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Justin Bieber will break up with Selena Gomez before going to Australia


That’s right girls! Justin just said it himself. When JB said that he was coming back to Australia soon, the interviewer then asked Justin if he will be coming back single and he said “Yes, maybe”. lol

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  • Anoyn.

    I think maybe he means that he will be SINGLE, I think he means that she won’t be coming back with him, or something. I don’t think he would imply that in an interview, it would hurt Sel’s feelings BIG time. I hope everything’s okay!

    • Anonymous

      i think he would dump her

      • Laurel

        i REALLY hope they do break up. i mean REALLY? they r so stupid with each other

        • april

          How would u feel if the boy of your dreams dumped u because someone he didnt know told him to

        • Anonymous

          He so will break it off with her I mean I think they are good together I guess but I mean no rich person stays with anyone for a long time

        • dania

          loom jusitn bieber if u want to dum her u shuld its nt her disjoin of dumping its ur choice and let it be u r single and dating a girl closwer to ur ago u have trust all of ur fans and thank god u r siingle and nw u r free darte angirl u can have

        • Anonymous

          that wouldnt be uu doe lol but i bet he would wonna date a fan like us

        • Anonymous

          Work on your grammar skills, I can’t even read that.

        • Leticia

          why does justin bieber just make sure out with me princess leticia

        • naome

          i hope they break up i really doo yeahh thank u lord she was ugly anyway so it doesnt matter

        • gianna

          i hate Selena.i hope they break up soon she doesnt deserve him.

        • ur just jelous of selena cuzz shes probly prettier then u and jb and sg make a good couple.

        • felica and janine

          Wtf Y would she wanna b jealous of that slut she ain’t got nothin on us!!

          So leave Gianna alone bryanna before you get knocked the fuck out bud! WE BLACK SO DONT FUCK WIV US BUDDY…….

        • Sarah

          Felicia and Janine,
          You guys need to calm down. This website isn’t for little people who think they are King sh*t black people. And what has being black got anything to do with this anyway? Grow up ladies… honestly.

        • JB. Lover

          Shut the f*** up I mean If y’all Selena haters

          Have a problem say it to her face and quit hidding

          Behind a computer screen or a phone Wat does it.

          It matter if he likes her think of it this way Wat if u were

          Selena woulde u like people like u saying stuff about u

          OO BURN AND IM ONLEY 10

        • CELINE

          Justin if you ever read this i saying to you that you and selean are very very awesome and i think that you should never break up with her. It dont matter what other people say that yall dont make a cute couple yall do! And all the haters can be haters dont mean that you have to be on! i hope you take this in consideration! i love it when you were just being your self and so dose SELEAN Your missing puzzle peice , Partren, Friend , Pleasze do this for me and everyone else

        • jackie

          she’s uqly i bet the gurl is prettier thann uuu!!!!!!!! so shu up cuz u only want 2 date himm but it won’t never happen.

        • jackie

          i think selena gomez is beautiful, i hope they don’t break upp cuz they are a good couple they look cute toqether. ^_^ i mean like people are haterz. haterz will be haterz

        • Jocelyn Lopez

          shut up cauze i will thank the lord dat 1 day u will go 2 hell u wouldnt even get foreva!!!!

        • Anonymous

          guess what fuck you u!
          obiously you havent seen selena.
          justin is a retard for breakign up with her
          she is one of the hottest people on TV.

        • s13

          selena is a ugly h*** n she s sooooooooooooooooooooooo ugly how cn u go out w/h her no affens kk

        • Destiny

          They aren’t stupid together. Your probably just a fan. Your just jealous of Selena. So seriously? Grow up. If they do break up anyways. It ain’t like you’ll ever get up..

        • wwbrm

          those are really strong words and i follow them

        • N

          Yeah I think they are great together but the public hates it so it will be forced ๐Ÿ™

        • Kirstie

          You’re calling them stupid yet you spell you. ” u”, huh. This interview is old if he was gonna dump her he would have done it already. I’ll bet everyone on here money that he doesn’t. I’ll believe it when I see it..

        • Anonymous

          lets go

        • Anonymous

          Your a cruel person. i mean like seriously do you think that you will get with him ? No. So why don’t you let them be, its not your decision whether they break up or not. And to say that they are stupid together is just plain wrong. You don’t know what goes on behind the scenes, you have no idea how they really are together, so to say that it just means that your a judgemental person and that is what Justin doesn’t want as a girlfriend.
          You have just lost any chance of being with him.

        • lala

          you are rite

        • Jocelyn Lopez

          shut up your little ugly @$$ cauze u no u cant get him either

      • Alisha x-x

        Thats what you think not what he will do so dont jump to conclustions .xxxxxxxxx. lol….xxooxoxoxoxoxo

    • MARIAH


    • u wish u knew who i was

      who cares about selena’s feelings….that bitch needs to be hurt a million times whahahahahahaaaaaa!!!

  • Vcfdbhvgnj

    i dont think he’s going to break up with her. especially since its almost their one year anniversary, its not like him. & he didnt talk about him DATING selena, so why would he just come out & say he’s going to break up with her?

    • lol

      no its already been a year

      • Alisha x-x

        its a yeaR and a little bit now but for the people who want them to break up you lotz are just dam right back. Justin Bieber if you are reading this dont listen to us fans do to what ur heart says

    • Anonymous

      i dont think they be going out for a year

      • lol

        yes they have. selena said it in a video when justin was being a dj

        • Sarah

          Link us then if you’re so sure.

