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Everybody know that Justin Bieber 3D Movie is coming out Next yeart. But for those who can´t wait to see Sexy Bieber in 3D here is the 3D version of Somebody To Love i specialy made for Biebs and all the fans. To watch you need that old fashion 3d glasses blue and red. Here is the link to the video: http://www.twitvid.com/NFF69

It´s AWESOME and all the fans are enjoying it…so i would love if you could promote it too, or just post on your page!!!

If you wanna follow me on twitter to get more JB 3D videos this is the link: www.twitter.com/JB_XTREME

Thanks Natasha for submitting the video.

I checked it out myself but I only have those new 3D glasses and not the old blue and red ones so I don’t know how it looks. She did say that she tried uploading it to Youtube which would have been better quality but Youtube rejected it due to copyright reasons.

If any of you have the blue and red glasses please check it out and let Natasha and the rest of us know what you think. Thanks.

Camryn is an 11 year old aspiring musician from Los Angeles. She made this video because….
well she loves Justin Bieber! Duh! She said it took her a long time to do this video and I believe it.
All your efforts did not go to waste as rocked it. The video is awesome. The song
is great. And so are the lyrics. Thanks for sharing your music video with us Camryn! <3

Camryn has her own website: CamrynMusic.com

Atlanta Aug 9,2010

Justin Bieber’s Sexy Moves