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justin bieber’s car

Justin Bieber’s new car Cadillac is being suped up @ West Coast Customs

Wow. Justin bought a brand new car. I guess this must be his second car other than the Range Rover (which Usher did not buy for him – please get your story straight). I take it that Justin must have bought this Cadillac himself.

Well he’s getting it custom done up right now at West Coast Customs. The Caddy started off with red paint before WCC added their finishing all-black paint and crystal-blue LED headlights.

Below is a rendering of how JB’s Cadillac will look like when it is finished. He’s gonna look so hot driving this baby around.

Also read: Poor Justin Bieber failed his driving theory test

UPDATE: Justin Bieber’s Batmobile Cadillac pulled over by police

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  • Anonymous

    That is sweet!

    • Lil Wayne

      It dope an alll tha,b ut he aint got nothin on me nigga

      • hater

        aaaahhhh! Lil Wayne. I wanna have sex with him show bad


  • A fan

    Usher did buy him a car

  • Naomi

    He gets cars like dat cuz he’s a boss. ♥

  • Patricia

    Thats one sexy car. I can’t wait to see him driving it.

  • carly


    but not the black windows.. too sketchy hahaa

  • cookieface

    wow that guy is making big money and it’s a all black caddilac that car is so hot and blue headlights too this is alsome hopefully he’ll drive me to the candy shop and everywhere i wonna go and buy everything i want for me

  • Anon.

    Niiiiice. Surprised he didn’t get purple LED lights.

  • Haaii ;]

    OMG!!! I <3 that CAR!!!!! && I Love Justin Bieber! He's AWSOMEEEE!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3

  • cookieface

    why do i think about justin a lot i’m starting 7th grade tomorrow and can’t think about justin all the time it started out as watching “baby” liked his song
    downloaded like maybe 20 at least 10 and is having funny but wierd daydreams that i make up and hears his song a lot sometime one a day cleaning up or just shotting hoops by myself and make me think about serious relashionships and feel crazy cuz i let a song tell me who i like
    just because his songs make me think of people like “RIDE”

    1. do you think i have bieber fever or is it me?

    • Anonymous

      Ugpt it bad

    • Anonymous

      call a shrink

  • ellie

    wait who is justin bieber dating? oh and what is his real email.

  • Anonymous

    gaudy. just as expected.

  • Anonymous

    nice car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and by the way yes usher did buy him a car-it was his 16th birthday present so yahh! anyway love the car!!!!!!!!!!

  • emely


  • koko

    Waste of money

    • Anonymous

      no it is not at least he has money!

  • molly

    what a hottie he’s gonna be driving down the street in that AWESOME car 😉


  • Anonymous

    you are so sexey

  • katie

    i love u sooooooooo much and i love ur car so much tack me in it piz