        • lol

          i cant find the video but he was with the dj and selena at a after party backstage on her tour then the guy asked how long have you guys been together and she said a year

        • Brianna

          Okay first of all she didn’t say that in that video. Me and my friend replayed that part in te video over a million times as CLEARLY WHAT SHE SAYS IS > no it’s only smooth in your EAR! Cause she says that after he says “that was smooth” when referring to his dj skills. The other dj did NOT ASK how long they have been together so we saying that is random and shows how you can’t hear. And also in the blog sites online and on magazine theyve already said that their year is coming UP. so you dont know what you are talking about. Sorry kiddo

        • Ayak

          number one selena and justin bieber shouldnt be going
          out becuse hes younger then her.

        • felica and janine

          Tru that buddy

        • nise

          on youtube

      • Kirstie

        Yes they started dating last oct or November, so it’s been a year.

        • Anonymous

          Iit HAS NOT BEEN A YEAR YET. CLEARLY HENCE WHY adults and people in industry unlike yourself and blog sites like Perez etc who actually KNOW him have said it has not been a year yet and Selena in a recent interview has also said it. So what now. Unless you know the exact date of when they officially became a couple which you don’t and cannot answer to that statement. Just cause a celeb couple is spotted together does not imply they are dating. When I dated Bow people didn’t know anything about or dates and nor don’t all. Y’all must not have read what Brianna had said clearly enough.

        • dear justin bieber shrine blog 2011 , hi my name is david conway i love to help you out here , just this web site here they do have the issue page under the fake relationship just when they started datting , they were spoted at i hop on the date off november 2010 / love david conway

        • i hope they do break up because the i can be his girl

        • gianna

          he is mine sister i loooooooove him so deal with it hehe ive been waiting for ever for them to break up she is so stupid if i was justins mom i would never let him date her.

        • Ashley

          Iit HAS NOT BEEN A YEAR YET. CLEARLY HENCE WHY adults and people in industry unlike yourself and blog sites like Perez etc who actually KNOW him have said it has not been a year yet and Selena in a recent interview has also said it. So what now. Unless you know the exact date of when they officially became a couple which you don’t and cannot answer to that statement. Just cause a celeb couple is spotted together does not imply they are dating. When I dated Bow people didn’t know anything about or dates and nor don’t all. Y’all must not have read what Brianna had said clearly enough.

        • anon

          its been a year lol

        • Lovely anon

          And the people above are right it hasn’t and you persistence to keep saying it is after they have explained it shows ur ignorance

        • chloe

          it has been a year! omg-.-

        • felica and janine

          soo what if its been a year that dont mean shit and btw hes only wiv her because he feels sorry for her

        • sarah

          it has been a year since vanity fair last year. get over it

    • dania

      hey just ins my ex so i know wht going on so yeah he told me he’s going to dump her weh n he gets back so yes he’s going too

    • lala

      your rite it is not like him.

      • lala

        no your wrong alot of wrong!

  • larissa

    i think he wasn’t even listening i think he only heard the guy say your definetly coming back right? if he really meant that he wouldnt have said it so fast like he did

  • johail

    omg? is this fake or what cause at the end of the video he showed him supposely scarlet johanson nude pictures..i dont know i think this is fake..

  • Belieber

    OMG I got to excited !!!! But I dont think thats what he meant. I think the guy was talking to fast && justin got confused. I think he means when he comes back he will be by himself like not with another artist. Idk. Got me to excited tho !

    • Sarah

      Yeah that’s how I was thinking too. I don’t think he would actually publicly announce it like that if he was to actually break up with her anyway. I hope everything is okay with them, I don’t want to think about either of them being hurt or upset…

      • Anonymous

        Your a good person. I was going to say that is really bad to wish heart break on someone. Espeshally if you all love him. Don’t you want him to be happy.

        • R.

          Girl salsa ain’t the only thing that makes him or will ever make him happy . Y’all need to get over this Jelena shit and mature up ASAP!

        • Sarah

          Thank you for saying that ‘Anonymous’

          To ‘R.’
          I hardly think that we are being imature by not wishing hurt on anyone. And mabye Selena isn’t the only thing that will make him happy but I am guessing she makes him very happy, and it’s not just Justin we are talking about here. Selena could get hurt too. Not just Justin. We arn’t being imature, we are just simply being nice and thinking about them.

    • Tara

      maybe he is going to break up with her …………………….
      you never know….maybe he will discover that she is using him !!!

      • Sam

        Exactly so right u are

  • Ashley

    I honestly don’t think Justin heard the question fully.. It sounded to me like he just answered too quickly and it doesn’t really show the rest of the interview so IDK…

  • Anonymous

    I think Justin thought he was talking about his single under the mistle toe maybe?

  • biebergomez

    i bet he miss understood what the guy said

    • Anonymous

      i think he meant he might be coming out with a single not he’s gonna be single

      • Sam

        Clearly that makes no sense when his album won’t be out then

        • Ele(L)Sellyfan!!! ***Gemellina***Sabry & Valby***Miley Cheryl Katy***I am a Belieber!!!! SELENA e’ la mia ViTA!!! Erica & Greta!! ***Simone ci manchi…*** srcive:Quanto la amo!!!

