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Remember Ellen auctioned off JB’s hair which raised over $40,000 for charity? Well that hair is now being loaned to help raise money for relief efforts in Japan after the earthquake/tsunami disaster. It is currently on display right now at Lucky Strike Lanes and Lounge in Miami Florida where fans can take pictures if they make a donation. His hair will make it to other parts of the USA to help raise more money. And yes Justin’s hair is so powerful that it needs bodyguards for protection. Crazy!

justinbieber fans liverpool harddaysnight hotel

This is one of the funniest things I’ve ever read…..

Two girls sneak into Justin Bieber’s hotel room
Justin Bieber was furious after two of his teenage fans sneaked into his suite – dressed as hotel cleaners.

He was particularly outraged that the girls began taking photos of “highly personal” items.

The sneaky pair, aged 16 and 18, were discovered after a member of the Canadian heartthrob’s ­security team walked in on them trying to get into his bed.

Justin, 17, checked out of his £750-a-night suite and slept in the tour bus after he was told about the incident in Liverpool on Friday night.

A source said: “The hotel was swamped by fans all desperate to catch a glimpse of Justin.

“But two particularly enterprising girls snuck in through a side entrance, and stole two housekeeping outfits.

“After ditching their regular clothes and slipping into their new costumes, they got the lift to Justin’s suite and knocked on the door, calling ‘housekeeping’.

“Having been allowed in, the girls began half-heartedly polishing tables and dusting surfaces.

“No one clocked on until the girls were alone, and in his bedroom, taking pictures of his personal possessions on their phones. A member of Justin’s entourage in another part of the suite heard them giggling and came through, catching them in the act.

“The girls, following a telling-off, were evicted from the premises.”

The young star is understood to be furious about the security breach at Liverpool’s exclusive Hard Days Night hotel.

He was staying in the McCartney suite – a three-roomed penthouse.

Before the gig at the Liverpool Echo Arena, he had been holed up in his hotel as hundreds of fans ­gathered outside.

His own security team are understood to have dealt with the incident.

A hotel spokeswoman insisted she had no knowledge of the upset and added: “There was a strong police presence outside not letting in members of the public, plus we employed an extra 20 security personnel.”

The Baby singer travelled to Newcastle ahead of his Metro Arena gig after the incident, and refused to check into a hotel. Instead, he slept on his tour bus.

Since arriving for his British tour, he has been followed everywhere by fans – known as Beliebers. Justin will now get extra security protection.

The singer, spotted on YouTube, is playing at London’s O2 tonight.


I know. Some of you really love Justin and care about his privacy but c’mon, these two girls are brilliant. Sneaking through the side door, stealing housekeepers’ uniforms, and yelling “Housekeeping” takes a lot of guts and to that I give two thumbs up.

justinbieber liverpool uk 2011 fans

Liverpool police finally allowed Justin Bieber to go on his balcony and wave at the hundreds of screaming girls surrounding his hotel in England — but not everything went according to plan.

Sources close to Justin tell us … once police in Liverpool believed they could finally manage the crazy situation at the hotel … they encouraged Bieber to step out on his balcony and wave to his fans in the hopes that the screaming girls would finally go home.

But the plan did not work … and the crowd remains.

As TMZ first reported, cops initially threatened to arrest Bieber if he went on his balcony, because they were afraid he might inadvertently incite a riot.



Justin Bieber is currently holed up in his hotel in Liverpool, England — with hundreds of screaming girls outside … and cops have warned Bieber that it could turn in to a “possible riot situation” and have even threatened to arrest him.

Sources connected to Bieber tell us the pop star and his entourage have been warned that if Bieb or his team go anywhere near the balcony … they will be arrested immediately for inciting a riot.

We’re told Team Bieber is following police orders.

TMZ obtained video from the scene (above) showing teams of uniformed officers attempting to control the crowd.

UPDATE: Sources at the hotel tell TMZ, 25 guards have taken up position outside to handle the masses of people — numbering around 500. We’re told surrounding roads have also been shut down.

According to sources, Justin — who’s staying in a $1,200 a night room — was supposed to take a historic “Beatles” tour around Liverpool today … but because of all the chaos, he had to cancel his plans.


Justin tweeted:

this is crazy. there are like thousands of people out there. love everybody but gonna try and get some sleep. please dont scream. lol


There are NEW Justin Bieber dolls hitting stores this month – two Singing Dolls with new music and outfits, and three JB Style Dolls with hot new fashions and accessories straight from Justin’s appearances!

new justin bieber dolls 2011

Also joining the collection this spring are THREE must-have special edition dolls! The first will debut at Toys R Us around Valentine’s Day, just in time to take with you to see Justin’s new 3-D movie, Never Say Never! The doll’s outfit, a red hot hoodie and red high tops, is straight from Justin’s concert tour and so totally perfect for Valentine’s Day!

new justin bieber dolls 2011

Around March, look for two special edition Singing Dolls at retailers – one will be exclusively available at Toys R Us, and the other will be exclusively available at Walmart. Both feature Justin’s hit songs that we know you love!

new justin bieber dolls 2011
Wow Denmark has some hardcore Beliebers. 
This is at least their second Bieber Parade because they also had one August 6th, 2010.
Better warn you first. This video is very disturbing.

My prayers are with Samuel and his family. How tragic.