Justin has been saying he’s been rehearsing hard and if I had to guess I think he’s here rehearsing for his performance for the Billboard Awards coming this weekend. The dance moves look amazing! Reminds me of Michael Jackson a bit. I think he’ll blow everyone away this Sunday night.

Justin Bieber dancing rehearsal #FOCUSED on Viddy
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so whats your opiion about the jelena break up tweet? 🙁
everyone on twitter is talking about it, i wanna know the truth.
If they broke up oh well and that’s kind of good. I’m not a but they are both young and shouldn’t be tied down to one person. I’m 19 and I wouldn’t want to be.. If they did break up I really really really hope x1000000 that beliebers don’t start hating on Selena and saying nasty, mean and hurt full things to her. She doesn’t deseve that no one does, unless they cheated then all rules and respect go out the window. 😛
i know what you mean. but no one wants to be single.
can’t wait
omg what happened with Jelena??? and guys our baby is growing so fast that i cant catch up no more … but hes always the Kidrauhl for us 🙂 REPLY about JELENA!!!! love u beliebers and JB <3
Let’s hope he still sing while dancing all the those moves or rap.
yeah lets hope he is practicing the sing too, not just the dance, coz his vocal performance at The Voice was kind of a mess!!! =D
ur telling the truth there about the voice. i wonder what happend?
those arms <3 he's in good shape
i love justin bieber he is so so so so so so so so so so HOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT even hotter than taylor laurter
lets not be crazy now. hotter than taylor lautner please.he dosent even have a six pack that is showable. taylor lautner has a 8 pack.
Yes u r ri8 JB is hotter dan Taylor Lauther
justinbieber I sweetheart hug kiss want to meet deaf say English like Alejandra Magana call (509)430-6261
YOu shouldnt put your # on here anyone can call u now
JB u r the cutest boy in the whole universe.
sexiest boy in the whole universe
Justin dances very well… 🙂
Justin bieber I sweetheart hug kiss want to meet take English deaf say like Alejandra Magana ❤❤ call (509)430-6261
Justin bieber I sweetheart hug kiss want to more meet marry English Deaf talk yes like Alejandra Magana 🙂
OMG . im so in love with him <3 he is so perfect . hes so sexy .
Justin bieber I sweetheart hug kiss want to meet Deaf Yes like Alejandra magan. Call 5094306261 sed massge
Justin bieber I sweetheart hug kiss more 33 lie Alejandra magan marry Yes 21 same me too you will Yes
Justin bieber I sweetheart hug kiss together more >33 sweetheart hug kiss together sweetheart marry tube yes like Alejandra Magana
Call (509)430-6261