  • fhugu

    If Justin mean’t that, that’s so mean and he’s a douche bag.
    But he probably misheard the guy or wasn’t even listening.. I hope.

    Or maybe Justin is single now?

    • kiki

      i just read somewhere newspaper that selena is going to broke up with justin because of all those baby false stories, but justins crew said to selena that they will be dating 2 weeks n selena can brake up with justin when he is going to Australia ๐Ÿ˜€ so wtf :O when i watched that vid i couldn’t not believe what he just say ๐Ÿ˜€

      • htyetye

        I am actually happy you know

    • Sarah

      To ‘fhgu’
      You shouldn’t say those things about him because it isn’t DEFINENTLY true. Don’t just assume things about people. Have you ever heard the saying “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover”? Mabye you should think about it before you say thing that arn’t nice…

  • Haha.

    He edited it to make it sound like Justin said that, he added a video, just like he did at the end He probably asked him a diffrent question. . It’s so fake. Lol

  • i dont think justin fully understood what he said….i mean the guy was talking pretty fast, and if it was about selena, justin would do what he always does, blush and talk about her a little bit. in this he said “Yes” like so confidently, and definate, and u really dont know how long a relationship will last……
    so i just think justin hear the guy…..

    • *justin didnt hear the guy

      • Sam

        Justin ain’t deaf he can hear

        • Sarah

          You don’t say?! (sarcasm)

  • Mrs.Swaggerific

    I think Justin misunderstood and thought the guy said “Are you coming back with a new single?” That guy was talking pretty fast.

    • BieberLover

      I thought thats what the guy said the first time…haha, I got confused because I had no idea where she got the Justin was going to brake up with Selena.

      • lol

        no he said “you might be coming back single then right” its not edited i saw the whole video

        • Sam

          Exactly which Obviousy what everyone knows

  • Anonymous

    Just these fansites over blowing and over analyzing things as usual….

  • i LOVE JELENA POR VIDA!!!!!!!!!

    yea he probably did miss understand the question………. i dont think justin will break up with selena anytime soon cuz look at him hes soo happy wen hes with her like i know n some pics he looks sad but i bet hes really happy

    • Tonia

      You dont know if he’s happy or not. Ur just a Lil girl obsessed with a. Relationship that will never last lol

  • Lilly

    I think Justin understood ‘Are there going to be new singles?’ Like if he will be preforming new songs and stuff…
    #noh8 & all but if he DOES break up with her…. imma have the BIGGEST party ever…
    I mean i respect them and all but i never liked them dating.. And i kinda think he’s telling the truth, like he understood the question perfectly, Because on his radio interview he did, he said they were fighting quite alot so he took her on a date… Who knows if they havent been fighting more…

    • Shannia

      I totally agree with yuo, gosh your like the only one who i found that feels that way. I also head that on a radio interview.

  • Anonymous

    If Justin Bieber is breaking up with Selena,then he’s a jerk for doing that!

    • lol

      it doesn’t make him a jerk if he breaks up with her wtf! im a girl but i have to say some girls need to stfu you guys act like your world is over if a guy breaks up with you like get over it

      • Lovely anon

        Omg thank u amen! Girls need to stop acting so damn childish. fucking cry babies.but of she breaks up with him its okay ? Wtf

    • felica and janine

      NOOO its a good thing to brake up wiv her she too old and hes way out of her league for her So yeah

  • lol


    • Lovely anon

      Amen to what you said these girls are fucking stupid sometimes

    • Tonia

      Leave it up to a jelenator to dislike this awesome comment. Smh hate those bitches

  • Kaitie

    So, whens he coming to australia?

  • jasmine

    lol this is soo fake and funny this is how rumors start

  • Anonymous

    Haha it was edited

  • Carr

    This interview was awkward, he could have easily put the video together himself, I dont believe it.

  • Anonymous

    its just edited guys….

  • The one and only Mrs.Bieber

    oh my BIEBER did you see Justin just sit there and STARE at the nude pics?

    • Tonia

      Omg ur stupid. He’s a teen boy! Him his friends. And very other teen boy has see new chicks. Y’all fans think this boy is so damn innocent lmao it’s hilarious really

  • lol

    ok the end is very edited

  • Anon.

    Guys. It was edited. He added in the nude pics through editing. He never showed Justin nude pics, he never asked about him being single, it was all added in through editing.

  • Sarah

    Yay, this is good news haha

    • ima JELENA supporter

      just cuz u hate selena…..

      • Tonia

        Bitch bye just cause u kiss Jelena ass don’t mean everyone else will no one gives a shit about that girl

    • Anonymous

      Why would you ever heart break on someone???

      • Tonia

        E everyone’s boys to break up with people eventually clearly you must not date for u to ask that dumbass question. Who gives a fuck about breaking someone’s heart isf u are done with the relation ship then your ass is done. If u worried about that then. Stay your ass in the unhappy relationship then with someone you clearly don’t wanna be with. It’s called life. Move on.

        • Tonia

          Sorry for the typos I’m on my phone. This blog shud get an app like those other blogs to type better

  • Preshentha

    Moveon.org, Dats all I can say, If it is true , He is still young and do not have to rush in or out of anything.

    • Tonia

      Amen! And Ye dumbass who clicked that red button on this is clearly a jelenators and therefore stupid as fuck.! Every word u said us right these damn fans dot know shit about love nor dating… Acting like this boy Is some old ass man that has to date that damn girl for all eternity. My parents are married! They know more about this topic than these little ass kids and even they said how stups fans are acting about that.

