Selena Gomez stopped by the set of Justin Bieber’s music video to engage in some sweet PDA over the weekend. See the cute clip of her visit and hear the pop star talk Summer plans, her first fragrance, and the possibility of more “Call Me Maybe” videos.

Selena Gomez on the set of Justin Bieber’s new music video
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doing that in public? on a music video set? thats called slutty
don,t blog this messages above this comment , love david conway
love you 2 love
Earn to spell that shit is not cute
i think that is kind of mean they can spell i think anyways.
they are cute together. Well i just wish it was me well i guess i am not cute but whatever
Justin beiber. NASTY! He’s a player.
Sarah! you are beatifull, God created you and anything God creates is beatifull! It says in the bible that you are mush better than many sparrows. ( means you are a princess heir to the throne in Gods eyes)
Just because Justin is dating selena does not mean that you are ugly, just means that he found someone to love. You will find someone to love as well. SO dont be hard on your self!
I hope this helps 😉
“Earn” to spell. lol. Take your own advice before trying to others down.
now that is cool not really but ok she tells someone else to spell but she cant
it is learn not earn want let me be u learn to spell that shit is not cute
it is ok i know what u were saying do not listen to what she said
i am with u
i hope they are not looking at this because people like me think she is slutty
slutty?! im sure if you were dating justin you would do the same
they are so cute of a couple awww haha and yea im a huge belieber but i am so so jealous of selena but i respect her i think every single belieber should respect that because what makes him happy makes us happy xoxoForeverJaey
yeah i dont like them together and im SOOO jealous but i REALLY try to like her for justin’s sake! 🙂 im a belieber for a long time too,two years in the making
you are so horrible selena gomez i amazing and if you dont like her then well you are weird and they both belong together
she used to be thebest to me but now NO
everyone calls Selly a bitch to be honest the only bitch is you
why r u jealous of selena? she is a great person.I’m a believer but i don’t hate selena i just love her.
i love her to but she does something that are kind of BLANK
i guess but stopp the slutttyness now that piss me off doing that is slutty which fits her perfect but i love her stop the sluttyness
What about this is cute and sweet “pda”? Shes 19? More like 9. She clearly has no self respect for herself nor for others. She has no class and I hate seeing how her own fans have the nerve to call demi and miley “hoes” “whores” “sluts” etc yet look at how THEIR idol behaves and shes had done things like this more than once and As an adult I find this disgusting and its evident what the media is after hence why they always drill her about things “justin bieber” offliated not on just HER. As someone who knows how the industry works this is typical behaivoe of a publicity compromise at its finest. There is no way I want her to be a role model for my daughter at this point. Justin however hes okay. This is ridiculous. If my daughter ever did something like that id snatch her up quick. Have respect for yourselves ladies. Dont degrade ever yourself.
I could not agree more. I landed on this site because my 14 yr old daughter left this page link open on the computer and these pictures made my mouth drop. Everything you said, I fully agree with you. Her mother should have taught her better.
I dont blame u. She clearly doesnt respect herself either. Im he same age and idc who my “boyfriend” is . KNOWING good and damn well there are paps there and fans doing that is clearly an act of immaturity, thirsty attention seeker and of someone who clearly wants to send a message to the video girla and beliebers alike. She doesnt represent us 19 yr olds properly at all. 19 my ass shes more like 9. I dont like her at all anymore and not just from this but an accumilation of everything. My friends met her in ny last time and she literally was rude as hell to them. And they were HER fans but not any more. And anyone who says that her fame hasnt skyrocketed since dating justin are completely blindsided. And i stand strong by my opinion.
I praise ann and david for even realizing this ass adults and my mom agrees too. So idk why “asskissers” are defending them. Right is right and wrong is wrong. Shes being a straight up fool. And I swear id never behave that way. Shit id rather do that in PRIVATE at HOME. than in public ar least. What kind of example is that? My little sister used to look up to her. I refuse to buy her any lore selena gomez shit now. Over my dead body.
