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Everyone knows Justin is hugely talented but it takes a well organized marketing plan to make him this huge this fast. The following is a long article but definately a must read. 

image from www.bsckids.comJustin Bieber mania has arrived.  With the release of his new album, My World 2.0, and a sure thing #1 debut, many people are wondering how it happened.  Teen phenomenons can certainly happen fast, but rarely without the help of a Disney show in recent years.  By my rough calculations, after the first week sales of his new album are accounted for, Justin will havegrossed approximately $15 million in total recorded music sales, not including ringtones, streaming revenue, T-shirts or posters in less than 9 months.  And that’s just in the United States.  For a music business in “trouble” and an artist aimed clearly at teenagers and below, this is a success, especially because the train is really just leaving the station.

So the question is, how did this become so successful so quickly?  There’s been plenty of other artists who have been released in the same timeframe that can’t count this level of success in this short of a period.  What made it work?  There are a lot of specific elements in each song which I’ll detail shortly, but readers of Futurehit.DNA know the answer lies in Chapter 7 of the book.

Look at this time frame of songs being released:

  • APRIL 2009 – Release of “One Time” single
  • JULY 2009 – Release of “One Time” video
  • AUGUST 2009 – Release of “Favorite Girl” YouTube Video w/Taylor Swift
  • OCTOBER 2009 – Release of “One Less Lonely Girl” single + video
  • NOVEMBER 2009 – Release of My World 8-song Album
  • JANUARY 2010 – Release of “Baby” single
  • FEBRUARY 2010 – Release of “Baby” video
  • MARCH 2010 – Release of My World 2.0 Album
Did you get all that?  In a world where many people are in the game of milking singles for all they’re worth, Justin just kept releasing content.  A new official video has been released every 3 months.  Two album releases.  18 total tracks have come out.  All within 9 months.  Considering that most artists are at a pace that’s nearly twice that, it’s not surprising that Justin runs rings around them.
And this all occurred by focusing on the fan and constantly feeding them content rather than just chart positions.  The first two singles didn’t crack the Top 15 on the Billboard Hot 100.  And Justin’s biggest hit, “Baby”, reached #3.  Meanwhile, #1 songs are regularly engaging in much less commerce.

And Justin’s songs regularly engage in a Futurehit.DNA formula to engage his young audience:

SHORT INTROS (Chapter 1)
image from farm3.static.flickr.com“One Time” has a 7 second intro.  “One Less Lonely Girl” has no intro.  “Baby” has a positively long 14 second intro.  Yet both “One Time” and “Baby” make use of Justin utilizing an “ay” and “woah”  vocal during the intro.  Since Justin has a young higher pitched male voice, one could make the argument that he is creating a distinctive vocal right from the get-go so you know who’s singing.
LONGER SONGS (Chapter 2)
Justin Bieber’s songs are hardly epic with lengths of the singles ranging from 3:30 to 3:50.  However, considering that Ke$ha’s big hits don’t even reach 3:30, he’s definitely competitive in his category.  Regarding length, Justin’s songs actually fall right into the range of the majority of Top 100 songs at the moment.
There’s not a lot of chord changes going on in Bieber’s hits. However, he puts the dramatic changes where it counts.  I often talk about the need to change things up around the two minute mark, and Bieber does this regularly.  In “One Time”, the song drops all instruments except drums giving Justin a moment to sing acapella, which given his talent is very distinct.  In “One Less Lonely Girl”, a very distinct key change occurs.  And in “Baby”, there is a significant drop out towards the end of the 2nd verse that’s attention grabbing that then leads into the Ludacris verse.  Nothing earth-shattering, per se, but all effective in engaging the listener at a time that counts.
REPETITION (Chapter 10)
If there’s anything that occurs in Bieber’s songs, it’s repetition.   
And to hit the teen and tween market, it’s almost too obvious that this technique would be utilized.  The title of “One Time” is repeated 32 times in the song, with the word “one” used an additional 17 times.  A long song title doesn’t prevent “One Less Lonely Girl”  being repeated 39 times.  For “Baby”, they probably went for the world record with 55 mentions of the title.  Within the rest of the songs, there are numerous other instances of repetition to just add to the effectiveness of repetition.
Again, all of these elements and more contribute to the phenomenal success of Justin Bieber.  Towering above them all, however, is the super serving of the audience thru constant releases.  This is an element that can occur on any scale with any style of artist.  The more you keep momentum within your audience and the more you keep them engaged, the more likely you will succeed.  If more artists followed this formula, a $15 million US gross for recorded music would be a more regular occurrence.

Here are 30 things we learned about Justin Bieber in the 30-minute “Diary of Justin Bieber” special on MTV. It chronicles his time in France, including a possible broken arm from some pushy French fans.

