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justin bieber glasses 2011

The 11-year-old “mayor for a day” of a Dallas-area city knows what her first major act in office will be: Renaming part of Main Street for teen heartthrob Justin Bieber.

Justin Bieber Way

A temporary sign for “Justin Bieber Way” went up Tuesday during a ceremony in Forney, Texas.

City Manager Brian Brooks says the request came from 11-year-old Caroline Gonzalez. She won a contest meant to get young people interested in municipal government. She’s active in student council, recycling and community service projects.

Brooks says city officials weren’t able to reach Bieber to invite him to Forney, which is about 15 miles east of Dallas.

The tween politician’s act won’t cost the community much. Officials say the sign was made for about $20 and would only be displayed Tuesday.


Justin Bieber cut-out

Justin Bieber cut-out

In what may be the most embarrassing crime ever committed by a 23-year-old guy, a Florida man is facing a theft charge after he allegedly stole a life-size Justin Bieber cutout from a record store.

Police say that David Dowling and a friend entered an F.Y.E. store in a Bradenton mall Saturday afternoon “and selected a full size stand up cutout of Justin Bieber,” according to a Manatee County Sheriff’s Office report. The duo then “exited the store passing all point of sale without paying for the cutout.”

An example of a Bieber cutout is seen at right —>

Dowling and his crony then ran through Sears with the hot Bieber in tow (as a Sears surveillance camera recorded their attempt to flee). But, cops noted, “The Assistant Manager of F.Y.E. gave chase and caught up with them and retrieved the cutout and told them to return with her to the store.”

Dowling and his sidekick instead “both fled the area,” though they were later apprehended by mall security “hiding behind bushes on the exterior of the Mall.”

In a post-arrest statement, Dowling told cops, “We were just having fun holding Justin Bieber hostage.”

David Dowling

Pictured in the mug shot at left, Dowling was busted on a misdemeanor count for allegedly pinching the $34.99 Bieber cutout. The name of Dowling’s cohort, who was also arrested, was redacted from the sheriff’s report, likely because he/she is a minor.

Jailed in lieu of $120 bond, Dowling remained in custody this morning at the county lockup.


jasmine villegas kissing justin bieber

Jasmine Villegas — the 17-year-old singer who sucked face with Justin Bieber in the back of a Honda last year (below) — just obtained a restraining order against an obsessed 33-year-old man who allegedly offered to pay someone $5,000 to kill her.

A judge in L.A. County Superior Court issued the temporary order on Tuesday, requiring Steven Cintron to stay 100 yards away from Jasmine and her family until a hearing later this month.

According to the docs, Cintron sent Jasmine THOUSANDS of messages from 2009-2011 — including 75 YouTube videos — and in one particularly disturbing clip … he offered $5,000 to anyone who would kill her.

But that’s just the beginning — Jasmine claims, “In a couple of the videos, he has appeared holding deadly weapons, i.e. a gun, machete knives stating that he was going to find me, rape me, and kill me.”

According to Jasmine, Cintron also sent her a Twitter message along with a schedule of her performances, writing, “You’re dead Jasmine. I swear to God I’m going to kill you. I will blow your f**king head off bitch.”

Jasmine — who also starred in Bieber’s “Baby” video — claims Steven has also threatened to kill her mom, her current boyfriend, and her little brother … and the singer has been living in constant “panic mode.”

Shocker … the restraining order also blocks Cintron from contacting Jasmine on the Internet, and posting any more YouTube videos about her.



Justin Bieber fans, take note: this replica of the tween heartthrob’s head, from precious metal company 1st Bullion, is worth $1.023 million at the current price of gold.

His shiny hair alone is worth $250,000, the company said.

The sculpture took 10 people 10 weeks to create; they started by molding Bieber’s pate out of clay and creating a mold, which was then filled with molten gold.

Given the way gold prices are going, the sculpture could continue to increase in value long after Bieber’s fame has fizzled.


justin bieber perfume funny

Pictures from today’s Someday launch at Macy’s here.

Justin Bieber took over Herald Square in Manhattan on Thursday (June 23) as he greeted fans at a Macy’s event for his women’s fragrance, Someday. A legion of dedicated Beliebers lined up outside and gathered at the famed department store hoping to catch even a glimpse of the star.

When MTV News caught up with the Biebs, he told us how much he appreciated his fans’ overwhelming enthusiasm. [continue reading…]

justinbiebermacy’s 2011

WTF? I was stressing out big time wondering what the hell happened outside Macy’s. I couldn’t believe an old man attacked him and knocked him to the ground. If that wasn’t enough now I found out it was all a misunderstanding and that the 40 year old man was really an undercover cop. Talk about bizarre…

A member of Justin Bieber’s personal security team was cited for disorderly conduct today after the singer had a frightening run-in with an undercover cop in NYC … but it was all one MAJOR misunderstanding.

Bieber was signing autographs outside of Macy’s when the crowd became unruly … and a plainclothes police officer rushed to help the singer.

Problem is — Bieber didn’t know the guy was a cop — so when the cop got close to Justin … Bieber got defensive thinking he was a crazy fan. A member of Bieber’s security team immediately grabbed the cop and tried to pull him away.

The cop quickly identified himself — and cited the security team member for disorderly conduct.

But this story has a happy ending … sources connected to the situation tell us both sides straightened everything out — and Bieber is still signing autographs inside the department store.


It was reported that “the man was hustling to protect Justin from a surging crowd and then disobeyed orders from police who didn’t know he was part of the Bieber team.” Huh? So was he an undercover cop or part of Justin’s team? So many unanswered questions.

justin bieber car

Justin Bieber was left stranded on the side of the road in downtown Los Angeles today when the battery died on the crazy ride he was driving around in.

We’re told Bieber was chilling with Rob Dyrdek at his Fantasy Factory, when he decided to take one of the cars out for a spin.

The cool ride didn’t last long — the battery died and Justin had to call back to the factory to have a replacement one brought out to him. We’re told Justin didn’t have to wait too long for help to arrive.

The Biebs does not like to be kept waiting.