I AM WITH U i am not 19 but i treat my self with more respect then her justin kissis alot of girls when they were dating no hateing jb but stiill i would not go out with him after the boyfriend song he was all on a different girl thann selena
I AM WITH u on that
ow so wat are you then and leave her alone
no i would of dumped him that what
nice you are right if i had i kid like her god it whould be fixed
ew what ?
Ewww woah I think selena is trying to mark territory jeeez that is umm…. well not to flattering since she has alot of fans of young ages. Lets just say selena has become ALOT more popular since dating justin
Thats Not Slutty, Its Anything But Slutty. They’re Together . Who cares, If Anything you Guys Are Jealous. Leave em Alone.
Agree’d With Savannah ^ They’re Young.
Theyre young? Thas ur excuse? Lmao okay.
i am with katie with this they are young so why is he all up on other girls then with selena now that is not right at all. and they are young so why is jb all up on girls and selena has yong kids like 7 years old like jb has young kids that like him like 7 years old so what is your point that they sould be teaching little kids that stuff NOOOOO
Their being IGNORANT. Especially her. Jealous of what? Yall seriously need to go somewhere with that prepetitve weak comeback selena dot have shit we want. If she wasnt dating him yall woulnt even have her name in your mouths so stfu.
I knew about Selena Gomez before Justin. It is their life and you have nothing to do with it so why don’t haters just leave Selena alone? I understand why Selena is like that. Have you seen the music video so far?
i am not jealous it is slutty
I See No Problem with this. They’re young, Let It be.
Some people Just need to STOP Judging others.
Just Saying.
yes they are yong buut so are fans
I See no Problem With This?
Justin Bieber, And Selena Gomez..Are A Young Couple. Let It be.
So Much For you Older People To Be Judging Selena. Clearly You Guys, Need TO Just Back off them. Cause You all dont look to good yourself, Judging Them.
Actually we do look just fine. She doesnt sitting up looking like a hoe. It dont matter what age you are. Yall keep findig ways to defend them kissing ass.
yh amazing
lol chill out haters its her boy friend shes human jus like everyone else stupid bitches.
Oh please the only stupid bitch is you. Everyones human and just about everyone has something called self respect something she isnt showing. From a guys point of view shes making herself look trashy. Especially this in public? I agree with ann and davi this is NOT cute at all.
may be justin bieber is human but we do,nt know about selena gomez , she may not be human just by actting just like this , love david conway
JB needs to put beats into his songs because it sucks and the song boyfriend makes me stuipd because I’ve boyfriend who can’t even say that he likes me and the person I’m talking about right is a cheater because he is lie’s a lot n his name is Yohan Ogando and he goes to school #5 in tawooto ave.
he is ggood
i love them. yah they could ease up a lil’ bit on the PDA, but overall, they’re an AMAZING PAIR!!
<3 U JB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow pour justin looks like he cant even hold her, he gotta pull a lean back thing just to keep her up.
i love him and they r a good couple and i love his new song
if i was like that(slutty) i would get my a** kicked
i think she is cute but still slutty
i would die to be in her spot but not the sslutty part
most people are not really talking about biber
How is it slutty? Its not like hes a random guy, theyve been dating for over a year; its her boyfriend. So are you going to go and make a big deal out of every single couple that has a little bit of PDA? Get over yourselves..
thats so good
some of u guys are a bunch of haters
i am a iranian and very very like miss selena gomez and sound , picture , movie ,…. from selena like.