  • Anonymous

    I am studying in film right now and it is def edited …. notice how when he asks the question it shows both of them and then when he answers it clips to just justin so they cliped it to another part when they said yes maybe… and the high five with the nude pictures that is when it skips to another time in the interview when justin highfived him.

  • Patricia

    I still think that Jelena is a publicity stunt and this proves it. Him and Selena probably signed a contract to be ” together ” for a year and its gonna be their one year ” anniversary ” soon so it makes sense. Im gonna be so happy when they break up….. Im not even gonna lie.

    • Wendy

      Amen exactly I know personally countless HW relationships that were and are fake. And yes fake relationships do go as far as getting married and are around only in public then at home they don’t even sleep in the same beds. People are have so much to learn. California is a world of its own here. He is a teenage boy. And she is a grown woman. She nor him are not even on the level to what being in real love not hollywood love is. Us married people are MARRIED AND STILL have to work on love. Lust, love, and attraction are all different. I have experience and worked with so many people as if they knew what I knew about just Hollywood in general they Wudnt make these petty comments assuming things they don’t know about these people. When they learn what publicist and or really stands for then they will begin to see what is happening right in front of their faces.

      • Who

        Well personally he is young and dumb and he is probably jumping into a relationship over puppy love and if it is fake they need to “break up”

    • Wendy

      I really pray hard for this generation I really do. If they don’t believe people lie, no matter what they think about someone, and about how MONEY makes the world go round then why won’t survive being an adult.

      I commented btw case my daughter showed me the blog and she always asks me about my
      Opinion and I’m letting you young ladies know first hand there is always more to what you see. Image is EVERYTHING in Hollywood and to not be wrapped up so much into Hollywood. I wish I could show you all first hand what really goes on and what HW is really about but I can’t. Keep y’all heads up , support Justin yes but also use your brains girls, he’s HUMAN and have tendencies just like everyone else. ๐Ÿ™‚ especially Selena. Just cause someone says something In a interview or on a red carpet etc isnt because they may necessarily feel that way or think that exact way. Everyone here is taught what to say and how to say it. I watch his interview on the view today with my daughter and that is a perfect example of that. For those of you have the open mindset of the girl above… But I just wanted to say that. Keep y’all heads up and loving JB. But also have a taste of realty too ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Sarah

        Thank you for telling us all that ๐Ÿ™‚ it was really good advice and I hope everyone who reads it will understand the way I do. You are right, even my mum tells me to not believe EVERYTHING that I hear because it isn’t always true.

        Have any of you ever told a lie? And be honest. I’m 100% sure that everyone who has read this has atleast told ONE lie weather it be little or not. I love Justin but that doesn’t mean he is a perfect human being that has never even told a lie, that goes for Selena too. I’m not trying to be offencive or rude but you do need to wake up and realise that nobody is actually perfect, and belive me when I say nobody I really mean nobody. I’m not trying to say that thier relationship is fake I’m just teying to say that not everthing is really what it seams. A word of advice? Well I think that before you assume or belive things take some time out to think if you were in that person’s position or try to atleast figure out what YOU think would be the real and right answer.

        Take care everyone ๐Ÿ™‚

  • mel

    I dont think he heard the interviewer properly

  • jb

    i think he thought about a new single – new song maybe

  • Erin

    Justin obviously misheard the question lol. He is in love with Selena, and every single one of us KNOWS that.

    • MrsB

      So true!

    • Crystal

      Speak for yourself. I KNOW his friends and I know what I know: unless tall know stars personally y’all don’t anything. One day y’all will realize what Hollywood is really about. It’s cute how y’all believe this shit lol

  • Aussie bieber

    The interviewer is Kyle and he was making a joke out of Justin pretty much the whole show. I stayed up to watch it and I was so annoyed that an australian interviewer could be so did respectful… It was either edited (Justin would have been answering another question and they just put it after that question) or he was meaning that Selena might not be with him when he comes back…. If he was going to break up with her why would he say it in an interview give him some respect…. On a happy note I really do hope Justin comes back here soon and does some more concerts. It’s been a long 6 months ๐Ÿ™‚ haha still come back Justin we miss you xx

    • Anonymous

      I agree. That was rude how he maidba fool of Justin Bieber. ๐Ÿ™

      • Sarah

        Aussie Biebliebers go hard ๐Ÿ™‚

  • ima JELENA supporter

    NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ™

    • Tonia

      Get help they gonna end one day. Nothing last forever get ur own bf and u Wudnt have to jack off to someone elses

  • What a bummer! I was so excited when I saw this. Thinking Justin was gonna be single again. But it really doesn’t sound like he’s breaking up with her. But I know they won’t last too long. It’s Hollywood, aint it?

    • cassie

      Exactly! Ur the person with the most common sense here haha

  • Hope Bieber

    nooooooooooooo! i dont want them to end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ™

    • Tonia

      Well get over it. Nothing last forever Dumbass he’s a teen boy Not a old ass man. Get ur own bf instead of obsessing over a clearly and has prove to be fake ass relationship

  • Rhea Ballard

    For some reason the video got taken off so I cant see it, but if he wants to break up with her or not its probably for good reason…<hopefully

    • Crystal

      U breakup with someone cause he just dot wanna date he girl lmaohe don’t have to stay with her ass. Every other normal person breaks ul with someone and it aint a issue but with him it is?

