Justin wasn’t on hand tonight when he won 2 Kids Choice Awards. One for Favorite Male Singer and the other for Favorite Song for “Baby. As you all know he’s in Europe touring at the moment, Germany to be exact.
Selena Gomez also took home an award for Favorite TV Actress and Jaden Smith’s The Karate Kid took home Favorite Movie.
Favorite Movie: The Karate Kid
Favorite TV Show: iCarly
Favorite Movie Actor: Johnny Depp
Favorite Movie Actress: Miley Cyrus
Favorite TV Actor: Dylan Sprouse
Favorite TV Actress: Selena Gomez
Favorite Animated Movie: Despicable Me
Favorite Voice From an Animated Movie: Eddie Murphy
Favorite Butt Kicker: Jackie Chan, The Karate Kid
Favorite Song: “Baby” by Justin Bieber
Favorite Male Singer: Justin Bieber
Favorite Female Singer: Katy Perry
Favorite Music Group: Black Eyed Peas
Favorite Cartoon: Spongebob Squarepants
Favorite Book: Diary of a Wimpy Kid series
Favorite Video Game: Just Dance 2
Favorite Male Athlete: Shaquille O’Neal
Favorite Female Athlete: Lindsey Vonn
Funniest TV Sidekick: Jennette McCurdy
BTW, the article by Hollywood Life about Selena not thanking JB after her win is inappropriate and I have chosen to take it down. Read the comments below.
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Look, your site used to be my favorite JB site (my go-to). But now, honestly, the passive-aggressive Selena Gomez bashing is turning me off because it’s irrational and immature. I’m open to any negative -facts- about her, but honestly, now it just seems like you’re bitterly attacking her out of jealousy or protectiveness.
First, you say that she’s mentioning him whenever she can (flashing his picture on her phone in her commercial, putting the pillow next to the drums on Ellen) because she’s using him for publicity. Now, you’re bashing her for NOT mentioning his name. It looks like she just can’t do right. If she mentions him, she’s using him for publicity. If she doesn’t mention him, she doesn’t care about him.
Do you see how, no matter what, you’re just interpreting everything she does negatively?
If anything, her speech at the KCAs show she’s trying to keep their relationship on the low key.
Jordon you are right. This article shouldn’t have been posted here. This is what happens on weekends. There are NO NEWS! But instead of taking this down I will leave this post up so others can read our comments.
I don’t agree with Hollywood Life (I actually rarely do because they’re always so negative). I really shouldn’t have posted this. So to all you guys reading this know that I made a mistake.
That being said, the continuation of the Jelena relationship being fake article is still coming up.
Hey Daisy, I apologize if my earlier comment sounded rude. I just think it’s important that any negative claims about her should be supported with good evidence. So far, I don’t see any hard evidence that Selena is using him, but I’m interested in reading your upcoming post.
I remember being suspicious about Jasmine V because Pattie Mallette had reportedly warned Justin that “[he] should be careful with Jasmine because some girls might be out to use him for fame.” So far, I think Pattie likes Selena, so that’s why I think she’s most likely genuine about it.
Hey, I just thought this was interesting: I saw Pattie Mallette’s twitter today and she had congratulated Selena on her KCA. I think this says that she approves of Selena and Justin’s relationship, so, to me, that’s a sign for the good. Because if anyone’s going to be overly protective or suspicious of girls using Justin, it’s Pattie. Like when she thought Jasmine was fishy. So if Selena win’s her trust, it’s probably deserved.
It also seems that for major things (like the KCA), Selena purposefully avoids mentioning Justin to avoid jealousy from JB fans. Justin does the same (in his recent interview in Denmark, he was asked “What’s the best thing about your life right now?” and I’m sure he was thinking it, but he avoided mentioning his relationship).
Anyways, to me, it seems like they’re trying to keep their relationship as low key as possible to avoid angering JB’s fans, both for Selena’s sake and for Justin’s popularity’s sake. I think their Vanity Fair appearance was to “say that they’re together without explicitly saying it” (forget where I heard that, but I think that describes it perfectly)
Whew long post.
i think that the bieber fans are just blowing the whole jelena thing way out of proportion. they should just except the fact that he is in love with another girl and if they wanna make him happy they would just accept that and i would know this because i am a huge jb fan that has just had a reality check.
u go girl i hate when people bash other people because they like Justin. you can’t always take up for him he is not perfect nobody is we all make mistakes. don’t get me wrong i am a crazed belieber. but putting someone down to make someone else look good is worthless. u don’t have a chance with him not trying to say that i do but seriously. leave let them be. that’s why people( like me) want to be famous (for something) but don’t cause all the media does is tear relationships apart and bash on people making them feel worthless. don’t hate congratulate. peace out
where can i find the commercial of her showing his picture?
