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Director’s ‘fan cut’ of Justin Bieber movie includes new footage

Just in: Justin Bieber movie news!

Paramount’s Insurge Pictures today announced plans to release a special Justin Bieber: Never Say Never Director’s Fan Cut, a revamped version of the star’s movie, for an exclusive one-week run beginning Friday in 3D theaters across the U.S. and Canada.

Director Jon M. Chu and the studio began to develop an idea for a second, and more fan-centric, edition of the movie, while the first one was being made. “I realized I had an embarrassment of riches when I was I in the cutting room,” said Chu in a release.

He then spent dozens of hours on Twitter and Facebook engaging with fans to learn more about what they were most anxious to see. Some scenes contained in the new cut include: more of Justin’s friends and hometown life, new songs and performances, and special footage shot at premieres across the country.

The new fan cut will have a running time of 115 minutes.

Source: USA Today

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  • India rose thomasson

    I just loved the movie so much i watch it everyday ijust cant get enough..