  • Anon.

    I don’t get why everyone wants him single, none of us/you have a chance with him even if he was single.

    • cassie

      I do actually. Unless you know people personally who are you to make that claim?

  • Jessi

    i hope they don’t! i love justin bieber <3 but i love them together!!!

    • Crystal

      Obsessed with someone else’s relationship I see

  • I have girlfriend problems… My Ex girlfriend keeps on texting me, She thinks that she stills loves me.

    • Mrs.Swaggerific

      You have the WRONG website. -_-

    • jenny

      dude why the hell do you put that in a justin bieber website

  • i really hope they don’t i don’t think he will but i hope not btw i think this fake

    • Crystal

      U must be a jelenator lmao how pathetic

  • Paola

    ๐Ÿ™ and this one i can’t see it too

  • awww thats said that they half to break up but now justin bieber is single again i think idk but hes just so adorable!

  • i knew they weren’t going to last so long! but still, that’s so sad… i wish they would’ve been together forever like those happily ever after movies but what can i do? ๐Ÿ™

    • Lucy

      You need some damn help. Simply put.

  • Lucy

    You need help. Simply put

  • Anonymous

    you guys say that this video is edited…do you have PROOF!
    you guys say that “Jelena” are in love…did you ever hung out or met them?
    and im not hating or anything but if you guys say that “Jelena” are gonna last forever you guys are wrong because justin is only 17… and im pretty sure a 17 year old teenager dosent want to be with the same girl and his love life is just starting…

    • Sam

      Praise this ong thank u someone with a brain!

    • Sam

      Praise this omg thank u someone with a brain!

  • Anonymous

    i think he means hes going to have another single coming up up when he comes back to australia

  • Alex johnson

    None of you have a chance. If you all lov him why do you wish him pain and heart break? That’s really rude.

    • Sam

      Actually some of us do. Unless you know our life style and what we do and what connects we have then you can’t logically make that dumbass statement. Just cause YOU don’t have a chance dont mean no noone else doesn’t .

    • jenny

      im pretty sure we all now that we dont have a chance with justin but just because we hate selena and justin dosent mean he belongs to one of us

  • Hello

    this video has been edited. they edited when they showed in on the tv show the whole thing. i dont think he actually said it. cause this has been edited!

    • Anonymous

      THANKYOU!!!!!! thats right! everything else he said was true, but this was definitley edited.he loves selena gomez and will never break up with her. REAL beliebers will be happy for them. FAKE beliebers .. seriously get the fuck out of here.

      • Sam

        You need some help. When did Justin appoint your ignorant self as queen belieber to dare tell someone who and what and whether or not they are a real damn belieber or not? Exactly. He never did. So you can GTFOH with that real or fake belieber bullshit. And no they are not gonna last forever he is a 17 year old boy not a old ass man. NOTHING last forever. Funny morons like u have the nerve to say he will neer break up with Selena as if you know that shift a fucking fact. Do you know him personally? No. Do you know what the fuck he’s gonna do? Clearly not. So seriously GET HELP. clearly ur a snorting nosed jelenator obsessing over a relationship that aint even yours. Lmao

  • #1 Belieber

    Why would that idiot show naked pictures of women to him that,s so stupid i want to slap that guy so hard across his face and y would Justin let him

    • Clara

      Evidently your an idiot cause CLEARLY he didn’t. Ye shit was edited that way and so what if he did? Justin can speak for himself he CHOOSE to look. Justin is a grown boy e can take ad defend for himself what are u his mother? He’s seen naked chicks before and clearly do has every other one of his friends and every other teen boy in the world get a clue.

  • Alex Johnson

    Why are all of you happy about this…? It’s not like any of you have a chance… If you love him don’t you want to make him happy even if it’s not with youz??? Be happy for Selena and the Biebz

    • only if selena gomez was a man and may be i will give selena gomez , my respect,s more , love david b conway

    • brittana

      no she dont desvire do be with hym allright thank you

      • hi

        seriously,she need 2 stop following after him.She needa go back to Nick Jonas or somethin….

    • Anonymous

      Hell no If justin is single than any person can have a chance with him

    • yeah.we will try to…..lol

    • julia

      i agree with you but ya never know

  • Trinity

    He tricked Justin!!!

    • Anonymous

      yess! justin wouldn’t admit that to that guy! i realized that!

  • NO WAY FUCK OFF! :-O Don’t break up.

    • dasia

      He can do whatever he wants to anonymous

    • Anonymous

      chill out

  • awww thats to bad that they half to break up well he could date me hahaha justin kidding im 13 but i wish i could date him hes soo sexy

    • Maggie

      That’s exactly what my Friend Sabrina says! LOl…..

  • izzy

    I don’t know why but the binning freaked me out i thounght something was going to pop up lol



    • brittana

      lol i knw

    • Anonymous

      u got tht right girl

      • alyssa shouse


    • Anonymous

      shut the fuck up. justin will never know you

  • Thunderheartbieber

    Awe…but they seemed so good together….

  • nikki

    i really hope hes kidding…… i mean why would say tht in an INTERVIEW!? nd this is sad if its true…. they were so cute

    • Lexi

      I agree I mean why did Justin high five the dude after he showed justin the pictures? Poor Selena!

