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“Bad Day” hits #1 on iTunes in 17 countries

Even without Def Jam’s help, Bad Day manages to hit #1 in 17 countries thanks to devoted fans everywhere. Not such a bad day after all.

If you haven’t yet get download it from iTunes or Amazon.

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  • Tonya

    Nothing & nobody holds back Justin Bieber’s music because even though is record label might be slacking Beliebers blow his music everywhere so that everyone cant help but know about it request & ad it to his or her collection. Justin tells the truth in his music people need to use his or her own common sense enough to know that a lot of the bs they hear he would never do everything he does is in the media eye so even though he will make some mistakes because he is human and a young man still in the learning the process. I will always stands by him I know wait until I hear it from him before I Believe anything because I know he will tell us the truth.