Selena Gomez turned 20 years old on Sunday, July 22, and after she and boyfriend Justin Bieber appeared at the Teen Choice Awards ceremony, he took her to an intimate birthday party he’d planned for her at Il Cielo in Beverly Hills.
An eyewitness of the evening tells EXCLUSIVELY, “Justin made sure that everyone at Il Cielo treated Selena like a princess last night. He was really adorable about it. You could tell that her birthday dinner party meant a lot to him.”
It meant so much to him that he planned out the menu and decorations! “There were rose petals on the tables, which was Justin’s idea. He is quite the romantic. The party was held in the back room and was very intimate. There were about 30 guests. There was plenty of food to choose from including grilled calamari, baby spinach with sliced pears, goat cheese and candied walnuts, homemade pappardelle with lobster, grilled salmon and grilled rib-eye steak,” our source reveals.
Our source says that Justin’s gifts didn’t stop at the planning of the meal. “Justin made a speech which brought tears to Selena. It was basically about how wonderful and exceptional Selena is and everyone stood up and applauded. It was very sweet,” the eyewitness continues, “There was a beautiful birthday cake for Selena along with a variety of desserts like Tiramisu, sorbet, and apple tarts.”
“Justin looked like he is just head over heels in love with Selena,” our source says, which was evident by the amount of consideration and care he put into the evening. How sweet!

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That linda couple justin and sel because I believe that in a few months they marry or not, but the insert i hope to live happy and loved them both ;3
on the day that i love there music again it will be on the day off i do,nt have to love them any more just on the internet web site any more just by justin bieber and his girl friend , mis , selena gomez , love david conway
and the same goes with there future career and on screen motion picture,s movies and there music and there future career and there future chartiy work what they do they should do take a short walk on the long peir and jump off it just by justin bieber and his girl friend mis , selena gomez , love david conway
i think justin and selena are the cutest couple ever and i think they are perfect for each other 🙂 well thats what i think
i agree with you! they are so sweet and cute together!
yes they are. most romantic couple ever. love them as a couple and have the most romantic connection ever.
woooooooh!!!!!! wat nic pics of jb&sg i wish dey marry soon dey r d best &d hottest couple in d world all d best both of yo’ll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah they are so cute couples i wish i could be selena gomez but i cant hihihi they are both sweet hot and cute coples in america 🙂
I want to marry Justin to.
I Like u r hot pic’s.
I never thought that selena and justin were cute couples until i say how happy they are
Give u r lips&legs..pls
oh !!! such shitty language i hateeee it!!!!
They will get married and Justin better put a ring. On it
yes you are right they are the cutest couple and iwish the will never break-up
i tinckselena is acute grl make cry
i thought at the start it would never last but okay they proved me wrong well done justin every girl wants to be treated like a princsess on her b-day…..<33 xxx 😀
jb i wish i would b der at d place of selena…….. she’s lucky dat she got such a nic boyfrnd like uuuuuuuuuu…..!!!!
Jelena is the most special & cutest & beautiful couple ever 🙂 I loveeeee them with all my heart 🙂 <3 LOVEE U JUSTIN <3 IM sooo happy for Sel 🙂 They both spend beautiful times together ! I just wanna say people that plzzzz dont hate Selena ! plz ! Atleast think that she makes our Justin happy 🙂 & She really deserves Justin 🙂 dont hate her !plz 🙂
hey jelena i love you soo much and love song baby 😉
Sweet awwwww
Funny, because on Selena’s twitter she thanked her mom and stepdad for planning her birthday party…no mention of Justin.
That is probably because she had two parties. One that Justin planned for her and another one that her parents planned for her
Awwwwwwww 🙂 im so happy for them I mean I wanna cry like omg ! I love justin and SG I don’t want no girl all over him I mean Selena is the perfect one she’s the most beautiful and has amazing personality even Jb to and I hope the stayed together forever love you Selena love you justin 🙂
then you must be in lala land to see that she is totally wrong for justin
you so right
You are so wrong I hate you they are perfect look at them
justin is so sweet to selena…..<3 how sweet it is
i love it <3
I wish that I love purple instead dela.que know selena advantage that all your cat and if it was mine because I do not largavo more.
saying goes that red is the color of love then the love is completely roxo.que happens to be my favorite color to love
Can anyone doubt that this love was written because I do not doubt.
i love to see u both being happy together. hope u both will be together forever
trust me they wont 🙂
I love Justin Bieber and wish i could be Selena she is so lucky to be dating the most sweetest guy!! I love you Justin!! NEVER SAY NEVER!!!!!!! 🙂 :0 😉
awww that is soooo cute and sweet <3
i love you selena i cant speak english.i kill for you
Sssssssooooooooooooooo CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
actually u can because u just typed English B.T.W.
selena wrote on twitter that her mum+dad planned the party? confused.
yes cuase I thought Justin bieber did that’s what they said
i <3 you justin
te odio selena gomez
dgydhdjwuwuwfdg whdywdhwuswuhxch
I hate selena gomez as looking for the camera
and whether ma ro is copycat and fucking boyfriend
Aw.. How sweet and Kind of Justin to do such thing to Selena. I Love those 2 Love birds hope someday they have a family and they’ll know that there Fans Suport them!.