  • tiffany

    hey yall itz justin new grlfriend

    • carissa

      heh -.- yea right, were not stupid

  • Michelle

    I think he misunderstood the question.. Maybe he thought the interviewer asked if he’ll come out with a new single when he comes to Australia or something… He wouldn’t say something like that in an interview… that would be stupid

    • brittana

      i knw he probably got his words messed up

  • That Sooo Not Reall Coz He Would Never Sat It Just Like That And You Could Tell That Was A Different Part Of The Interveiw !!!!!!!! ILOVE JUSTIINN

  • Duude

    It sounds pretty real to me and why would someone do that to Justin they’d get well done..And we’ll just have to see when Justin goes to Australia..

    • Anonymous


  • no offense to any1 but in reality justin deserves caitlin beadles, i know you guys will think they dated before he doesn’t even meet her anymore, but have you seen his video under the mistletoe by any chance have u recognized how much that girl looks like caitlin? he has a thing for caitlin and its no co-incidence. Bieber said he would never kiss any girl after he has a girlfriend. And he didn’t until under the mistletoe came out with a girl in there who looks like CAITLIN BEADLES. even tho it was a movie one, but still?!?

    • simone

      i know right i just figure that out

      • carissa

        also in next 2 you with chris brown :3

  • simone

    omggggggggggggggggggggggggggg i hope not.they are a good couple.and if they do girls are gonna be all over him and they are gonna be fighting over him .just saying.

  • Georgia

    BEFORE YOU JUST SCROLL ON DOWN READ THIS IT MAY CHANGE YOUR MIND ON THIS POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Justin probably didn’t hear what kyle said you know what its like when you are talking to someone you know but not that well and you hear something but don;t understand what they said you just nod and say yes well thats probably what justin did.

    i reckon it would be a bitter sweet situation for all beliebers if they broke- up i mean it would be sad because justin would be sad ergo beliebers would be sad becuase he is not happy, but also it will be nice because it make all beliebers think that they can have a chance of being with them.

    Honestly, saying this as a belieber myself, we are never going to get to be in a relationship, i know we all fantasise over thinking that it could happen because justin sad he would date a fan but look at the girls he has dated in the past 2- 3 years

    Caitlin Beadles- dated her because :

    A: she is a model
    B: ihe wasnt that famous then and
    C: he had just moved to atlanta and kidda needed a friend

    Jasmine villages

    dated her because she was the main girl in the most successful music video of all time. she sings and is in the same business as ustin and can therfore realte to him

    And Selena Gomez

    dating her because

    A: she is really really pretty whether you like it or not.
    B: she is successful and involved in the business more than Jasmine ad selena has fans all over the world not just the U.S.
    C; all though 2 years older than justin Selena can realate to justin and justin can realte to selena because they are experiencing the same things in their life. FAME.

    thats just me.

    i honestly think they arent going to break up before come to OZ

    thoughhh,………………………….. it would be really nice if they did mixed emotions

    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ˜• :/

  • Anon

    Justin probably didn’t hear what the guy said and just nodded and said ‘yes..maybe.’ as you do, He probably thought he said, ‘You coming back soon?’ not ‘single.’


    no that’s not true, Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez is the way to wedding………………… I know it because it has some information Before wedding what are they do?

  • Angie-Mary


    If you were a true belieber then you would be happy that he was happy with Selena..Not praising the fact that they have to break up

    A true Belieber

    • alessa

      i dont like selena at all. but i dont like her not because shes dating the hottest guy on earth. i dont like her because she seems fake and i dont like her music. sure i dont know her and maybe if i meet her i will start to like her. but i am happy for justin if he is happy and if he is breaking up with her for the well being of himself then i will support him one hundred percent. i agree some of his fans are NOT really fans because they are mad that they cant have justin. so i dont know if you would view me as a true fan but i believe im a belieber (:

    • Belieber

      Tru tru!!! Real believers would be happy when he’s happy sorta like when he smiles we smile!! Not gettin pissed n jealous at da girl he lurvves!!! It will only make Selena unhappy which makes Justin even more unhappy to see his love feeling bad… :((
      Wer’e all beliebers so we should be happy n support him no matter what Justin chooses to do in his life… <33

  • listen i just listened to mistletoe and he was the hottest thing that i’ve ever seen so Selena you better either stay with him or just go away because he is all min.
    BYBY Selena

  • :)

    I think that when the reporter said “When Justin was coming back from Australlia that he would be single. Justin probally thought he said will you be coming out with a single as in a album. Plus Jelena is a good couple don’t break up :))

  • i have a big crush on Justin Bieber but girls out there remember that there are probably a hek of alot more boys out there waiting for you. So i know how you all would like die for him well i would too. But i also bet that you have a crush on someone in your class or someone that you know and they could be better than Justin Bieber.
    Also i do agree that Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are a good couple and they should stay together, but they shouldn’t be forced to just for publicity. So my opinion is that they should make there own decisions and really if it is that bad just ignore the person and move on.
    Also justin if you are looking for a girlfriend i am waiting. You might think that i am really young the fact that i am 11 but i am really hot and so are you we would make a great couple.

    • Anonymous

      I think this was the cutest comment in the world haha =]

    • Belieber

      Lol u just made my day!!! Anyway I was going I’m too young 4 Justin cuz I’m only 14 but when u said u wer 11 I was like so I’m not that young!! Thnx!!