  • Bieber loves French girls (but not because of their boobs).
  • Bieber is on a mission to thank all his fans who have made his incredible ride a reality.
  • Being only 16 years old, Bieb has to take time to do school every day.
  • His subjects are algebra, history, and biology, but he takes time to learn about places he travels to, like studying the Arc de Triomphe while in Paris.
  • J-Bieb likes to smell pizza. Like physically sniff a slice.
  • The spry little fella can hurdle a street pylon.
  • He doesn’t watch anything but R-rated movies.
  • Bieb can make a half-court basketball shot.
  • Kenny the security guard wakes Justin up in the morning.
  • Bieber sleeps in a white shirt and white shorts.
  • That awesome hair of his just gets blow-dried and then magically falls forward like that.
  • When jumping on a bed, Bieber actually looks like he is only 12 years of age.
  • Bieber actually knows some French. WE suspect it’s because he’s from Canada.
  • But he reveals that it’s also because it’s his grandparents’ first language, which is perhaps an extension of the being-from-Canada thing, but cool nonetheless.
  • Justin has a team of guys working around him who beat on him like a little brother.
  • Bieb can hold his own though, especially since he kicks his marketing manager Mike in the crotch (by accident).
  • Bieber’s mom Pattie looks like he’s 25 and a French radio host calls her a MILF.
  • Bieber can be a little punk just like any other teenager.  When he jokes that his tutor should get back in her cage and his mom tells him to apologize and he won’t.
  • Justin took the time to sing for the crowd outside his gig who couldn’t get in.
  • Bieb doesn’t respond well to Europe’s lack of air conditioning, but he soldiers on signing autographs in a crowded mall anyway.
  • There are so many crying girls, which befuddles both us and the Bieb.
  • If you push Justin Bieber around, he’ll stop signing autographs. But he will perform anyway because that’s how he rolls.
  • He prays before he performs.
  • The sea of camera phones and video cameras during a live concert are this generation’s lighters.
  • Bieber makes up for kicking his marketing manager Mike in the crotch by letting him come onstage and play the guitar. That seems like a good trade-off.
  • Bieb’s got some basketball moves, especially for a little guy.
  • Bieb’s best friend is Ryan from back home in Canada. Ryan is a little further on the road to puberty than Justin.
  • According to the security guys, Bieb says his fans are his “spinach.”
  • Bieb denies ever saying that.
  • He finishes by saying, “Not too long ago I was just posting videos on YouTube for my family and friends. This has been an incredible experience, an incredible journey. It’s weird to think that this is only the beginning.”

Check out this video of the bonus footage from Bieber’s “Diary” session:



OMG, look at Gather.com‘s reaction to Miley Cyrus saying publicly that she is not a fan of Justin Bieber:


Miley Cyrus has a big mouth. Seriously. Have you seen that thing? Big mouth and big chompers.

Apparently, such attributes have led to many unbecoming things about fellow musicians and the like coming out of it recently, and Justin Bieber is the latest victim of her need to express her opinions. When asked about the big-time teen and tween sensation, she didn’t hold back, according to Celebuzz:

“I’m not necessarily a fan. I don’t listen to that kind of music. I like Kurt Cobain. [He] is like my dream boyfriend.”

Interesting choice of boyfriends considering the guy was so angst-ridden that he took his own life. Also, does anyone actually believe she sits around listening Nirvana albums all day? Smells like teen fiction to me.

Before this latest bomb drop, she spouted off about the evils of the internet (when, in fact, she was the one who didn’t know how to refrain from over-sharing), country music, her dislike forTwilight, and the worst offense of all? Thom Yorke of Radiohead wouldn’t do a meet-and-greet with her at the Grammys, and she was so devastated, she vowed to “ruin them.” Someone needs to seriously get this woman a big plate of shut-the-eff-up. On the other hand, at least she doesn’t say “No comment.” You gotta give her that.

Maybe they’re being a bit too harsh but I do agree with what is being said about Miley. We all know that she’s not one to hold back (Demi? Selene? Are you there?).

Everyone can have different tastes but when you are a public figure and you know a camera is on you you should not say you are not a fan of someone’s music. It’s a bit rude right?

I bet you she is lying. hehe. I bet you she does like JB’s music. How could you not??? She just wants to get back at him for the jabs he through at her recently. I mean she did also say publicly that she never heard any of Jay’s music. Now come on. Are we supposed to believe that? I certainly don’t.

(Click here to see the video)


I was watching some tv and found this bit of JB news by accident 🙂  Justin is scheduled to perform on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno on Thursday April 1, 2010.

And for those of you in the USA, make sure to catch “The Diary of Justin Bieber” on MTV tonight at 7:30 Eastern Time. (Everyone in Canada has to wait until April 7th to watch this on MTV Canada.)