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New JB contest for US fans only. Win the teddy bear in the picture that Justin kissed and signed by writing a song or a poem dedicated to Justin, along with your first and last name, age, address, phone number, and email address to: tips@j14.com by March 22, 2010.


For more info, pick up the March issue of J-14 on newsstands now and click here for official rules!


OMG Justin’s got such a nice round bum.


Justin Bieber Dutch Interview

Justin Bieber

CANADA vs USA in the GOLD MEDAL GAME FOR HOCKEY!!! GOING TO BE EPIC- CANADA ALL THE WAY!! Sorry US, but Im a Canadian and proud (Justin on Twitter) 

I’m from Vancouver, Canada where the Winter Olympics is being held right now and you have no idea how crazy Olympic fever is in this country. You can even tell that Justin has been watching and rooting for Canada. We’ve already won 13 gold metals! Now it’s gonna come down to the big one. If Canada beats the US tomorrow in men’s hockey then it’s gonna get crazy in this city. KRAZY!

And you know Justin will tweet about it. Ahhhh, I’m so proud that Justin is Canadian and that he’s proud to be a Canadian. Go Canada!! (click here for pictures)