  • alessa

    i am a huge fan of Justin’s just like most of these people. i really don’t think Justin was kidding because he’s not the type of person to kid about something like that. i also think the interviewer tricked him. i don’t like Selena…in fact i hate her but i am happy for Justin if he is happy. if he wants to break up with her, it’s not really our business. i think no matter what happens, Justin will have done it for his own well being.

    • shut up about the belieber thing it is stupid

  • Anonymous

    I don’t get why you say that if we don’t like ‘Jelena’, we’re not ‘true Beliebers’. Last time I checked, Belieber stood for we believe in Justin Bieber not Selena Gomez. I understand RESPECT it, but you don’t have to SUPPORT it. There is a difference. I love Justin and Selena as individuals, but I don’t like them together. At all. Maybe their not praising it, maybe they see it as Justin might get hurt. I mean, it does seem like Selena is using him, and that would hurt him. He rents out the Staples Center for her, he bought her a $30,000 dollar watch because she got sick. But what do you ever hear that she does for him ? Nothing really. I get she has money, but people would rather spend someone else’s money than their own. He may have misunderstood the question, but they didn’t talk about an album during the whole video ? And I HIGHLY doubt that dude really has naked pictures of Blake Lively, Scarlett Johannson or any famous person…. Thanks for your time. And to make this clear…
    THIS IS JUST MY OPINION.. & I hope none of you guys find it affending to your comments or your opionions..
    Thanks. (:
    *Im NOT saying that Selena is using him, im saying it KIND OF looks like it.*

  • Anonymous

    You know that is just BS right? It’s completely edited :p

  • @teejay025

    I’m going to cry so hard. if they broke up.. I really love them so much.. They are my inspiration.. Cute Couples and most of all They have everything.. Justin was so nice to Selena and so sweet and
    i dont think he didnt heard it well..
    Let go ask @justinbieber on Twitter Right now??
    and let see if he can answer it nicely.. T_T ๐Ÿ™

  • Michelle

    I dont think justin should be losseing fans just for saying ‘Maybe’ like gosh! its not his chose he does have to ask his manager to so yeah dont be hatin just because he said ‘Maybe’ if you where all true fans you wouldnt get upset over something that small ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Michelle

    i love justin bieber <3 ๐Ÿ™‚

  • some one :3

    i hope they dont brake up like oh my gosh i would cry they are a perfect match for one another!! :DD I LOVE YOU JUSTIN DREW BIEBER!

  • camilla

    I think he means that he will come alone to Australia. That he will leave Selena soewere else.

  • Aussie bieber

    This was so annoying when I watched it the interviewer Kyle made whole of Justin the whole show going to strippers and asking if he comes there. He edited the video in many places and this was one of them. I am so annoyed that he made a joke put of the whole interview. If Justin was going to break up with Selena he wouldn’t announce it on an interview let’s be serious….

  • april


  • Belieber

    I think Justin n Selena r cute together they should stay together… By single he probably meant not having Selena with him or something nit breakup lol… I mean If u look at the pics of justin n Selena there soooooo cute n it looks like theyll never breakup…. :)))
    I LOVE U JUSTIN!!!!!!! <33

  • heyjb

  • Sophie

    Im a BIG bieber fan and i didnt like selena gomez anyway and when they got together i was like well its love theres nothing we can do to break it i just want to say congrtz jb and selena ur my fave celeb couple ๐Ÿ™‚

  • i hate justin for going out with that troll

  • megan

    OmG!!!!!i since im a HUGE justin fan i think it’s good that he’s breaking up with selena gomez. It’ll give him a chance to start a new life. It’ll also give ME a chance…..hahaha jk. but u never know. well, since i started liking him people made fun of me but i ignored their lame comments. i kept being a true BELIBER no matter what they said. if i had a chance 2 actually get with him, i would. i would love him at NOT use him just to have some fame and money. i would do any thing!!!!! i would also give him time to be with his friends and family not be all over him like some of his past girlfriends. Selena, no offense but ur a JERK. I could tell that u sort of used him just 2 be more famous…..dont even try to say no because most people were saying that. Dont hate people that used 2 be ur fans and now they dont. ok. And if he break’s up with u dont go cring to reporters and turn on justin. he did what he felt was right. fans of selena dont hate me because im smack talking about selena. i was born in america and i think that by now i’ll know that this is a free country…..welcome 2 america!!!! Oh ya one more thing ,Selena STOP coping Miley Cyrus!!!! so what she’s better than u. Addmid it!!! who cares if she made some mistakes IN THE PAST, she a human being!!!

  • look, if they love each other let them too be hapy im sure he dont care what you guys say i mean i love him so much and im jealous of her too be gosh dang ppl let them be if they r happy(:

  • belieberForever

    i hope he doesn’t break up with her! i hope he’s just saying that or maybe their going to stage a break up to get paparazzi and press off their backs

  • Jelenator

    Guys! They’re not breaking up! They’re getting married! And they’re going to have kids! They’re planning on it! And it’s going to happen whether you all like it or not! I love Selena and she’s perfect for Justin! I knew that their relationship was going to last! They’re in love and I never seen Justin this happy! I just wish you all can respect Selena for making Justin happy!

  • i hope that issue is not true..i really love selena…and i dnt want somebodt hurt her feelings..

