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Bieber's Trash Is A Belieber's Treasure

(CANVAS STAFF REPORTS) – One sip on a plastic sparkling water bottle by a pop star and a charity is $624 richer.

Emma Hall-Phillips, a 16-year-old New Zealander, met Canadian pop star Justin Bieber last week while he was in a make-up room at New Zealand ‘s TV3 studio, reported the station. “And five seconds later he comes in to get his makeup and I was like ‘Oh, he’s sitting (less than an inch) away from me,” she said.

Bieber took a sip from the bottle but quickly put it down, saying, “Ew, what’s this?” according to TV3 .

After Bieber left the room, Hall-Phillips’ mom, who works for the TV station, grabbed the bottle and they put it on the auction site TradeMe .

“I put it on TradeMe to see how much I could get from the crazy fans,” the 16-year-old told TV3.

On Sunday, a buyer – parents of a Bieber fanatic whose identity was not available – bid on the bottle and got it for $624 ($855 NZ dollars) reported TV3 . Emma and her mother only expected to get up to around $22 (U.S. dollars) for the water bottle.

The mother and daughter say they plan to donate the money to the cancer charity CanTeen, according to the New Zealand Herald .

“I’m not (a) crazy Justin Bieber fan,” Hall-Phillips says. “I’d rather sell it and give money to a good cause.”

Maybe the extreme price for a plastic water bottle isn’t so surprising when you consider that 16-year-old Bieber has 2.2 million people following him on Twitter .

Like the many pop stars before him, Bieber is mobbed by teenage girls who crave a piece of something he’s come in contact with – a half-eaten Weetbix, an autographed chocolate wrapper, and, of course, the abandoned sparkling water bottle, reports the New Zealand Herald .


It’s great that Justin has a lot of fan in New Zealand but you have to draw the line somewhere. You can see from the video how furious Justin was when in the middle of all that mayhem someone pulled his touque right off his head. He tried to get it back but he couldn’t do anything with all the guards around him pushing him through. It’s just not right! And his mom! Wish there was I video I could show you guys of her being pushed to the floor.

And no I’m not going to post their picture of them smiling waving his touque.

Bieber Pandemonium


Teen sensation Justin Bieber’s only planned public show in Australia has been canceled with the star now playing behind glass for his own safety, The Daily Telegraph reported Monday.

Fans are reported to have reacted wildly to the news Bieber was due to perform at a shopping center in Sydney’s west on April 25, forcing a change of plans.

The 16-year-old Canadian will now be protected from his teen admirers with an appearance behind a glass window in Channel 7’s Sydney city center studio at Martin Place.

Bieber will perform his hit single “Baby” on the TV station’s Sunrise program on Monday, April 26 from 7 a.m. (local time).

The soul singer, on his first trip to Australia, will release his debut album on April 23, consisting of 19 tracks including hit singles “One Time”, “Favorite Girl” and “Baby”.

Teen idol Bieber has 200,000 followers on Twitter and is the first solo artist to have four songs from a debut album in the U.S. Billboard Hot 100’s Top 40 prior to its release.


I came across this and when I saw the title I thought NO WAY. WHAT??? ARE YOU FOR REAL???

When I pressed play I almost fell off my chair. You have to see it to believe it…..


Justin Bieber came to the UK to do a couple of interviews for GMTV and MTV. Hordes of his crazed fans wait outside the studios and go crazy when he comes outside. They also chase his car down the road!