Tanx 4 believing in them
justin i love you and I’m not so interested in selena gomez I do not have as big in her but I love you<3<3
AWWWWWW that’s so cute he’s guy that every girl dreams about having at least i do…. she’s so lucky i’m happy for you Selena!
one direction
They make a supper excellent couple and the look so sexy together and her birthday is on my wedding anaversiry 22 july what’s the odds on that.
U guys are so good together.NEVER SAY NEVER.Stay together for ever love u guys soo much!
y love justin bieber end selena gomez love you to so muth
u know what sel girl u deserve someone like justin u work so hard in life u and justin are just adourable
justin bieber mom selena gomez cesar dad mofles curuco hannah montana jasmine octaobez
vooc amigo Boa vC amo
bye everbodylove u jb kiss me good night babe
yes guys they r cute couples . I hope every boyfrnd would be like bieber and gf like gomez .. I hope they will be 2gether always .LUVVVVVVVVVVVVV U BIEBER AND SELENA
Hiii Selena GOmez I love you sooo much I wish to see you I am found of you I really love you I am frm algeria
fhgugllsgdet dydyderuie
I LOVE YOU JUSTIN,but maybe we were not meant to be together.Selena,please do not hurt him.
What a lucky Selena
I love selena and Justin awwwwwww they broke my heart when I heard that they broke up :(((((((( still love both of you
I just think selena is really lucky and i wish she apreciates all the love justin gives to her , everyone wants at least a little part of her luck.
I love u jelena, u are the best couple selena if u cry u make me sad. i love u guys.
i lUV yOU JUStiN aND seLENa!!!!!!! u BOtH lOOk vERy cUTE AS a COupLe …….. N oNe thINg my N SEl’s biRTHDAy cOMEs oN thE sAME Day(22nd juLy) N WHeN i sEE SEl wiD HIm i thNK THaT i’M WId HIm!!! ☺☺☺☺
DO YOU LIKE him and ME
i wish that you guys get back togther you guys rock
do you love me
Best Couple Ever! I wish they get married soon.. Defination of TRUE LOVE! Love you both 🙂
Best Couple Ever! I wish they get married soon.. Defination of TRUE LOVE! Love you both 🙂
yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyyo hat justin
selena Gomez is wrong for going witha18 year old then she want to break up with him and break his heart that not fair at all selena if you don’t want be with go with him no that your going to break up you to do this all the time if touting don’t want be together don’t get back together. One day when youto get back to. Well what I’m trying to say is that you to dealt going to get hert so youto have a deside that are you going to get back together or breakup
I hate justin bieber for being with Selena Gomez
dfcdf[dcdg[ldf[vdflgfdkpvfdkfreopkvfpdgforekok ocdkofdwjfoejo jicdfjdiocfdjkofdsfodjifoewijfoewjfwoejfewoicdofewofjweidjwifewjfiewhfweihuwedihwdhwdwjkdwhidwedehinekhefifhewichdifewfewhehfewhfefewihfifewihcdfihewiewhefwihdfwerweifjewwejdhsjoqjdwjdqwoeodwjiodwjewqjdodwjdsjdwqjideswjdwofedejfoededopwpgrvfdioxsop axaskocdsdkowqkcddwkopsodewq,cdsl;dw;pdwdpskodwqkcopskdwfkedkwopfeeklwcvdiofrewfoemjfew,l;cdkfewpkocdpfewopcdkfewjkfewojcdw3
f;vbgcdspcokdspkopvdf,l;vodkvpsdkvpdfvepvkodfopfdmlvdlrkmvdlmvfrlfdospfedsos;vkdewlfksdcdsmdflmkk lcfdslmk clcdmslvcmdfsdldmfesmlm lsmdlcdkcvdvflfcsdlvfcdslvdfcsdvfdcmr
dcsdsda51/828cdsocxcdsk cvdl;fmewspvcdkfesopvfdfwew3e
I want to marry Justin to.
I want to marry Justin
Justin Bieber is so hot.
I still do not think they should get back together!
Go to hell Selena !
What are you guys still against Selene Gomez and Justin Bieber what he says te me 🙂 Or write nahodou sou heskej par as slusi them to sou par so in love with what zadlite or what:
Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber are the best couple and power suits them nadherne who has the nerve to let me write it: *