This post took forever to put together but I hope you guys like it.
Something went down on Twitter yesterday evening. Apparently a hater of Caitlin (no her name is not too subtle) kept spamming Chaz too get his attention. Well it sure got his attention alright and JBShrine was caught in the middle of it.
Below was the online fight between the 2. Chaz’s tweets are in orange:
@ChazSom3rs dont you just hate caitlin ….. !x
@ChazSom3rs dont you just hate caitlin ….. !x
@ChazSom3rs dont you just hate caitlin ….. !x
@ChazSom3rs dont you just hate caitlin ….. !x@HATECAITLINFANS if i believed half the stories i heard about anyone i would have been to @justinBieber s Funeral more than once…
@ChazSom3rs well i just read storys and that puts me off wanting to know her
@HATECAITLINFANS you dont know her and i do i think im gonna know what shes like alot more than you
@ChazSom3rs have you read half the storys that go around about caitlin i know justin has a girlfriend i seen photo of them kissing in a car
@ChazSom3rs well if your reading stuff about them then seeing photos of them kissing then unles someone has edited the photos to make up (C)
@chazsom3rs shit then i belive it , why would someone waste time making photos of them kissing ? it is point less he lies about having (c)
@chazsom3rs a girlfriend and all us bieber fans has seen the photos of them kissing ! they might as well just say it , its not like we (C)
@chazsom3rs have a chance with justin ,
@HATECAITLINFANS u saw a picture of justin kissing jasmine andu hate caitlin… u are soo dumb… u are really dumb, forreal
@ChazSom3rs i know it was jasmine in not on about that photo im on about photos on bebo like my photos i got it of a fake caitlin bebo (C)
@chazsom3rs i dont hate jasmine she is amazing naaah i dont like her , she uses justin for fame noone knew who she was until justin
@HATECAITLINFANS r u saying that everyone is using justin and he should just not talk to ppl bc there using him… not everyones as low as u
@ChazSom3rs im not dumb i have straight A , ! anyways
@ChazSom3rs people are telling you lies , i dont like caitlin cause she said i was sending her death threats when all i said was die
@HATECAITLINFANS ppl are telling me lies… i KNOW her u HEAR about her… and ill bet u dont have straight A’s
@ChazSom3rs im not low im very high , i used to like caitlin and jasmine until someone sent me a link about pattie saying that jasmine (c)
@chazsom3rs was using justin for fame!
@ChazSom3rs i just read tweets people were tweeting you saying that im jealous of caitlin im not i would not want to be her look at whta (C)
@ChazSom3rs she has been through i could not handle that tbh ! i would hate to be caitlin
@HATECAITLINFANS yeah she went through alot and she still gets ppl like u that wont shut there mouths… so i suggest you shut your mouth ha
@HATECAITLINFANS lets see this link….
@ChazSom3rs , now tell me i have no reason to hate them
@ChazSom3rs well it hard to shut my mouth i like to talk ,
@HATECAITLINFANS Anyone can quote ppl,it blows my mind that i just wasted all this time talking to somone as attention starved and dumb as u
@ChazSom3rs oh aint you cool justin bieber wee friend here it not my problem caitlin cant fight her own battles ! she always need someone
@HATECAITLINFANS ur embarrassing urself
@ChazSom3rs im not embarrassing myself i dont get embarrassed very easy and i find this funny how you need to get in this about caitlin (C)
@chazsom3rs everyone told she could not fight her own battles now i know ! me and @hatecaitlinbead is having the time of our life hating her
@HATECAITLINFANS u dont like some1 you dont know for no legit reason.. i dont even have to stand up for Caitlin ur makin urself sound dumb
@ChazSom3rs well chaz i can hate who ever in the world i want like @hatecaitlinbead @caitlin_hate_
@hateoncaitlinb we all hate caitlin
@chazsom3rs i understand you love caitlin so much but c’mon read @hatecaitlinb tweets !
@HATECAITLINFANS u know what your having fun… keep doing it im not gonna waste my time with you.. nighty night
@chazsom3rs she has been tweeting you something that you could find interesting ! hahaha you call me dumb have you seen your self ?
*Sniff* *Sniff* anyone else smell jealousy? @HATECAITLINFANS is reeking of it…
@ChazSom3rs your getting angry now ? aren’t you getting fucking angry now !
Goodness. Some people just have so much hate. You know what’s the best part of this conversation? When Chaz called her low and she said “im not low im very high“. Classic.
And it does seem like Chaz was pretty roused up by this Caitlin hater no?. I wonder if there could be something there?
Anyways here’s a picture of them two having some fun in the pool. Caitlin is on Chaz on the left.

And guess what? They also have that damn matching bracelets thing again.
btw hi Chaz!!
