
    lol i died laughing at this part!!!! lol
    any way justin
    FINALLLYYYYYY!!!! lol every belieber has been waiting for this!!!! lol

  • Belieber

    i dont care if he swears, we all do it. and its sexy!

  • Hope Bieber

    Lol, I’ve been waiting to hear him say that :3

  • Kirstie

    Who cares he’s 17 not 7. Oh & btw he doesn’t even say it.

    • Anonymous

      yes he does don’t u pay attention

  • omg that was shocking but hilarious

  • chelsea

    It sounde so cool, especially when he couldn’t figure out what to say for a rap.

  • i can’t believe what sum of u “beliebers” r saying; you think its “cute”, “funny”, “sexy”, or, “ok”!!!!! i Love Justin, would Love to kiss that Gorgeous Hottie, but unlike most of you, i wasn’t raised up to think that swearing is “cute!!!” it is purely stupid & trashy; Justin didn’t start this until he started hanging with sum of these lowlife “gangsta” rappers & thugs!!!!!! All they rap about is “slappin the hoe”, or “kickin the b**** ass!!” i don’t care WHO you are, but talkin like that only makes you look & sound like lowlife thug!!!! justin, i Love you, but Clean Up Your act!!!!

    • Anonymous

      your a bitch justin is not sexy or funny or cute i yet him

  • bieberfever


  • Glykeria

    AWW Justin is so sweet :))

  • mrs.bieber

    awwwwwwwww so cute!!!

  • Biebfan4ever

    what is everyone so surprised about? He’s 17 turning 18! not a big deal, and so what if he is famous and doing it?!? Probably half the people wont even remember this, most people in the world probably delete this e-mail either way… and another thing probably no one watches this except when they get the email so…… not a big deal!

  • luz martinez

    justin bieber i love you luz justin bieber friend luz ;-]

  • luz bieber

    justin bieber i love my

    • Anonymous

      he is mean he said f you to a girl my sister loves justin more then you gues on here

    • Anonymous

      you wish

  • luz bieber

    justin bieber i love my luz

  • Anonymous

    does he even say it i just hear a bleep

    • Anonymous

      never mind im pretty sure he says it

  • Emily

    so what if he swears? its no big deal? its not ilegal and yeaah some people think its rude but he didnt say it in a nastyway against anyone? i swear and no one makes this much of a deal out of it?

  • TrueBelieber

    Hahaha lol, So cute 🙂

  • Belieber Dude

    Come on guys, he’s 17, swearing is inevitable!! It’s not like he shot someone or did it in a mean-spirirted way. He just did it to be funny! I’m 15 and I swear, it’s not a big deal, especially if you don’t do it often. Yes, he is a role-model but you can’t expect him to be squeaky clean all the time, he’s a teen guy! He actually make swearing sound cool when he does it, lol!

    • Anonymous

      heck yeah i do it all the time and im proud of it at certian times

  • omg dat is so dang dope but its no reason to get crazy about he says stuff like that all the time

  • seriously, why do you freak out i bet you say cuss words all the time and don’t make a dig deal off of it it’s normal he’s a human being and says thing we say too! okat but it was very sexy when he said it though.

  • why do you make a big deal off of it he’s 17! I bet all the time and don’t make a big deal off of it he’s a teen guy let him do it your not his mama!

  • fucking funny

  • karina izzabelieber

    omg!!!..this made me laugh for like an hour…so what i still love him more than anything in the world..we all curse sometimes….lolzz…thumbs up if this made u laugh!!!

  • Anonymous

    What a quieber

  • Anonymous

    bieber! I cant stand him! He say: fuck you and what? I use very worst worlds. Why you like him? He is only a girl:p

  • Anonymous

    uhhh sorrry for my english.. I mean words:p

  • Justin's Girl

    So cute when he swears!

  • Kayla

    Lol most of u r mad dumb. Oh he’s soooo sexy when he swears! No he’s fuckin not go over to Maine south where they swear like fuckin sailors people swear all the time. Ya reaaaal sexy huh? N it’s funny how everyone makes such a big deal when … Dare I say it… Justin fuckin queir ass swears but when u got people trying to bomb the fuckin country! It’s like oh whatever same shit different day. Ya that’s logical?

  • Anonymous

    omg bad boy love him so sexy sayin that!

  • Anonymous

    Fuck you bro lol he is funny

  • Michaela

    I do not know why you dis on Justin all the time he is sweet and he works his ass off just make people happy and i do not care what people think of me saying this but i love Justin he is my inspiration.

  • rebecca

    hi justin i love i so much u insper me to wite songs of my own so thank u for that ps i love u xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

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