It was a post on this site maybe a week or two ago. I think it was titled “Selena and Justin’s relationship is fake.” and lists some possibly fishy things. There’s a link to the commercial in that post.
HAHAHAHA! at that picture, Selena (her face) looks like a little kid, like a little kid in kindergarden. xD
Did you guys not know that Justin knows Selena used him for publicity and that he broke up with her weeks ago? He said it in an interview that they are no longer dating. I can’t remember the interview, my friend posted it on facebook a while ago, when he first did the interview.
well if thats so true den why would they be sharing a amzing suite toghether and so on it hapened on 22 april on his world tour
Did you guys not know that Justin knows Selena used him for publicity and that he broke up with her weeks ago? He said it in an interview that they are no longer dating. I can’t remember the interview, my friend posted it on facebook a while ago, when he first did the interview. Also, @Jordan about Pattie liking Selena, She may like her, but in an interview on bieberarmy or bieberheiress insiders say that Pattie DOES NOT approve of their relationship and feels they are going to fast, as well as many people in Justin’s “crew”. She also mentions some examples; store full of flowers, shopping spree at Victioria’s Secret, diamond bracelet. Not to mention what Selena has given Justin.
This is just pathetic why does everything and maybe she’s just trying to avoid not thanking him cause of angry bieber fans to be honest i think beiber fans who hate her now for dating him are really pathetic and stupid come on now he’s not all that!
Son muy lindos los amo con el alma cuando vi la película me puse muy feliz por sus logros y muy triste porque estaba creciendo muy rápido y cada ves lo estamos perdiendo mas las fas mas pequeñas que alguna querian ser sus novias
i am jelouse but i also t hink he should b happy cuz if u dated him everyone would hate u ,u wouldnt want that would u noooo calm downnn gosh
hi I lov hinm
People, stop judging Justin, (:
Its all up to him if its fake or not,
even though immaaa crazy fan ofJustin,
i still am not jelous, or anything
they kinda look good together,
so dont judge a book by its cover, 😉
love your crazy fan, (:
I will insure you that their relationship will not last because most Hollywood relationships don’t last
exactly so before u know it they’ll be on someone else’s relationship don’t waste ur time being mad or wateva sooo not worth it
y@y justin and selna i both voted for u guys! !) hope justin gets back from his tour safely!!! hes lucky he gets to go to germany (its not that fair!)
CONGRATULATIONS JUSTIN BIEBER!!!! hope u have LOADS more to come love u lots 🙂 <3
I agree wit M&M and Jazzmine!! hmmmm
Me 2 , but M&M and Jazmine . . . but what if were wrong? They may last a really long time if you look at the pics that were taken of them on their way to St.Lucia . . . . you might agree buut idk ?
i ♥ adam!!!!! er ist so heiß!! aber ich sag nicht welchen adam ich meine sonst kriegt er mehr fans und dass ist nicht gul weil ich in ihn volle kanne verknallt bin!!! Deshalb will ich auch nicht dass der so berühmt wie miley cyrus oder so ist! also adam ich liebe dich!
ok i’m a really huge fan of Justin and i’m happy when he’s happy even if its cause he’s with Selena but idk about them. He’s like head over heels for her and in my opinion she’s just like ‘yeah i’m chillin with Biebs wow look at me’. i do think that she was trying to use him for publicity in the video where she showed the sticker on the back of the phone, like come on its obvious, as if you would hold your phone up like that to show the sticker to the camera. You guys don’t have to agree with me cause this is what i think. but the thing where she didn’t thank justin at the KCA’s, is it a big deal, like do you really have nothing better to talk about?!? Anyways kinda getting the message that she is using him but, you know thats just me and if she is using him well thats bad for her cause when it does come
official that she is well thats her bad not his. oh and another thing that makes it kinda obvious that she’s using him is because i’ve herd her mum pushes her to be like in the public eye a lot so she gets more publicity and stuff. Like she’s had SO many famous boyfriends and they only lasted like four months or however long they lasted! Anyways don’t criticise me because of my opinion, I just want whats better for Justin. ILOVEYOUJUSTIN<3
love Loren Bieber 😉
On the View Justin said his favorite book was Fledgling Jason Steed
Selena gomez is so not good enough for Justin Bieber for more then one reason she’s ugly looks like a chipmunk and she’s using him I used to like her untill she started dating Justin Bieber like the slut she is
so shes a slutt for just having a boyfriend? i think if youre a true fan of Justin, you would support him in everything he does. Im happy for him, and you should too
Whose favorite things are these? Im sorry I’m confused haha
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