Justin just bought a limited edition Ducati motorcycle on the recommendation of Usher who has a black one. According to TMZ Justin spent $20,000 on a Ducati Superbike 848 EVO which was delivered to him yesterday (April 19, 2012). The Biebz picked out the arctic white silk model at an LA dealership a couple of days ago when he almost ran over a paparazzi. Apparently JB doesn’t even have a motorcycle license yet, but he’s working on it. #badass. Be careful Justy!

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wow nice bike J.B……….@
today i saw jb dad i was sooooo epic
oi jasten bieber meu nomi e brenda estefany
Hey. Jb iam akash tyagi from india I will do met with you when iam become an actor start remebering me and your bike is nice
Justin once said he is not the kind that goes around spending money on expensive stuff, but lately since he became 18 he is spending even more! New cars, moto, house and who knows what more!! I love u JB but i really hope you don’t become a promiscuous person who only knows how to spend money!! Look to Sean Kignston, he only post on his Instagram pics of cars, jewelry, the ridiculous amount of shoes he bought at once etc!!! And if you think about for a bit guys, its OUR money they spend, the CDs we buy, DVDs, iTunes, merchandise etc!! Just saying!!! Like Jaden say….just cuz..lol
aiiiiiiiii that’s amazing jb realy beautiful it looks nice to u wowww.lovely…….
i like it but he shoud save some money before spending it all n stuff like cars houses moto and other stuff but i like it
i like it but he should save some money
he got bank GO JB BABY
Buying something when you don’t even know how to use it – symptom of buying addiction. Justin definitely has money issues, and this is just the beginning. Very sad and disappointing. Since I want the best for him, I hope he gets a grip.
the guy is worth half billion dollars he makes $20,000 a day in interest
bieber i love u can u give me the half of the money to me please
goddamned!! that kid bought the same bike as mine! now i have to buy a new one:(
come children..tickle my saggyness under my chin
daylight come and we bomb yo home
oh man that’s cooooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllllllll love you uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu babe babeeeeeeee
i hope he crashes and dies then i will have the bike mwhahahahahaha
….and shot him in the face
and fart in his dead retarded face
I love you Justin bieber i love you
I put yo kiss you Justin bieber
justin your are real rockstar
nice rockstar