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Justin Bieber hot muscles coming soon!!

Justin is growing up so fast. In less than 2 weeks he’ll be turning 18 and yesterday he revealed that he has been working out really hard to build sexy muscles. He tweeted:

worked out with the new trainer this morning. Hard work. We got goals. Gonna go hard

hot justin bieber muscles working out 2012

Justin Bieber hot muscles coming soon!!

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  • Patricia

    Me gusta! 🙂 xxx

    • Michael

      Mui Caliente!

  • johail

    damn!!! why is he so hot?! nice BOD justin 🙂

  • Patricia

    God I can’t wait for him to finally turn 18. Its gonna be the best day of my life 🙂

    • dnt u touch him hes got selena so dont i like thoes 2 they r a
      good sort. sory about dat but i dont want them 2 break up.
      so do you get it sunk into ur head patricia

  • JB all the way

    Can’t u just say hot???

  • JB all the way

    Can u say hoT?
    Cuz I can

  • i love you so much you are so hot .i would love to met u

  • He has a nice body

  • beyourownpersontrick

    what the f***,. how is this sexy? hes at a f-ing beach wearing a beanie… and no shirt. what is up with the beanie lol….. and he thinks he’s attractive with his pants at his ankles… he’ll be 18 in 2 weeks? the older he gets, the more he looks like a lesbian 🙂


  • Anonymous

    Damn nice muscles Justin plus i wish i was licking alll of that sexy chest and mmmmm yur so hotttt when you sag!!!

  • sonia almaraz

    DAMN!!!!! your fine as HELL!!!!!

  • he is SEXY and he know it…

  • fitty fit fit <

  • Emmie

    He allready had hot muscles XD

  • he is mine every1 and hes so cute 4 me. sory every1 but no exeption.

  • Anonymous

    Hiii dear”Ilove u

  • sophie thomas

    justien bieber why are you so god dammm hot 🙂 xxx