bye i glad from site elegant tankyou of you
i think that she is cute
i love JUSTIN BIEBER & SELENA GOMEZ sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much
Selena love you 2 is The kiss hugging justin bieber
beautiful boy love justin bieber
Selena Gomez justin bieber i love you sex kissing
sexy Songs love selena ok
love Songs ok
friend love love love kiss
There are two terms for this issue. Boyfriend justin bieber , and Friend boy. Friend boy is just a friend who is a male, while boyfriend is the one with the one you have illegal, unislamic relationships which isn’t allowed at all. A friend boy can be someone who studies with you in school/college or colleague etc. It is not Haram to have that type of a friend. And even if you later fall in love with him, you can marry him, but those two should not get involved in any kind of physical activities. It is still better not to have bf/gf but it is not Haram. You can talk with them, you can study with them, but only remaining in Islam’s limits (Hudood Allah). Moreover, if you are going to get married with someone, you can also talk with him before marriage. At this issue, a Hadith relates: One day, a companion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) came to him and told him that O Prophet (PBUH), a like one girl, what should I do. Prophet (PBUH) replied: You can talk with her, staying under the limits of Islam”. So in just simple words, if Islamic limits are taken in view, then it is allowed
Dear Sami salam for you, No there is no bad to have a girlfriend selena gomez(gf) or boyfriend justin bieber (bf) in Islam but should take a part and should not be both only in a lonely place because the third will be syaitan. Approaching adultery and fornication are not allowed in Islam such as kissing
,dancing etc.Having a gf or bf online is not bad too as long as do not make acts which are prohibited in Islam such as lying,telling ghibah,gossip,cheating,insulting etc.
Dear Sami salam for you, No there is no bad to have a girlfriend selena gomez(gf) or boyfriend justin bieber (bf) in Islam but should take a part and should not be both only in a lonely place because the third will be syaitan. Approaching adultery and fornication are not allowed in Islam such as kissing
,dancing etc.Having a gf or bf online is not bad too as long as do not make acts which are prohibited in Islam such as lying,telling ghibah,gossip,cheating,insulting etc.
love Songs
Jamsheedha haadha bubu bodey. Hafalan libeyne namey hithah area……………….
eh heh neh thaakka dhn kamud heyyy are you guys are muslims …100% muslims will not tell that what u guys have tell please think about guys have time time is up…we are in 100% muslim country …and the guy who has made this web site i don’t think he or she is 100% muslim he or she is showing you guys to hell’s road…i hope u guys will think about my advise…and u guys will select the gud way….i’m a muslim i have enter this site to not see bad things …please believe me ….if u guys are repeating this type of bad things …allah’s punishment may come …the punishment may come to you guys or to all people good peopls may get the punishment ….please don’t enter to this types of web sites…..there is good sites for muslims there you will find many good things islamic stroyes and many more ……to the owner of yhin site please BLOCK THIS SITE IMMEDITELY…..
Eie hus badin
I LOVE U KIDS Selena Gomez
wowww jst luv the song !!
love you selena Song
love you selena Song
love Song selena
Islamic selena gomez girls, have you ever dated a Christian justin biebers boy before? I am really into this Islamic girl, she’s fully loaded with the religion. She wears the head dress and everything. But she smiles at me and makes long eye contact with no break. I know she likes me. what shall I do? I think she loves her religion but not as much as her parents and she wears the head dress and clothes just to satisfy her parents, even though she is always around other Islamic selena gomez girls.
There is no fear. You can go and make friend with her. She is at first A girl and then
A Muslim! I am also a Muslim girl with such description you said So trust me.
Islamic girls, have you ever dated a Christian boy before? I am really into this Islamic girl, she’s fully loaded with the religion. She wears the head dress and everything. But she smiles at me and makes long eye contact with no break. I know she likes me. what shall I do? I think she loves her religion but not as much as her parents and she wears the head dress and clothes just to satisfy her parents, even though she is always around other Islamic girls.
In my opinion, if we can come back in 500 years, we will find many inter-marriages between many faiths. The people who intermarry closer to the present day are just the proverbial “pioneers” (and their children) in society. Plus, if DNA testing is ever done for most people, in my opinion, it will shock many of us as to who we have a common ancestor .
In my opinion, if we can come back in 500 years, we will find many inter-marriages between many faiths.
My own daughter, nominally “Christian” is married to a Hindu, and their children have no particular faith. I know Christian/Muslim, Muslim/Hindu, Muslim/Jewish and Jewish/Hindu couples. Interfaith and inter ethnic marriages are not unusual in Europe right now, let alone 500 years in the future. My boss is a Jain and she is married to a Catholic. @bigduke,
I’m sure you’re not really interested in my autobiography but a personal note might help you understand how I feel on the subject. I was raised in the Lutheran (Christian) faith because that was the faith my mother espoused. My father, however, was Eastern Orthodox (still Christian). He never renounced the faith of his baptism and confirmation. My own son is a (non-observant) Jew because his mother is Jewish. His mother and I are now divorced and my present wife was raised as a Texas Baptist. However, since moving to Hawaii she has opted to become a Budhist.