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I love you so much we have a child together!!!!!!!!!!!
jk jk jk,I did this about one of my friends sorry Taylor it’s an inside joke
wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafffffffffffffaaaaaaaaaalouve jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj justin bierber
I agree with Chaz. If you hate someone doesnf matter if its caitlin or whoever if you live to hate them well @hatecaitlinfans you must be a loser who has no life but to hate hate. GET A LIFE!
أنا امووووووووووووت في شيء اسمه جااااستن بيبر واعشقه وهدى البنت الشقره تلبقلو وانا اعرف ايش اسمها بس ما ابغى اكتبه مو عشان ما ابغاكم تعرفوه لا مني فااااااايقه انا اموت فيك يا جستوني ما مزتي اعشقه
احبببببببببببببببببببك مووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووت جااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااستن بيبرررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررر
I agree with u chaz!!!!!
I agree with u chaz!!!!!
chazz is the only one thats right in this whole conversation. the other bitch needs to stop hating caitlin. i dont get the point of her hating caitlin if she was mostly talking about jasmine using justin. just cuz there might be a possibility of jasmine actually using jb which i doubt it, doesnt mean caitlin was doing the same. this girl is so dumb forreal!
heyy justin bieber how are you it is your ex gf
I agree with a chaz!! What a bitch! get ur ass out of the computer and get some life u stupid girl!
IKnow im late but..Wow and hahaaa!! I Agree w/ Chaz!!
“im not low, i’m very high” on what? crack? lol… I REALLLYY doubt that girl has straight a’s. And how could Caitlin be “using Justin for fame”?? she knew him before he was famous! this girl is so ignorant, she can’t believe everything she hears on the internet!!! i agree with Chaz. She made a total fool of herself! its ridiculous, jealous much?? hahah. and i’ve played that game that they are playing in the picture in the pool, its soo fun, the two guys usually hold two girls up and the girls try to push each other over into the water, hahaha good times, lol.
i agree with chaz he is relly making apoint
يا خبيبي جستون بيبور أنا أشتاق لك وأنا أن تعلم أحنيا لك عن كالم في حياتي فقط وأنا هندي بنت اختي يسر تقول لك يا جيستون بيبورعن كلم جميل . وأنا أحب تغني louve .me باي حبيبوك وقاء
i mean justin chneagd n we cnt do nethin gabout it so pleae stop making thse dumb vids well theere not dumb but there just sad as ssoon as he got it sel he cut his hair got piercings i mean wth
Im a Belieber. I think Chaz was being too nice with them. I dont hate Caitlin but they had no right to say that about her. Jasmine obviously wanted Justin for his fame. I dont get how it’s Caitlin getting the hate. Shahnaz Alamgir would have a good comeback coz she doesnt take shit. Caitlin doesnot deserve all those hate. They dont even KNOW her! Seriously people need to get the differences between hate,dislike,envy and jealousy into their thickskull. F*ck them haters! (if they can get someone to ‘want’ them) PROUD_BELIEBER_7
Hey Heather, these few pics look awsome and we cant wait to see the rest , you went above a bneyod with Steven and his friends and we thank you for that. You made it easy and fun for the boys and we will for sure be telling friends and family where to get great pics done ! Thanks again Steve
my husband is just snritatg out in this business on the side, wondering what types of info should be listed and how in an estimate for a repair job. is there a standard method to insure he gives the customer all of the proper info?
you should date me Chaz Somers your not that old!!!!
totally agree with chaz…………hatecaitlinfans u need to get a life!!!!!!u dont know caitlin so stop hating on jer ………..its reaallly not as funny as u seem to think ot is
Hi jb
Some people must live a crap life to say that much about one person .! Its obvious she’s downright jealous ! XD
* At least people like Chaz have got her back :D. LoveYah Chaz
Chaz is sooo damn hott!
Love, i.m.p.e.r.f.e.c.t me
Nokrajšíje zo Sell…:! :DD :))
Justin bieber I sweetheart hug kiss meet English Deaf talk like Alejandra Magana
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people shouldn’t judgeother people!
I Love Caitlin Beadles and Justin Bieber…
Can we just leave it at that and stop all the hating?
Yes well all know that Justin Bieber has changed. We can’t expect that Justin Bieber is going to be the cute 16 year old guy forever. There will be times when he is all grown up and his voice is deeper than usual. NO need to HATE on a 20 year old boy who is trying to live his life. You guys need to understand that HE IS A GOD DAMN HUMAN…We all make mistakes. No one is prefect. I feel so sorry for Justin Bieber because of all the HATE he is getting. He would not be like this if the haterz did not exists. I know I am so out of topic. But do I look like I give a crap? Hell No! As for the haterz out there… Shut the f*** up!