  • i hope that issue is not true..because i really love senena..and i dnt want somebody will hurt her feelings

  • TheDinosaurKitteh

    I don’t think they will break up at all

  • jb wanna b

    man i dont care what happens justin bieber is hot and thats final and this convo yous are all having is really stupid seriously just because hes not with u dosnt mean you have to start hoping they brake up coz even if they do theres a 1 in a million chance hell get with u so get a life

    • lacy

      wow let a girl fantasize i mean i know there something u wish u could have that u cant geeeezzzz this generation sucks

  • jb wanna b

    man whats with the times i sent this message at 11.00pm not 5.00am lol

  • dylan

    if he wants 2 dump her he can but there is more people who do anything to be with her i prefer if she didn’t go out with Justin they are a stupid couple not being sad to Selena, love her music and her acting keep it up and i dont rely like Justin tbf he is a nob

  • Tiffany

    i think he understood the question wrong he probably thought he was asked if he was coming out with a new Single as in a song, not if he was going to break up with Selena Gomez

  • Belieber 4 ever and always!

    i don’t get this… wasn’t this 6 or 7 months ago????? i mean i am pretty sure he already went to australia and is STILL dating selena… and girls if u want him to like you don’t b hating on his girlfriend… u gotta beliebe in JELENA!!! ugh u all pain me.

  • What a bunch of fake ass beliebers, you’s don’t even deserve to be called beliebers. This website doesn’t seem like a fan you seem to give out a lot f crappy information, Justin would be furious if he saw this. Justin loves Selena so to all the jealous fans out their here’s a little quote for y’all Hatong Selena won’t make Justin your boyfriend , you all should live by it. Bunch of jealous tarts, and you call yourselves beliebers oh please.

  • HEllo

    If you watch the full interview he doesn’t say it at the part they just cut parts of it out for the TV!! watch the full interview!!

  • Anonymous

    omggg no!!..i love Jelena! they cannot break up:( i mean they can, but that would destroy me </3 i hope he got confused with the question, or maybe they are in a little tinyyy fight..
    jelena forever.


  • Victoria

    THIS IS A FAKE INTERVIEW… It’s obviously edited!!

  • Monica

    i don’t think that justin and selena are going to break up because they’re in love with each other! some bieber fans ( i can’t spell the actual name) just want them to break up!

  • That was sooooo edited! you could tell!!!!!

  • manasi

    I don’t think they will break up……
    Even if they do….Its not like selena haters can get jb cos he broke up with selena

  • manasi

    Jb fans and selena haters just want them to break up cos they hate selena and because they think they could get justin
    Cos if they di theb that is just sad
    Plus that interview looks like it has beeb edited or something….

    • lacy

      i totally agree your one of the only people on here who has any since ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Anonymous

    Wowiee ! ยก Lovee Ju$+ยกN Bยก3b3r ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Ryley

    i love justin bieber i think that he is so sexy i the dream of mine is to meet him in person and go to his concert but i dont think he should move cause they make a good couple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love u justin

  • lazurkia

    Justin bieber does such nice things for her and she doesnt even act like she appreciates them. like this week i brought one of my close girlfriends flowers and chocolate cuz she wasnt feeling good and the next day she calls me up bitchin cuz i didnt call her exactly at the time i said i would and that just how selena is she dont see what shes got i would die to be in justins arms he seems like such a ladies but not like a playa type but like a romantical movie lol love u justin watever decision u make a true fan will stand behind u ๐Ÿ™‚ and i lacy is one hell of a fan do what u want not what all these girls want they just thinkin if ur single they might have a chance.

  • lala

    justin don’t listen to other people go back to selena gomez if your read this you guys are peerfect for each other!

  • Rebecca

    Listen, you guys. Justin is still a normal kid, just like all of us. Just because he’s well known and has loads of money dosn’t make him different from us as human. He’s still a walking, breathing human being just like me and you. I seen videos and pictures od Selena and Justin, they look happy together, if you were his true frans (friends/Fans) Would ya’ll just accept he’s happy with her… geez, lay off will ya’ll…

  • kerri

    Break up now justin

  • kerri

    Selena. Is no good

  • kerri

    She call you a durk and talk about you behind your back

  • kerri

    And shut up rebecca

  • big fan of both of then

    I think that justin shud still date selena because there perfect together and all u hatez shud back the fuck up because all the shit that yall say he not going to pay atension he loves his fans but when it comes to his persinal live all of the fans shud give him some space and let him make his own disicions ok and justin u shud hold on to selena because its really hard to find someone like her and u now just folow ur hart and be a beliver:-) ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  • jacko

    Justin I think you and selena make a cute couple I mean who cares wat these people say I mean its you choice not theirs so just listen to your heart in my mined you two are the perfect two reply me if you also agree

  • jacko

    Justin don’t make a fool of your self just keep dating selena don’t brake her heart and if you do I could relate to selena cuase someone broke my heart too my girlfriend with my best friend and my real name is Ari not jacko I really hope.you get this cuase I don’t understand you are just going to be a jerk to her and I like that don’t do this for your fans do it for you you chose don’t let then chose.for you just don’t ok please do it for selena and you just chose if you brake up with heryou will regret it bye

  • u wish u knew who i was

    who cares about Selena feelings…that bitch desearves a million brake ups

  • Justin Bieber as log as you love me

    I love selena and justin dating!

  • Anonymous

    Break up break up please don’t let your huge fan down if you do what kind of a rolemodel are you please break up with Selena she’s change you.

  • serena

    if so , i will be happy!!

  • Leticia

    went does just make do let go out be peolpe