I don’t know whether that helps you any,but my point is that formal religion for most people is a matter of cultural tradition rather than of any firm and abiding belief. And certainly at your age the raging of hormones override any intellectual or spiritual concerns. Normally it works out just fine go marry someone with another Christian denomination than your own, the same would be for a Muslim.
Be careful that you do not put this girl into trouble. I do not know where you live, but there are too many honouralbe killings already, forced marriages, and other intolerable things going on when a Muslim girl is dating or even just going out with a non Muslim boy.
Of course a Christian/Muslim marriage can work out, but usually between two mature grown up people.
I don´t think you are mature enough even for a serious friendship with a Muslim girl and the eventually consequences which might happen
I don’t know where you live. Where I am, the general population wouldn’t blink and eye. The family might be another matter. C’est la vie. Play life as it rolls and don’t fret the what ifs.
Forget religion and just talk to her. She’s a girl and you’re a boy. Go for it And good luck. You are so right – the general polulation would not blink an eye.
The family is another matter.
In Sweden the police think there are between 1-3 honour killings a year – usually covered up as suicide.
Then there are school vacation and the family goes back home and the girls are forced into a marriage back home.
One never knows how a very strict Muslim family is going to react.
It is something different with a family with modern ideas.u can make friends with her, u can date her..
but i think marrying her would be a different issue Hey you rascal, you sex practitioner, know your religion first. Ok
How bad is it to have a girlfriend or boyfriend in Islam?
I know having a girlfriend or boyfriend is not allowed in Islam because it can lead to sex before marriage but was wondering how big of a sin it is to have one. I won’t even consider sex before marriage so is it okay to go ahead? I don’t live in a muslim country and at school have to socialize with people who are dating which makes it really hard for me. I really like this girl and she really likes me. She has already asked me out 3 times and I’m so tempted to say yes. It’s ramadan now and I want to forget about her but I can’t. Marriage isn’t a possibility as I’m only 14
Best Answer – Chosen by Voters
Look.. You can’t. its haraam. and even if you did get married chances are your marriage won’t last as you had this relationship before marriage… the people who are dating at your school are just a test for you.. will you become like them or persevere….
why don’t you try telling your ‘girlfriend’ about his and what islam says.. i’m sure she already knows doesn’t she??…..
its called zina and the punishment for it is very severe…
i’m not sure but something like getting your jaws ripped put over and over again is one of the punishments…
don’t take ALLAH(SWT) punishments lightly brother….. they’re not joke.
Islamic Kiss and Funky Muslim Girls At Large
Kissing is generally Hiram or Halal (forbidden) depending upon the intention of the kiss, the relationship between the two involved and the type of kiss.
Between a married male and female, kissing is permitted (including kissing on the lips), however it should be done in private and only with the wife’s permission.
Kissing in public is considered Hiram by the Islamic faith. If the husband were to attempt to kiss his wife where its possible that others may see it is the wife’s duty to instruct against it.
Kissing between close relations, such as a female and her father, brother, grandfather, uncle, etc is considered Halal, however this does not include kissing on the lips.
Kissing or touching between cousins, or sisters after a certain age, is not allowed by the religion.
Kissing or touching between non-relatives is also considered Hiram. But countless Muslim girls and boys in Nigeria and other countries kiss in secret, especially the funky Muslims you see in hi jab and jeans and heels. are forbidden to lip kiss even in courtship until marriage, but some can’t help blowing kisses to their sweethearts on and off campus, on the street and even on the internet. Selena
hi i am a18 year old girl wiki debby m a fan of justin and my hope is that justin is one of the great up close and from him too see my singature
cet bien qu’il soit ensemble jaime trop leur couple je les j’adore love
I hate it when Selena hug and kiss and straddle Justin